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Everything posted by treetops

  1. You register with the 13 digit Vaccine ID number you mentioned and your phone number.
  2. The owner has said elsewhere he intends to re-open but must first do remedial work to repair wood damage (IIRC) inside the bar. The shutters have been up at times recently while this has been getting under way so may have given the impression from a distance that it was open, but not quite yet.
  3. You'll need to go back to the stadium or to the hospital to get the ID number they allocated to you when registering. This along with your phone number will allow you in to Mor Phrom. For others what you need to do to avoid this situation is described here: https://aseannow.com/topic/1243081-pattaya-booster-shots-with-a-refere-to-foreigners-how-where-when/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-17058477
  4. Currently lots more than that due to Covid, but that could change at any time.
  5. Rammed full just now due to the holidays. No specific changes for Covid when I did an overnight bus to Chiang Mai and a sleeper train back 2 or 3 weeks ago. You can see occupancy for your preferred travel dates by doing a dummy booking
  6. My Android phone is showing it as 105MB and Playstore says 53M. Where do you see it at 500?
  7. I would say it's a personally verified piece of nonsense for many of us. I had mine just after the three month mark. It depends on the vacccine used for the first two. There's a table posted in one of the threads on here with the details. I know for me I was 2 x AZ jabs initially and the time was 3 months before I could get the (Pfizer) booster.
  8. Well I wish I knew as well as you who my companion was, and I'm glad you went back to read my comments (although it does seem a bit creepy that you would do that). I had no intention to bait anyone but your reply to another poster about debating was frankly laughable when I'd just finished reading your input. No need to get all cry baby hurt about it, maybe learn something instead?
  9. Ignore my request for info above - I found the International Certificate button by scrolling down the first page. Sorry for being a dumbass!
  10. Thanks for the info, but I'm still not getting anywhere (it could just be me). When I open the app I get this: From there I select Certificate - is that right? If I do I get this screen: But neither of these take me anywhere. The top one just tells me I'm not fully vaccinated with an OK button that leaves me there, and the second one takes me to a MOPH webpage that says no information found. Any pointers to what I'm doing wrong or different from you?
  11. Can you explain step by step how you did that? Like you, my previous jabs were not done in Thailand but my booster was. There are instructions in another thread but I can't seem to use them as the app thinks I'm not fully vaccinated, so your knowledge may be invaluable to me.
  12. I have no "companion" on here and like to read the different views. Commenting on viewpoints is not trolling and that's all I did, obviously to your dislike. Well get over it or not, up to you, but don't think for a minute that debating is your strong suit, which is what you said of somebody else's debating skills.
  13. This (redacted) was what I got as part of the registration process at the stadium. It was taken from me at the next desk but by that time I'd photographed it:
  14. There is an NHS department which is supposed to facilitate entry into the English records system although anecdotally it has been difficult to get an appointment to do this. Phone registration is also now said to be an option but I've no idea how it works.
  15. The slip of paper you got at one of the registration desks that was taken off you at the next desk contained your vaccine ID number. I photographed mine and was able to register on Mor Phrom in the waiting area. Prior to that I had asked about a certificate and was told nothing on site and to ask at Banglamung hospital in the afternoon.
  16. Last time I needed something like this I bought a set of stickers to apply to a regular keyboard. I'm not familiar with a Surface Pro 7 but is that an option?
  17. Stop digging - you're making yourself look more lost with every post. If you must respond, please read and understand what you're responding too. You've made it obvious throughout this thread that you do not normally practice that, and carried on that trait to the end.
  18. For anyone unable to read the QR code, here is a direct link to the document: Second Covid Test
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