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Everything posted by VBF

  1. That website is appallingly put together...I used to work in IT and had trouble with the bloody thing! Q1 You don't...you upload a new page and it replaces the old one Q2 You don't...you need to do some nifty editing to get your content onto one page Q2 Yup! That declaration is pathetic but if you read it carefully you haven't actually given them anything pertaining to "race, political activities, .criminal record, and health record...." However, I did use a bank statement but just OBFUSCATED it by removing A/C number and Sort Code - accepted. Trust me, I've been to Immigration in Jomtien and been given sheets of paper containing someone else's data. Anyone would think it's a primitive country! I actually created this thread before i did mine, so you're not the only confused one! Good Luck!
  2. That's what i did and they accepted it - I made a PDF containing the following: FAO Royal Thai Embassy, London. Please note that I, <full name>, Passport No <number> has undertaken NO international travel in the last 12 months. My signature here Dated 4th January 2023 I have my Tourist Visa ????
  3. Likewise, SCB and AIS Thai phone with roaming activated. SMSs arrive free. Similar timescale to you. As for keeping the phone topped up I believe that using the SCB top-up is minimum 50Baht so I use https://www.ding.com/ which lets me add 10Baht to the phone balance, extending it by 30 days. That costs me £0.29 via my UK PayPal account. Rinse and repeat as needed.
  4. I used Snipping Tool in Windows 10 to get a jpeg of each ticket. Pasted the jpegs into a Word doc. which I called "Tickets shown together" Then File > Save as - chose PDF (Office 2016) That served as sufficient for Item 4 "Travel booking confirmation" I'm not sure if there are "USA forms" - as it's an online application, I would have thought it was the same same world-wide??? Thanks for the good wishes - good luck and same to you ????
  5. No...you will be ADVISED to get it....advice that you can decline! I hope i am stopped as it goes...I have the insurance anyway (my choice and arranged in UK) but I shall just say "No thanks" (politely) and walk on! If pressed, THEN I'll offer to show them my insurance...which i have in my hand-carry and on my phone! Bit of sport, methinks!
  6. Was he vejazzelled?
  7. I applied on 5th Jan - got an email dated 10th Jan "Your visa is approved" The email had an attached PDF with all the relevant details printed, and IMPORTANTLY a QR code. I've printed it (High Res!) and will present it to the airline on check-in and then to Immigration on arrival. I'm now covered for my trip - no need to get "onward" tickets, or to go to Immigration when in Thailand. Happy days ???? I don't know if a return ticket is REQUIRED, but as I have one, I submitted it anyway. (Actually 2 singles but I concatenated them into 1 PDF) Also, for a TV, a scan of my bank a/c (obfuscated, naturally) showing January 2023. I happen to have had about £9K in it at the time I scanned it it but I still don't know what sum is needed. For UK residency, obfuscated Council Tax bill I showed the emails between me and the hotel but not a specific booking. Thanks to those who offered advice. ???????? Parting thought: If only the instructions were less ambiguous, it would be less stressful!
  8. Ah...the place they ruined, you mean?
  9. You're right of course, but I don't think the status of "illegal" actually matters to (ahem) people of influence! ???? Anyway....an illegal is a sick bird!
  10. I'm not allowed to post what i think the anti-vaxxers are (way too anatomical!) but I wouldn't insult the sheep!
  11. In the UK it was 2 initial doses, then 2 boosters, given by the age of the patient (oldest first). My most recent one (Moderna) was 26 September 2022 - all 4 are shown on my NHS Covid Pass.
  12. Small correction - you do need a log-in whether you use the App or do it online - it's the same log-in details. I logged in yesterday, got a current NHS Covid Pass, downloaded it and printed it- will put it with my ticket for next month's departure. Whole procedure took 5 minutes! (Will also copy it to phone and tablet!!) My Certificate is good until July (6 months) at which time I'll do the same again and keep one "just in case"
  13. If these people REALLY did their own research (as I have) they would realise that the case FOR being vaccinated is simply overwhelming in terms of health and freedom of movement. There is just NO downside. It could be said that the "anti-vaxxers" are just another herd to follow. But....as is often said in Thailand....up to you! (But be prepared to live with the consequences of your decision)
  14. I know this will upset a few but WHY?????? Why the **** didn't they get vaccinated well ahead of making travel plans...like a year or 2 ago? I fail to see why people don't get vaxxed against Covid...I bet these same people had several vaccinations as children, proving perhaps, that their parents were brighter than they are!
