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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. I don't believe he is the one to worry about intimidation in this situation
  2. Yes you can use your drivers license as well as any bill showing your address.
  3. Nope, your the ridiculous one. You recommend the same thing almost every post. Short term tourist may not want to spend the time and money to do a border bounce if a visa that covers the time is available. Not sure what my track record is or what it has to do with you. Check yourself first before you ridicule others as thats your MO and many find it annoying.
  4. Making border bounces on a short stay rather than get a visa that covers the whole time if available is ridiculous
  5. Thats the format evisa's from USA has always been in for me .
  6. I never referred to any company in Norway. The whole scale purchase from outside investments in property, large corp etc in most developing countries has been China they are one of the largest if not largest investor in Thailand from outside the country
  7. Sounds like Thailand isnt the place for you since everything is difficult for you and you get scammed at every corner
  8. Most of what you listed has nothing to do with tourist, your issues are primarily aimed at expats living in country.
  9. Its never been US institutions or pension funds buying up property and industries in other countries. You need to just look north for your answer to that issue.
  10. Those add ons aren't from the site its the hotel or lister. They also have maps available on the sites to show the location so you can easily see where its at. If you have sketchy hotel pricing just move on. Its not difficult
  11. That would require one to be employed first
  12. Says the man that claims girls drop pants as soon as they see his fake Rolex. Can you be any more hypocritical
  13. Could be just the life style that you created for yourself Bob. First you were a drunk womanizer trying to impress with your watch and cash, hating Mrs S. Then had an epiphany so became a sober repentant looking for your way and finding love in Mrs S. That lasted what 2 weeks? Now your back to being a drunk womanizer. Again your back to questioning other areas in life as being an issue instead of looking in the mirror and asking yourself why and how you lost your way in life
  14. Who are you trying to impress throwing all this numbers out?
  15. Nope doesn't hurt my feelings as you have no clue who is a boomer or not in the scenario being discussed. Its just a classic deflection tactic by someone who has no valid argument. you use a "descriptor" out of context in a conversation that has nothing to do with any specific class or category of people (other than some dont use scan and go for their own reasons) just to show your entitled or superior in some way. Its a pathetic way to try to justify your ideas
  16. yeah, i agree. some cant hold an intelligent discussion and have to revert to name calling or labeling people as "boomers" as if that makes them look smarter or better in some way than others. They run out of an appropriate response and its easier to just use labels that mean nothing to the discussion but an easy way out to deflect from their lack of position.
  17. no need to follow another thread when I was replying to your specific comments, Anyone that thinks they are too important to wait 30 seconds has a personal problem that isnt about payment processes. Dont like to wait buy on line or use a service but the issue lies with the self-important entitled people not the guy in front of you.
  18. No your comenting the cash users slow you down so again if your too important to wait the extra 30 seconds they aren't the issue
  19. If you're too important to wait 30 seconds then perhaps the issue lies with you and not the person paying with cash
  20. You can in the United States, I presume the same in many other countries. It only gives you the initial 90 day permission to stay on entry.
  21. You have a contract for the condo not the building. Unless there's a " no noise" clause (extremely unlikely) you have nothing to stand on. Not sure why you think "he lied", if your referring to the person you rented from, he got the answer from the building. To presume there will be no noise from outside the condo is unfortunate and foolish. There will always be noise from some common area or neighbor in every condo. Don't expect the building to make any adjustments in the pump operation although you can ask. The pump serves the building so its impact on whatever it serves will most likely outweigh your issue.
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