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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. but they don't generally keep it in sacks in rat infested warehouses
  2. Not only that, alcohol has not been the subject of a 100 years long targeted hate campaign , courtesy of the good old USA. even though the propaganda was based on misinformation and at times laughable it has still stuck in the minds of some people (as can readily be seen on this forum. The title of the OP is a bit misleading there are restrictions on alcohol , I believe its not available for sale tomorrow (Buddha day or similar?) That's why the anti cannabis brigade have been a bit quiet today, they are all out stocking up, at least they will be when they have read this if they didn't already know
  3. producing alcohol is hardly rocket science, we did it at school as a chemistry project when we were about 12 years old
  4. Act of god ? certainly not a tragedy by any stretch of the imagination
  5. totally agree and its pretty much all I watch if i'm in the UK. The only thing I find annoying are the token lefties they are obliged to give airtime to in order to appease the woke ofcom regs. listening to them trying to argue that black is white can actually be rather painful and sometimes I actually feel embarrassed for them, that benjamin butterworth character is probably the worst of them all. From the smug smirk on his face its obvious even he does not believe some of the rubbish he comes out with
  6. disagree all you like, but with a 97% conviction rate he is not far short of the mark,
  7. So alcohol is no problem then ? and having gender issues, (and puberty blockers) literally forced down their throats ? , or men dressed as ugly women reading them stories is just fine i suppose.? And what about unrestricted access to the internet? would you ban smartphones and computers for everybody too? Not to mention adult content on the TV ? or even the evening news? Lets just ban everything for the sake of "the children" What part of "not to be sold to those under 20 years of age " are you having trouble understanding? its not rocket science and seems clear enough to me. But I do agree with keeping kids well away from "progressives" especially the "progressive liberals"
  8. is it necessary to even think about investigating, after a pathetic 547 people complained. Further research into the nature complainers would however explain a lot, many will not have even seen the programme, ever
  9. GB news should be allowed to broadcast without any hindrance at all , If only to compensate for the left wing dribble drip fed to us daily by all the other openly left wing members of the media . Apparently the BBC are trusted to monitor themselves, what could possibly be the result of that ?
  10. brings to mind the atrocious episode of question time in which the leader of the BNP Nick Griffin was subjected to an hour of abuse by hand picked left wing activists, as it turned out he handled himself pretty well under the circumstances and it backfired on the BBC who where actually widely criticised. A clear case of shooting themselves in the (left) foot Free speech is very low on the lefty's list of priorities, and there is a lot they don't want people to know about
  11. channel 4 deserves further scrutiny too but it will never happen. Ofcom is staffed by the wokest of the woke and as such is not fit for purpose
  12. Compared to the BBC standard model where members of the audience are hand picked for their political views and quickly silenced when they ask the "wrong " questions. Sunak was not given a free platform to promote himself or his policies, he was actually royally roasted by the audience. It needs to be understood that there are people watching the channel for no other reason than to find something to complain about however obscure, and when they do latch on to something, they spread it all over social media along with a link informing others where they can register their complaint, whether they actually saw it or not is irrelevant. In some cases they complain even before the programme has been broadcast Its a targeted campaign by leftys who just cant abide people getting access to the truth which is invariably unpalatable to their left wing sensitivities
  13. Seems to be perfectly acceptable behaviour for some on here , especially when the victim is British. It seems that its perfectly possible in these circumstances to behave in a racist manner without being accused of , or considering ones self to be racist, Had the victim been a member of one of the UK's increasingly "diverse communities" many would refrain from the victim blaming comments, unfortunately for the victim he is a white british male who was not explicitly described as the member of an alphabet group . So he's fair game, had he been black and gay it would of course be completely different
  14. didn't think the safety of locals was an issue there
  15. He may not have known it was a dangerous area, its not exactly mentioned as such in any TAT brochures, and not all here are seasoned veterans or bother with this forum. Where does it state he was acting like an idiot ?
  16. And not just in Thailand, There are countless examples of the failings of public polls especially those regarding controversial subjects. Nobody expected brexit did they? and i could easily conduct a similar poll that would demonstrate the majority of britons are in favour of sharia law
  17. I don't see how pointing out a few basic facts regarding cannabis use could be considered "selfish," But restricting others enjoyment purely because of your own personal views could easily be considered so
  18. That would be the reason for the "not for sale to those under 20 years of age" regulation Your constant reference to kids, as pointed out by another member, really is a bit creepy.
  19. So the Thais mind's are "mush" what an insulting comment by any standards,
  20. Creepy indeed. but it seems to be the standard goto argument for many. They feel it gives them some sort of moral high ground which cannot be disputed. Mention a potential vulnerable victim and nothing more need be said. An age limit for alcohol is considered, by those who drink it and even those who don't , to be perfectly appropriate measure, sufficient to protect the youth, whilst allowing adults to indulge. Yet when it comes to cannabis the same people start clutching their pearls, and nothing short of an outright ban accompanied by draconian punishments will suffice, A perfect example of double standards as a result of ignorance an fear The current law is clear enough, not for sale to those under 20, and if there really are millions of underage users, where are all the news reports?
  21. And where are the hysterical outraged "netizens" with their evangelical concern for the tarnished image of Thailand? All conspicuously silent as is usual following incidents like this. But walk naked or drive a car on the beach and the outcry is deafening
  22. and in your considered opinion, that is the reason and justification for this attack?
  23. Would you extend similar "sympathies" to a woman if sexually assaulted or raped at 4:40am. Afterall she would obviously have been "asking for it"
  24. A young guy probably enjoying himself prior to being attacked. Not everybody has resigned themselves to being a member of the pipe and slippers brigade
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