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Everything posted by VBF

  1. And you'd know where to go if you had Saturday Night Fever
  2. Usually a stabbing sensation between the shoulder blades. Of course that's only when her husband finds out! ????
  3. Having spent the last 2 months in Pattaya, I observed that the only place I was REQUIRED to wear a mask was in the SCB branch at Klang. Other places, and indeed in other banks mask wearing was optional.
  4. I looked for it, but sadly, it's folded ????
  5. So she is a w*nker after all! Always suspected it ????
  6. Courtesy Jim Davidson, circa 1980?
  7. Because on a motorbike one is VULNERABLE to bigger vehicles however good a rider one might be.
  8. I wouldn't say that's always true. I phoned my GP for an appointment at 8 AM last Monday - got to see him at 10:15 - he sent me to the local hospital for X Ray and I was walking out of there at 12:45. To be fair I do now need to wait for another 3 weeks for a scan but mine is NOT an emergency case. Sadly, the Government whilst wasting money all over the place, doesn't see fit to pay the NHS staff what they deserve hence the lack of people and facilities. But that's here.
  9. He didn't - he accused him of being surly ????
  10. Actually you're incorrect. I made a note for next time and Question 11 said: 11 Applicant is required to upload document that can verify his/her current residency. So, in theory a passport wouldn't show CURRENT residency - i.e., when I, a Brit, lived in USA, I would have had to apply to a US Embassy or Consulate. In that case my British Passport wouldn't have shown my CURRENT residency but my US driving licence or utility bill would. Hence the ambiguity.
  11. You're probably right, but in fact the very question on the application website is ambiguous. They're actually asking you to show where you presently live. It gave me cause for thought when I did mine, hence my earlier response. That's presumably why the OP asked, and why several of us (me included) have given different but hopefully helpful answers. The bottom line is that there are several different documents that will be accepted so all the answers are right in this context. Actually what @HauptmannUK said "Basically some kind of bill/official document with your UK address on it. I used my driving licence." seems to cover it best of all!
  12. Which is why, as i said above, I think the scheme will be quietly dropped. Its somewhat typical of Thailand to announce a scheme, and only then start to think it through, eventually realising it's impracticality. A little like the proposed change to entry requirements (Certificates and Insurance) mooted in January this year which were then abandoned. That one caused a few people problems....this one is just a few quid on a ticket Dare I say.....TIT! ????
  13. In January, I sent a PDF of my Council Tax statement - did the trick
  14. Actually, i predict that it'll get quietly dropped with the current postponement simply to "save face" Of course it'll probably be followed by another, equally stupid scheme....
  15. Agree with you. But....if you're planning to take ANY stranger (male, female or indifferent ????) back to your room it's sensible to check all your valuables are secured BEFORE going out for the evening whether you drink a lot or not.
  16. Tragic as this death is, at 29 years of age this guy wasn't a kid and the authorities shouldn't be held responsible for his actions.
  17. I'd say 50/50. Your post was a tad ambiguous, but i could have interpreted it differently.
  18. No problem now you've EXPLAINED, but if you read through your earlier posts, it appears that you were saying that foreigners had no choice in whether they were in Thailand or not. THAT was what I was arguing with. Clearly, if they're there (by choice) then the decision to go out or stay indoors depends on individual lifestyles / commitments and may or may not offer choice. Glad we cleared that up. ????????
  19. Why are you being so dense?....the fact that they are foreigners living in Thailand meant they CHOSE to live there instead of staying in their (home) country They may have made the choice many years ago but they still made the choice at some time. In the same way, a foreigner living in UK, USA or wherever...they made a CHOICE to move from their country to another one. I did...in the eighties I CHOSE to accept a job offer to go and live in the Middle East.
  20. You most certainly did...here in response to my saying that ALL foreigners have a choice..
  21. Once again, you're missing your own point!!! I NEVER commented about Songkran or water despite that being the original topic. I simply stated that ALL foreigners in Thailand are PRESENT IN THAILAND by their own choice. You disagreed saying that some have no choice about being there. Once when gets there, how one behaves is a different argument.
  22. You're making the wrong argument! I asked you "Would you like to tell me who are the foreigners who have been kidnapped and forced to spend their lives in Thailand?" because you seem to think that some foreigners are in Thailand NOT through their own choice - re-read the thread please! I contend that ANY foreigner in Thailand is there through his or her own choice, whether it be holiday, retirement, marriage to a Thai or work. These are all choices.
  23. Would you like to tell me who are the foreigners who have been kidnapped and forced to spend their lives in Thailand? Just curious to know as you seem to be so certain.
  24. We'll have to agree to differ on that one. All my bulbs in my flat are LED and I can touch any of them after several hours of use without getting burnt, unlike the old filament bulbs. Sure the LED bulbs get WARM to the touch but not HOT the way the old ones did.
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