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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. I already have on other posts to you. Each time you claim it's fake info. I'm not your secretary and don't answer to you.
  2. I've posted this at least 3 times for you and you continue to claim it's nonsense without any basis. I know personally several people in various provinces including myself last Nov that have opened acct with Krungsri but you always claim nonsense. Others have also verified it on those posts and I even went back and linked the posts to show you but you ignore that as well. you don't run this forum last I checked nor do I or anyone else need your approval to offer help and\or advice. As I have always stated there are no guarantees like most things in thailand but checking it loses the person nothing.
  3. Not familiar with that office but when others offering info from locations they aren't connected to you claim rubbish.
  4. Not necessarily. Try Krungsri Bank as they have approved several people I know without a C of R in the last year that were on a visa exempt entry despite what in jack claims. It's not a guarantee but you lose nothing by checking.
  5. That's the best you could do as a reply? Spatial thinking isn't for everyone, I can see the group you may be in have a great day
  6. The property of thailand and the people that had to repair or remove her graffiti. Not sure how much you understand about removing graffiti but the surfaces are seldom the same and need to be completely redone to eliminate it. It also opens the door for others to do the same and that's hardly what anyone wants to see randomly in the country. Aside from that it's illegal but from your comment that doesn't seem to matter. Given out your address so they can graffiti your property and the tell us how you feel about it. Bet you won't
  7. No, I know exactly what this forum is. You need to learn to read more effectively. If you don't like my comments or don't agree them move on and don't read them or express yours to other like minded people with the same character as yourself. I am not one of your minions that feel it's OK to damage other people's property, especially in a country where they are a guest. Invite them to damage your property, post your address and and have them come over and act in this manner. You don't have the guts to but you'll spout their rights, which they none. I don't have to listen to your drivel just as you don't to mine so move on. Block me, ignore me, I don't care I am don't with you on this topic.
  8. Why would you email a missing or additional document when applying for an e-visa? Did you mean you uploaded it? Are you sure you sent the correct document they requested?
  9. Well actually I have no idea what you mean about confinement, I didn't say that in the comment your quoting. I'm not confused at all. It was an illegal act and she should be held accountable. No excuse is good enough to give a pass to someone that damages other people's property, especially in a country youvre a visitor in. If this happened at your home or on your property you would be livid about. If you dont like my view you can keep your thoughts to yourself and move on.
  10. I believe it's a series of shots over time isn't it?
  11. So you condone her damaging property in a country she's visiting. Why don't you post your address and we can run an ad in the paper inviting people to come visit and graffiti your home and car. It's always easy to give a pass on something like this when you personally aren't impacted. You share the same mentality as this woman and shouldn't encourage it since it's not your country either
  12. Don't ask for help and then shi$ on those that give you valid info. Those agencies will run rings around any PI you find
  13. I've seen them ask about Financials a couple timesovwr the years but it was general questions, never show me the cash. Although some tourist would claim harassment just based on the general question
  14. They do on occasion but seldom ask about finacial support depending on your history of entries. If you look sketchy and have a long history of entries back to back they certainly can.
  15. There are well known international agencies in Thailand and Asia that work specifically on human trafficking. Easy to Google and find them. They will be much better versed in the topic, who's good and bad and how to check them out. Don't waste your time on AN
  16. Hardly a peaceful protest when you damage property of others. And it wasn't just a park bench that she painted.
  17. OK to remind us you have zero scruples about damaging other people's property. You just trilling now
  18. I bet if she did this on your car and your home you wouldn't be so pleased and supportive. There's no excuse for her actions and your comment shows your charactrer
  19. It doesn't matter what she's protesting she has no right to deface, destroy or damage property of other people\country. If she did this to your car or home guess that's OK with you from the sounds of your comment
  20. Yes they are there but unless they can be cleaned completely with damaging them then pick your word, it's all the same thing. Sounds as if you aren't opposed to what she did?
  21. How can you unintentionally buy spray paint and then graffiti in multiple places but not mean too. I say make her physically clean and remove it all and then charge her, fine her and blacklist her. Absolute scum when people think it's OK to destroy other people's property.
  22. bullshi$ thats whats wrong with so many here, turn a blind eye and never help someone in need.
  23. OK that's a much better reason than often happens. Hope it removes any unnecessary friction.
  24. I would be concerned about the friction with the GF. If your trying to remove her you may be faced with more friction or worse depending on what's causing it. Also any changes she could make before you remove her
  25. I open a personal acct while on a visa exempt entry without a work permit and no Cert of Residency last Nov at Krungsri. One frequent commenter here claims it's impossible but I also know several others that have also in various provinces in the country.
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