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Everything posted by IvorBiggun2

  1. They're fun but I wouldn't take my kids to one.
  2. So much for setting an health and safety example! How many have their floatation jackets on or have not done it up?
  3. Not guilty until proven in a court of law.
  4. The story goes that the owner of the dog(s) there were 2 was bedbound. So who fed and watered them? They did not sleep with the bedridden owner.
  5. But if the writer of the article had wrote 'mongrel' instead of 'Pit Bull' then people would have just skipped over the article. I have an 'American Pitbull' and I say "that dog in the picture is 100% street mongrel'".
  6. You've shown you don't know what you're talking about, so give it a rest Please. There is no specific breed called a pit bull; pit bulls are either American bullys, American pit bull terriers, American Staffordshire terriers, Staffordshire bull terriers, American bulldogs, or a mix of these breeds.Nov 8, 2565 BE
  7. Sod all this toing and froing. I'll just wait for the movie to come out.
  8. BS. It's green. Can UK farmers still use red diesel? The distinction is important, because from April 2022 red diesel may no longer be used for certain purposes that fall outside of government-defined agricultural activities. So, if you use red diesel for a purpose outside of the ways you would ordinarily use it on the farm, you may be breaking the law.
  9. No it is not. So obviously your'e full of BS. Agri diesel is the fuel used for non-road mobile machinery such as tractors, excavators, etc. It is dyed green in colour.
  10. It is not smoke. It's vaporized agricultural diesel. The diesel causes a thin covering on top of static water causing the mosquito larvae to drown. Simple innit?
  11. This picture is scaremongering. These pots contain fish and do not just contain lilies. I know of no one who has these pots that do not have fish in them. Fish eat mosquito larvae. Hence why see these pots outside many Thai houses.
  12. Use the Government hospitals in Thailand.
  13. Cuz whites are the majority by nearly 5 times to blacks in the US.
  14. You have the land paper but is it 'Chanote' title? Many people get confused on here thinking that land titles are 'Chanote'. Nor Sor 4 Jor. But in fact they are not. There are 6 land titled documents. Knowing which one you actually have may help you. You may need a Thai to confirm your title. It's clearly marked in the top right hand corner of your land paper.
  15. Can foreigners receive land in Thailand as a part of divorce settlement or divorce judgment in Thailand? According to a 1999 Ministry of Interior regulation, foreigners cannot own land in Thailand. Even if a foreigner marries a Thai national, he or she cannot have ownership over the land in Thailand. If you bought the land during the marriage, the Thailand Land Department requires the foreigner to sign a legal document to specify that this land is a non-marital property having a separate legal personality, therefore, only the Thai spouse will solely have ownership over the land. However, in the divorce proceeding, the foreigner spouse can provide evidence to the court proving that such land was also bought by his or her funds and the land should be considered being the marital property. Once the land is the marital property, then the land should be sold and the proceeds of the sale should be equally shared between the spouses.
  16. Get a lawyer now. She's amicable now but.................Can you legally force her to sell? I doubt it hence why to get a lawyer now. Good chances are she'll know something of the law and will use that to her advantage.
  17. Give power to your lawyer and let him sell your half of the assets.
  18. Nobody knows. They haven't caught him yet.
  19. I just asked my wife and she says the bold sentence is tosh.
  20. For no other reason than Thais smile in many ways. Pure and simple. There are at least 13 different smiles that a Thai person may use, each one having a very specific meaning. Yim thang nam taa: The “I'm so happy I'm crying” smile. Yim thak thaai: The “polite” smile for someone you barely know. Yim cheun chom: The “I admire you” or “I'm proud of you” smile.
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