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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. I praise the police for responding to the issue. But unfortunately the improvements probably won’t help much It’s difficult to change bad habits and mentality
  2. Unfortunately Thailand and some other overseas countries do not recognize proper treatment for mental health issues. So she will continue to hassle people. And people will probably just continue to assault her. Or maybe one day something even worse
  3. If a person moves to another country, that country is not responsible for them. If a person moves to another country there home country is not responsible either. That person is taking a huge risk by not having health insurance. Thailand is not obligated to give expats health insurance or free or discount health care. I don’t blame the Thai government for wanting foreigners to have a certain amount of health insurance. It’s not your country and they basically have nothing to do with you.
  4. American phone providers have phone accounts you can open with a virtual SIM card. I believe you can just get one, no contract, month to month. Google virtual SIM card American phone providers. It should come up with a list
  5. As a person ages their reaction time slows of course. But if a vehicle just pulls out in front of you. A person of any age might not be able to stop in time. May he RIP
  6. Says a lot about the type of foreign tourists that were there.
  7. Your beeping hazard lights. I’m guessing you just mean they make a beeping noise inside the vehicle when activated. If your vehicle was actually making an external beeping noise that could be the issue. I would be annoyed if this happened also. Who knows why he did it. Just consider him as another quality tourist or expat in the LOS.
  8. If you are having these types of symptoms please see a doctor for a diagnosis. I know you are just looking for help. But the only way to get a definitive answer is to get a medical exam. I know I’m not answering your question. I’m just giving my opinion for the best resolution to your issue.
  9. So a disturbance was heard. But because it was late nothing was done? That’s a reason? It’s a dorm with a combination of young children and teenagers in it. With learning disabilities not known to what extent. It should have been monitored around the clock .
  10. Unbelievable something like this would happen here. From reading some posts on the forums. One would think this type of violence , or any violence, doesn’t happen in the land of smiles. In reality numerous violence ,robbery, and murders happen pretty much every day here. Maybe not mass type issues. But what about on the news. Groups of locals attacking a single individual with sticks and/ or knives. Seems fairly common here. A number of people attacking one individual. Isn’t that technically a mass type issue ? But these individual incidents sure add up over time. And here most of these incidents are not caused by mental health issues. They are caused by immaturity, ignorance, desperation, and jealousy. Its interesting that probably some people that bash the west. Say on the forums don’t cross the Thais. You don’t know what they can do to retaliate. If you have noisy neighbors for example. Don’t try talking to them to resolve it. Just move. If it happens again. Just keep moving. Sounds like a number of people live in fear of the locals. But they are quick to just bash and pass judgment on the West. Maybe because in reality they just happen to hate their home country. I’m kind of surprised no one posted yet saying this particular incident was influenced by the USA. Violent acts are not based on where the person is from . It’s based on the individual themselves.
  11. I do hope there are stricter gun controls. But even though. The wackos will still manage to get the guns somehow. Hopefully not as readily.
  12. I don’t know about increasing that much. But opening the venues can increase the number of cases. Its up to the individual if they want to take the risk.
  13. Many Russian citizens and military personnel are against this military action. Unfortunately if the military personnel refuse or make it known to their superiors. It is considered treason and they will face dire consequences.
  14. It’s always good for the young students to learn something. But while they were doing it. I’m surprised that a vehicle didn’t try to race through the area. Even though I was obviously closed off
  15. This story is totally confusing because of so much info jammed into one huge paragraph. It initially gave me the impression that the knucklehead foreigner gave the girl 100 baht for candy. But in reality didn’t want the candy. But the little girl was insisting to give him the candy. I could be wrong but I don’t think she was trying to get more money. She was pestering him so eventually he lost his temper. Then other persons stepped in. An an altercation ensued. Then from how it appears the guy showed his credit card at one point This guy was an idiot. If he didn’t want to buy anything he should have ignored her. And he could of just kept walking away until she gave up. Once he gave her the money he set himself up for being possibly annoyed.
  16. I bet he is a popular poster on the forums. And whines how incidents only happens in the West.
  17. These shootings in America are being done by mentality disturbed people. And when one mentality disturbed person commits a violent act it’s given publicity on the news. Then all the mentality disturbed copycats come out and it’s a chain reaction. People are posting on here like every American is just walking around shooting people. Or is violent. And instead of looking at this and other issues realistically, Some people on here just ridicule America and other western countries for everything. They were bitter probably because they couldn’t make it in America or their own countries .So they take the opportunity to ridicule an entire country every chance they get. And by the way. Not every person is violent or has the potential for violence in America. If you make an assumption like that . It just shows how ignorant you actually are.
  18. USA problems coming here? No. These are all established issues of behavior that were already in Thailand. Part of the mentality, immaturity, and aggressiveness of many people here. Can be set off over the most minor issues. People act like nothing ever happens here. Maybe not mass incidents like in Korat in I believe 2020 . I guess some have conveniently forgot about that one. Watch the Thai news each day? Many individual incidents each day. Assault , robbery, murders, confrontational people. Turn a blind eye to issues here just because you dislike western countries or your own country. This place isn’t utopia.
  19. In general manners and courtesy does not seem to be a virtue in this Land of Smiles.
  20. Yes in these types of situations the police are supposed to use rapid deployment. I believe the rule of thumb is even if only one officer initially is present. That officer is supposed to attempt to engage the situation and end it. The response to the situation has too many holes in it so far.
  21. Many of the locals in this supposedly “Land of Smiles “ seem to have quite the mentality. So much immature and aggressive type of behavior over the smallest things.
  22. Good idea. I’m sure these types of prisoners would want to get out and do some work. They should get some sort of compensation for this.
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