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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. Well since a stop sign is there. With an arrow pointing straight and right. I would think it means in that lane you have to stop. Then you can go straight or turn right. Nothing unusual about it.
  2. Life is how you prepare and deal with it. Unfortunately a number of expats that have nothing going for them. And blame all their misfortune on everyone and everything. Relocate to certain Asian countries.
  3. Some countries must be thankful some people are living in Thailand. And are no longer in their respective countries.
  4. Thinking by just moving to Thailand on a whim will change his life. No matter where a person lives they have to personally change their own life. Not think just by moving to an another country is going to do it. But at least he has money and appears successful in his life. Not just moving to Thailand because he has nothing going for him.
  5. This guy would be perfect to be an expat in Thailand
  6. All shops have different opening times just like everywhere else in the world. If they don’t open on time that’s out of everyone’s control. Then find a shop that takes specific appointments. Call and book
  7. Your father unfortunately doesn’t have much time left. Go be with him. Just leave and forget about your deposit. You are not screwing your landlord. You have an extreme circumstance. In this type of circumstance your landlord should be more considerate.
  8. It might be based on race. I don’t see how mister is a racial thing. Just because a foreigner lives in or visits Thailand . It doesn’t mean you are part of the culture or accepted. To the locals a foreigner is a foreigner.
  9. The diagnosis was lack of sleep. Then the rash resolved after rest. The doctor prescribed an antihistamine according to the story. Which might have very well resolved the issue. Which possibly could have been an allergic reaction to anything.
  10. It sounds like you need help to deal with your issues. Sometimes we can’t deal with things totally on our own. A person posted contact information for AA Thailand. I suggest you contact them. Seeking help for an issue does not make a person weak. It shows strength in trying to help oneself.
  11. Just because you only got mild symptoms from having Covid. Doesn’t mean other people can’t get seriously ill from it. And if you get it again. It doesn’t mean you won’t have serious complications. Precautions still have to be taken. Especially since Thailand doesn’t have a current vaccine
  12. Ah so much caring in the LOS. If he was unconscious would they have dumped him on the side of the road? Kudos to the women that attempted to help him.
  13. Food safety tests in Thailand should not be limited to seafood
  14. Which ever man has the most to offer wins.
  15. Recommend the ones that don’t ask”Are you going to take care” ten minutes after you talk to them
  16. Lived in Bangkok. Visited many malls and shops. Even during rainy conditions. Never fell or even slipped. Nor did I ever see anyone else do so. I’m sure people have. But not on a frequent basis. Whenever I did slip in my life. It was usually due to the condition of the soles of the shoes. Such as worn spots. Or icy conditions during winter months.
  17. You need to be more specific in why your friend needs surgery. And where your friend is located.
  18. You can find different fire extinguishers at HomePro
  19. If she is a resident it is her responsibility to be aware of the rules of the condominium. Which she admits she is not. But the fine imposed is somewhat over the top. And if a person is a resident and has a permit on their vehicle. The rule is also extreme.
  20. When living in Bangkok I rented two condos and used two different agents. Both did a walkthrough with me prior to signing the lease. The agents documented any damage and took photos. The photos and documentation were attached to the lease agreement. You need to contact your agent to discuss this. I just want to point out. These agents or realtors however you want to call them. Do not have to be licensed, take a test, or classes to do what they do. As some countries require. They might have worked in 711 and then were hired as realtors or property agents. The quality of these people are hit and miss.
  21. I lived in Bangkok three years. Shortly after I retired. I moved backed to the states this past March. Because I decided living in Thailand wasn’t for me. Prior to moving to Thailand I sold my furniture, house, and SUV in the states. I kept all the money I made on it in the bank. Which wasn’t a bad amount since everything was fairly new at that time. Before I also decided to do this move. I have more than sufficient retirement income, savings, and investments. I also have health insurance from my previous job that covers me domestically and overseas which I pay a discounted rate for. I collect Social Security and a pension. Basically I covered myself for just about any type of occurrence. When I moved back to the states.. I rented a small house., purchased furniture, and a two year old SUV. I might purchase a home again if the interest rates somewhat improve.
  22. A man is very lucky to find the right woman. And vice versa. Good luck on your quest for recovery.
  23. Sounds like she is possibly mentally ill.
  24. She was scared because she thought the guy might have a weapon? And didn’t do anything? Sounds kind of odd to me. She could have walked up to the driver and alerted him. It’s doubtful a person like that would have a weapon but I guess you never know. Story sounds odd to me.
  25. This is great news for any tourists that have money to get to Thailand but can’t afford a place to stay. And any expats with barebones income. They can try to live at the airport.
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