  15. Well as i'm genuinely booked into a hotel, I've used the hotel emails saved as a PDF....we shall see! I had that hang-up problem too, on some of my JPG files. I resolved it by creating PDFs from them and uploading them. Sorry for people who are not conversant with IT though - it's difficult enough for those who are!!!!!
  16. Well that's totally stupid. How about people who genuinely do live in Thailand on Non-IMM visas? If you know this to be FACT, can you name the airlines?
  17. Thanks - after a few conversations i went with @TK924 suggestion and produced a PDF containing the content "Is this required for a Tourist Visa? I am staying in a Hotel as a paying guest – see “Place of Stay in Thailand” and posted that as the supporting document. I understand that if they need more documents they email and request them, so I "trod boldly" and submitted the application today. It's now in "Processing" status. I shall update this thread in due course - either happily or not as the case may be????
  18. Thank you for getting to the hub of the matter - it's all about what the system needs to see. as a retired IT guy, I despair of this particular website!!!!! I had thought of your suggestion and have made a Word document (saved as PDF) saying that i have not travelled for the last 12 months to answer one of their questions about recent travel What would YOU do for the "Identity of the person inviting you to stay e.g. Thai ID card, Passport" question?
  19. But then I've got to get one of these "pretend" tickets to get on the flight haven't I? (Even though I have a return ticket out within 60 days.) Plus I'd rather waste time now here in UK than waste half a day going to Immigration. So, answers to my original questions would be appreciated. I'm hoping Ubon Joe pops up as it goes.....
  20. I am in the process of applying for a TV - staying 58 days from Feb to April. I'm using https://thaievisa.go.th/dashboard (having created an account and filled a bunch in already. This eVisa is pretty much OTT for a Tourist Visa but I have some specific questions that I cannot find answers to online: Apparently ALL these MUST be completed before you can submit the form!!! So here goes: Travel booking confirmation - ticket? Proof of accommodation in Thailand - Hotel booking voucher? Financial evidence - how much in what sort of account??? For a Tourist Visa! Confirmation of legal residence in a country in which you are applying for the visa. (In case that you are not a national of the country in which you are applying for the visa.) It has to be answered so can I just upload my passport twice? (I am a UK national applying in UK) A confirmation letter from employer, School, Self-assessment, Pension statement - I'm retired - so would a UK government pension Award Notice from 2021 suffice? Identity of the person inviting you to stay e.g. Thai ID card, Passport - What on earth!!! Applicant is required to upload his/her passport pages which contain all travel records for the past 12 months (1 year) since the last international trip. That HAS to be filled in so can I just upload a word doc saying no travel in the last 12 months? Applicant must apply for e-Visa via specific Embassy/Consulate conforming with his/her consular jurisdiction and residency. Applicant is required to upload document that can verify his/her current residency. What goes here? Council tax form? Thanks in advance - as i say, I have searched for answers but to no avail. VBF
  21. Wow! Perverts start younger and younger! ????
  22. Corrected CONCLUSION..... Eat and drink what you like. Speaking a strange contorted form of English is apparently what kills you. Thank me later.....????
  23. I think you might have missed the sarcasm ????
  24. I agree about Wise being the best method. Worth mentioning (IMO) that timing is important. By that I mean, if you do your transfer when both the bank in your country and the Thai bank are open, then Wise takes from 10 seconds to 30 minutes from beginning to end. E.G.... If I'm in UK and do my transfer at 09:00 GMT which is 16:00 in Thailand, the transfer may be quicker as both countries are in banking hours. Were I to send the money at (say) 18:00GMT, (01:00 Thailand) then it may take a little longer. Might seem odd, considering that these are automated processes but might be due to one or other bank doing overnight maintenance for example. This is just based upon my experience, not upon any inside knowledge, and, having said that unless waiting a few hours for the money to move is a problem, then Wise is still fast and efficient IME.
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