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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. That simply is not true.They may well have had to reduce grossly overt references to their preferred sexual practices, some of which are disgusting to most, and should remain private, but that applies to us all,
  2. To err is a normal human characteristic, unless one is woke of course, they can never be wrong (or so they think)
  3. So as it really only ( allegedly) benefits those who agree to receive it, and does not prevent transmission the above sounds like a positive, The so called "stupid" people are actually doing the "more intelligent socially conscious" a big favour. They are not selfish they are making the ultimate sacrifice for the benefit of mankind. Three friends all vaxxed within weeks of each other (pfizer) and now each one diagnosed with bowel cancer within weeks of each other. What a coincidence eh?
  4. apologies for the mis quote it was indeed a quote from Mr Not so smart
  5. absolutely correct, and those tossers who she made famous Radcliffe, the ginger whinger, and that awful girl who's name I have also unsurprisingly forgotten should STFU and return their equity cards and disappear quietly, their opinions are worth nothing and they will soon be forgotten, like Ben Elton, Jo Brand, and Billy Brag
  6. femmephobia ? have you just made that word up? some companies prefer to hire whites, some prefer to hire blacks, of course you have no issues with the latter
  7. there are also thousands of people affected by plethora of genetic and chromosomal issues but we never here much about them despite them being part of nature, neither are there multi million pound "opportunities" set up for them ostensibly to support them (but used to enrich the more unscrupulous lefties in reality.)
  8. beats me why anybody would consider buying weed from a UK chav in thailand
  9. but the issue is not "possession for recreational use" the issue is "possession with intent to supply", without possessing the correct paperwork
  10. it will never be stopped whatever they do. Even the death penalty is little deterrent (in case you had not noticed)
  11. truly shocking, a national disgrace
  12. In my country the vietnamese are too busy running cannabis farms and many of those with names like Mohammed are vert often to be found dealing in Heroin amongst other things, and often to underage white girls I wonder what sort of outraged virtue signalling response you will choose in response to my post?
  13. A drug related death at a festival is hardly remarkable , It takes more than two to suggest a pattern it could easily be a coincidence, three would be the minimum required to suggest anything more
  14. Well a perfectly simple innocent and honest question received a perfect answer (as usual) from @BritManToo and then another slightly more technical response which was also gratefully received from @SamuiGrower Exactly what this forum was intended for Thanks for the information guys, And then there was the third response By the end of the first line he was "lmao" The second line ws nothing other than derogatory and antagonistic and the third line was probably about as condescending as he could manage. All of it was completely off topic. Personally I can't think what would motivate anybody to post a comment like that other than a very feeble attempt at trolling, What do other members think?
  15. personally I couldn't care less about the two who died, or the effect on tourism, and neither could anybody else on here if they wren to be honest
  16. Nothing to do with "mafia" just a few out of control french arab thugs
  17. So in effect the only racism in the OP was the tarnishing of the reputation of the entire french population due to the behaviour of a few "french" arabs This outrageous racism could easily have been avoided if the journalist responsible had reported the full details and the true nature of those involved No arguing with that is there?
  18. only if you consider it racist to criticise a group of (non white) people for extremely bad behaviour whilst mentioning their ethnicity,for clarity, so no its not "racism day" . But then again people like you see racism everywhere don't you? and if you can't see any , it upsets you so much that you have to invent some to virtue signal and whinge about. Sad
  19. Well not me for sure, but then again I have never claimed to be a fan of DEI. If I was that "woke", Surely it would be hypocritical to decline such an offer
  20. thanks for confirming that. I read somewhere that a huge amount of ornamental bamboo originates from the same "mother" and a whole lot of people in the UK where whinging that their costly yet new and ostensibly young plants had unexpectedly died (of old age basically)
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