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Everything posted by swm59nj

  1. You should listen to her since she is your wife. She is just expressing her feelings and opinions. its just like here on the forums. Where many constantly whine about their home country. And how life has caused them to be in the situations they are in.
  2. From some of the comments on the Forums. Quite a few would probably be constantly drunk everyday.
  3. I don’t see the issue. Just a typical expat or tourist in the LOS
  4. Nothing unusual here. Pickpockets are common place in every tourist area in the world. I commend the guards for being alert and getting the pickpockets apprehended
  5. You take a chance with buying any supplement. There is no specific regulation on them. Even here in the USA. Supplements are not regulated. So the doses are hit and miss
  6. I’m guessing could have been related to demonstrations regarding the election. In Asoke and other areas
  7. You should get a card from your doctor to show airport personnel. If the scanner is set off. They have no idea what is doing it.
  8. Late last year I sent a registered letter to the United States. It took almost four weeks.
  9. Maybe he is just being friendly. If asks certain questions that are too personal. You can say to him some questions are too personal. He probably is curious because you are a foreigner. I have had Thais engage me in conversation. Especially when taking grab car. Asking personal questions are not uncommon in some Asian countries. I ran into that during my visits to China. Hopefully he will eventually take the hint and find someone more friendly and personable to talk to.
  10. Different countries have different relations with other countries That is just the way the world is. For example. There are countries including some from Europe. That have embassies in North Korea.
  11. If this is your regular vet then stick with that person. If you are not comfortable then get another opinion if possible. Not sure about the number of vets in your area.
  12. I have a significantly large prostrate for a number of years. I never had dribble or testicular discomfort. But everyone is different I have PSA, urine testing, ultrasound, digital exam, as required. But that doesn’t mean you need these tests. And unless someone on here has medical training such as doctor or nurse. They are not qualified to suggest what type of testing you should have. The urologist will treat and test as necessary. According to your symptoms and medical history. Then if you still aren’t sure. I would see another urologist for a second opinion.
  13. Trump should focus on himself right now. But when issues are brought up about himself. He seems to try to sway towards others
  14. I think UFO’s should be the least of peoples concerns. But if there are. And they land. I hope the occupants do the right thing. And pass through immigration and customs with proper documents lol.
  15. I was dating a Filipino girl about three years ago. We were both living in Bangkok. She was 33. I was 64 at the time. We went to Pattaya for a couple of days. Staying in a large hotel. We were having breakfast in the restaurant. A westerner. I believe he had a British accent was walking over to another table. Which was occupied by his two buddies. They all looked like at around maybe late fifties. He stopped by our table, smiled and asked where we were from. I thought this was kind of odd doing this in a restaurant. I told him. He said he was on holiday. He proceeded to ask other questions. I gave him a dirty look and he walked away. Other than that. No one gave us a second look.
  16. I don’t have a Thai wife. But I have experienced the same mentality just dating Thai women. But previously living in Bangkok for a few years I understand the culture. There is a strong bond to family. And your wife is trying to deal with their mentality and cultural influences. Of course it is very difficult for her. She sounds like a good woman. She knows what is right. She could have easily agreed with them and demanded money from you. She is not. I commend her. The only thing she can basically do is stand up to them. I know easier said than done. You can move away and break off any ties with them. That will be difficult for your wife also. Just discuss all options with her. Unfortunately her family is not looking at you like a husband. They are looking at you as a foreigner. Basically a bank. I see no problem if they need money for something now and then. Helping is fine within reason. But not ongoing. And the negative comments on social media. Yes it’s cruel. But unfortunately it’s not uncommon to do that in this day and age. All it was is an attempt to make you feel guilty.
  17. Keep your mind active. Focus on learning new things. Do activities. The common practice of just drinking booze or hanging out in bars isn’t going to do it. Unless that what your lifestyle is made up of.
  18. Well he couldn’t have been that much of a threat if he wasn’t restrained to his seat. Just leaving him alone. And the cockpit door was secured as a precaution? The cockpit door is supposed to be secured when airborne. Unless that doesn’t pertain in Thailand.
  19. It depends on the laws. In other certain countries this would be no issue at all.
  20. It could have been anything. I doubt if the person had a phobia of intersections. Unless they freeze at every major intersection.
  21. It is not uncommon for certain types of eye drops to burn upon initial application. Then after a second the burning goes away. So changing brand’s might work better. But still burn.
  22. This is common on Facebook. You just deny the request or block them
  23. Just another hot head with the behavior of a child. The other driver probably got their feelings hurt. A couple of years ago I was riding in a car in Bangkok with a Thai driver. As she was turning left into a condo property. In the middle of the turn a motorbike driver attempted to pass us on the left at a high rate of speed. He went around us but lost control and his bike dropped from under him. He then walked over to us and wanted to fight us. Two security guards that witnessed it approached him. He then got on his bike and left. I guess he got his feelings hurt too
  24. You should most definitely see a neurologist again. I suggest a different one than who you saw originally. Especially a doctor that Sheryl recommends. She primarily bases it on experience and medical training according to the specific issue. As a side note. There are very good doctors in Thailand. I have had some medical issues come up during my three year stay in Bangkok. And was treated for existing medical issues. I also had my yearly physicals. The majority of the doctors I saw were excellent. Some even better than the ones I saw in the USA. Of course I saw a few that I wasn’t happy with. And changed. But that is everywhere. My experiences were based at private hospitals. Samitivej and Bumrungrad.
  25. A disruptive passenger on a plane is just what it is. A disruptive passenger. And the serious of the action is the judgment of the flight attendants and captain. It has nothing to do with a person’s nationality
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