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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. "totally unqualified DEI hire" Every job she had for 20 years was an elected position. From local prosecutor to AG and Senator of California the most populous state in the union. So with the exception of being selected to be VP she wasn't a DEI hire.
  2. Jane Goodall was asked what her favorite animal was, expectation was that it would be chimps. She said "No, chimps are too much like humans, I like dogs." She knows a lot about chimps.
  3. " Here's a pro tip for you, using big words randomly doesn't make your screeching intelligent" So are you saying you now "eschew" using big words randomly? Big change from a few days ago when you said "Nice brainwashed eschew". You were using "eschew" randomly and incorrectly, must have turned up in the word of the day calendar.
  4. Very true. And comparisons of the genome of humans and apes bears the conclusion out with a large percentage of shared DNA.
  5. "Guy puts on a Leather Jockstrap and SS Officers cap and parades around screaming that he is coming for your children " I hate it when that happens.
  6. Clearly you do since you responded to my post.
  7. Nothing to look up, just point to the avatar.
  8. Makes me wonder about the most frequent posters in this thread. Methinks you protest too much.
  9. "If I understand your post correctly ... " You don't.
  10. In general homophobia seems to refer to negative feelings towards gays. You seem to be one where the phobia really means an irrational fear. Look out! Is that one under your bed?
  11. Jake Paul is a bit of an unappealing character, and I like Tyson, so I hope Tyson wins. But Paul apparently has some punching power in his right. We will have to wait and see. My biggest hope is that Tyson doesn't get hurt in any lasting way.
  12. Self-referential? Shows increased self awareness. Glad you are making progress.
  13. "Appears you have not heard. Jack Smith is in negotiations with DOJ. Charges will be dropped." Appears that matters have become too complicated for your modest powers of intellect to master. Trump is already awaiting sentencing on state charges which he has already been found guilty of. Jack Smith is as you (amazingly) correctly state is with DOJ, a Federal agency.
  14. Abbot and Costello? Who's where with what?
  15. The fact that they are taking down the plywood shows who it was intended as protection against. Who are the sore losers when they lose?
  16. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 55 seconds  
  17. You have answered your own questions with this statement. "Plus, there’s always the chance I could be wrong" Enuff said.
  18. The article repeatedly mentions or quotes Republicans stating that the most aggressive Trump ideas may need to be modified to stay within the limits of fiscal possibility. Some of you may be surprised to learn that campaign promises often get watered down after Election Day. Nothing shocking about this.
  19. A Bath, New York man was arrested on Friday after allegedly beating up a stranger who was wearing a Trump 2024 hat at a supermarket, according to police. Let me try a MAGA style response (not MAGA point of view, but MAGA style): "FAKE NEWS: There's no such place as Bath, NY. Bath is in the UK. These Righties there is no low they will not stoop to." How did I do?
  20. Ever see "The Princess Bride"? “I do not think that word means what you think it means” Inigo Montoya The verb 'eschew' is usually used with a direct object, but can also be followed by a gerund (an ing noun). You have to eschew something. Like: It is wise to eschew the use of words you don't really understand
  21. Well, you never heard of it an hour ago and now you have an opinion from one article. You are pontificating on its effect now, again never having heard of it an hour ago. It was all over the media for a time which is why I remember it, so yes it was a boogieman.
  22. Yes, it was an American thing, I actually can't pin down the years but I think the responses to my post show that others remember it as well. I didn't mean my response to be an attack, you responded very politely, I appreciate that. Here is a link to New York Times discussion from 1985, so that is the time frame. "Opinion THE HORRORS OF SECULAR HUMANISM May 19, 1985" https://www.nytimes.com/1985/05/19/opinion/the-horrors-of-secular-humanism.html
  23. Whatever happened to the previous boogieman, secular humanism? That used to be destroying the US. I guess the fearmongers know about short attention spans.
  24. "You know one of the worst personal traits is laziness which Harris has an abundance of." Harris has vulnerabilities no doubt. I don't think laziness is one of them.
  25. Whatever happened to the previous boogieman, secular humanism? That used to be destroying the US. I guess the fearmongers know about short attention spans.
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