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Everything posted by IvorBiggun2

  1. Why should they be when they basically buy their position or pay someone to take the entrance exam for them.
  2. And? Compulsory Motor Insurance, also known as “Por Ror Bor” is a mandatory insurance required by law for all motor vehicles within Thailand.
  3. If traffic accidents are covered then why do you still have to pay the compulsory Por Ror Bor insurance if you're already covered??
  4. I don't see how they can prove this incident really happened. Too risky to just go up to someone assumed to be sleeping and lift a bag containing 81,500 Baht. Cud have been the sleepers sandwiches. I'll say it never happened.
  5. If involved in a traffic accident even your registered government hospital will not provide treatment under the 30 Baht scheme. Hence why you need compulsory 3rd party Por Ror Bor insurance in Thailand.
  6. Because your Provincial hospital is the government hospital to which they are registered. If a Thai attends a government hospital to which they are not registered they pay full price. It's a way to control the masses. ????
  7. Something not right mate. The Por Ror Bor insurance which is the 3rd party insurance does not give back monies as far as I'm aware and is nothing to do with the 30 Baht Scheme.
  8. I can't be bothered with it anymore. Paying for someone to look at it is just going to waste more money if they can't fix it. It's gonna have to be a new one, but which one????
  9. It was so noisy when I first bought it off of Lazada that I originally tried to return it. My wife suggested that the compressor may settle down after a little time. That seemed to be the case but it didn't last. And the noise returned or started again.
  10. Do not buy a 'Standard' dispenser. They are as noisy as hell. I bought one about 6 months ago for about 2,500 Baht and it's completely c***. It doesn't keep the water cold as I wanted and I'm now having to buy a new one due to the noise. All I want is a quiet machine that dispenses cold, not lukewarm, water. Any suggestions please?
  11. TPB Season 1 (Eng Subs)
  12. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-2833369/Thailand-one-dangerous-tourist-destinations-Earth-Ex-pat-investigation-lifts-lid-dark-Land-Smiles.html
  13. But given what we do know the guy appears to have been a plonker
  14. I couldn't agree more. Burn him here and save the problem, and cost, of returning him back to the UK.
  15. If the police were to knuckle down and enforce all of Thailand road laws there would be major civil unrest and the powers in government know this.
  16. 17 years+ and never been scammed. Can't see why/how others get done regularly !!!!
  17. The guy had 5 kids, no job, and was going through a divorce but able to pay for a holiday in Thailand. Someone's taking the P.
  18. So now another 'GoFundMe' to get his body flown home I suppose?

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