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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. Just another quality expat enjoying their time in The Land of Smiles
  2. From the way some people talk on here. Crime only happens in the Western countries, not here. . This story must be some sort of mistake I guess.
  3. I think some Thais should look at their own rudeness and behavior in public. Instead of focusing on who Wei's who. I see on the news Thais that seriously injure and kill people. And they Wei in front of the police. Like all should be forgiven. It sounds like to me this "boss" is on an ego trip. Probably think she is better than anyone else. That's if you feel she was upset about it too. I know its a culture thing. But this woman was visiting your home. I would understand your wife doing the Wei first because it's her boss. But this woman is not your boss. She has nothing to do with you, and is not over you. She is no better than you. She was your guest, and you invited her into your home. And Im guessing if the boss was insulted, its because you are a foreigner.
  4. If it’s an all wheel drive vehicle all four tires should be replaced at the same time if all are worn. If you are replacing an individual tire on an all wheel drive then it has to be the exact brand, model, etc as the existing tires. On a rear wheel drive vehicle. The rear and fronts can be different. But the pair on the front have to be the exact same tire. And the pair on the back have to be the same.
  5. It could possibly be she was targeted because she was Asian. But Subway crime in NYC has also targeted people of all races. I realize there have been numerous attacks lately against Asians in NYC who are just walking on the streets. For the most part all by homeless individuals with mental health issues. As for the negative comments about crime in America. Try watching the Thai television news channels. Every night I see numerous stories about murders, assaults, and sex crimes throughout Thailand involving locals.
  6. I have the WABC Eyewitness News App on my phone. It appears that there is an attorney now involved. The attorney is basically saying not enough is being done. And the police are not moving fast enough. How fast are they expected to make an arrest? There are so many people in NYC that they just cant find the guy instantly. Plus there are so many different cases the police are working on. I feel bad for the victim. But its a very big city to find criminal.
  7. There has been a lot of violent incidents involving the NYC subway system for a while. The majority of the incidents are being committed by homeless people. Many with psychological issues. The NYPD appears to be doing its best with their resources. And they seem to be successful in eventually finding these people committing these types of crimes. Many years ago. They had the NYC Transit Police. Specifically assigned to the transit system. They should bring that police force back. With such a vast transit system. That police force should never been abolished.
  8. A medical hub? For certain conditions you are referred to a Bangkok hospital anyway. So it’s good as long as your specific condition is treatable in Hua Hin.
  9. Worked for a Federal Agency 32 years. Last 11 of those 32 years in management for that agency. I retired at age 62 I’m 66 now. I was going to wait to retire at age 66. I would have gotten more money from Social Security per month. But if you averaged it out. It wasn’t worth it. So I get Social Security and a separate pension each month from the agency I worked for. And was allowed to keep my health plan at a good cost per month. The plan covers me internationally. Also I had a government type 401k plan which I reinvested into a private retirement plan. I’m happy I retired. I was tired of working many times 12 hours or more each day with heavy pressure from upper management. Even though I was compensated monetarily for the extra time.
  10. Is anyone checking on the locals too? It should not be one sided. But to be honest. When walking and riding in grab car. I do see a lot of foreigners not wearing masks in numerous locations. The majority of Thais are wearing masks. But if there is a sweep to check. It should be for everyone.
  11. Just another typical immature hothead that can’t control his temper. I bet if the person taking off the mask was Thai. Then no problem.
  12. From reading a good number of posts in a good number of different forums. It seems many foreigners come to live in Thailand not because it’s a beautiful country. But because they dislike their own country, and could not afford to live there. Also having no or barebones health insurance, with minimal income.
  13. I have an IPhone 11 purchased at an Apple Store in Bangkok. I have had it for about 2 years and a couple of months. About a year ago the speaker near the camera stopped working. The Apple store replaced it but it was off warranty. Now the left speaker on the bottom of the phone has stopped working. I called Apple Support and went through trouble shooting. I also used a small fine brush and made sure no dirt is blocking it. I now need to bring the phone in. The support person thinks that speaker needs to be replaced. Has anyone have had issues with the IPhone 11 speakers failing? In the the past I owned an IPhone 5 and 7. Each for about three or four years. I never had any type of hardware issues with those phones.
  14. I’m surprised there have been no posts yet saying they must be all Americans.
  15. I live in Asoke. Lately I have seen more westerners walking around. A number of them not wearing masks. But I guess some people can miraculously distinguish an American just by visual contact.
  16. I agree. A lot of things are cheaper here than in the west. Sounds like the OP got a good deal. And as long as the OP is happy that is what matters. As for medical care. I agree that in the USA it usually takes longer or much longer to get an appointment. And costs are higher than here. And that is why people have the option to have medical insurance.
  17. I live in Asoke. All I have to do is walk down to Terminal 21. Then stand at Asoke Montri Road intersection for a few hours filming. I should be a millionaire by the end of the day.
  18. All countries need to be concerned not just Thailand. Some people say Covid is a conspiracy to make money by different countries, drug companies, and others. But if these same people caught Covid and had to be put on a ventilator and medically induced coma. If they survived they would cry how they should have taken the vaccine.
  19. The hospitals policies are you can transfer it to another person that you know. The hospital would take care of it. You cannot just outright offer it for sale on your own .
  20. It’s important for tourists to know the road rules. I hope they are not learning by an example from most of the general population.
  21. I’m sure all the anti American posters will gladly take the vaccine. Especially if it’s free.
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