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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. Never had a girlfriend before. Socially challenged. and obviously, not the brightest star in the Milky Way.
  2. " From some regions of Thailand parents have not taught them how to plan, save, budget " Even Thai acquaintances have told me this about Thai people. "Thai people don't save." And have observed the same with my Thai acquaintances by and large.
  3. Power WC is a great idea. Not hard to operate unless a person has major cognitive issues and it sounds like your acquaintance doesn't have such issues.
  4. I worked with people after their return home from hospitalization and often they experienced an irreversible decline in function. I observed, and this was confirmation of academic contention, that after an adjustment period what QuantumQuandary says is true. After a period of adjustment people's self-report of their satisfaction with life was about the same as it had been previously. This is of course a YMMV situation but chances are an intelligent guy without economic troubles should be able to adjust. Social contacts can be important, hope he gets out and about. I think that the fact that most people he knows will treat him the same as they have done before gives him some continuity and the sense that he is still the person he always was. Best wishes to your friend.
  5. Not to be disrespectful but every time I hear or see the words "King Charles" I expect the next word to be "Spaniel". I guess I'll get used to it with time.
  6. "Personally I wouldn't bother about 8000, it's simply not significant to me" You would just blow off 8000 baht? You must be doing alright. I wouldn't go to court over it but I would definitely pickup the phone, go to the branch, send an email.
  7. Just placed an order with medisafepharma.com for delivery tomorrow. Chat on FB messenger was very helpful with everything. Multiple options for payment and delivery. Very pleased with selection and service so far. If delivery tomorrow then everything good.
  8. I do have an offer in hand. Maybe that is enough. I will ask what branch they use. I am using cash for a lot of things now that would be easier with the bank app.
  9. I was thinking the same, you never see "Gently stabbed 6 times" Possibly a live by the sword kinda death.
  10. How about this then @$$hole. Go forth and multiply with yourself. Not wishy washy about you.
  11. Figures. If you forget about "they" and "us" and look at individual Thais and ourselves, it becomes clearer. Some like me, some don't. Same as farangs. Calls to mind the Bruce Lee quote when asked if he thought of himself as Asian or Western, "I like to think of myself as a human being". I know for some here that might be a stretch, both for them and for others. In the case of the OP I would ask: have you a bit of a resentment against Thai people? Because when people post questions like this it usually means they have a bug up their rear about something, and aren't just curious about what people think.
  12. my experience is different. I moved to an area that is far from any MRT/BTS stations a couple of months ago. I now take several taxi rides almost every day. My experience is that most Taxi drivers are good-natured and helpful. Some of them seem not to be very knowledgeable about Bangkok geography but most aren't too bad about that either.
  13. Yes, I worked with a guy for a couple years, he always wore a ball cap i guess. One day it was very hot and on break he took off the ball cap and I was surprised to see he was mostly bald.
  14. Or ... He's better looking when he stands next to his money.
  15. Doesn't sound encouraging but I will give SCB a shot for my deposits from work I guess. I was thinking of going to the Central Chitlom branch, but that is the one I phoned and they didn't seem encouraging. Will wait until I have non-B but my employer is talking about me working part time after the application is made. Oh well, one thing at a time, if they insist on me getting an SCB account I hope they can provide the documents to facilitate it.
  16. I think in this case it's like Bill Murray in Ground Hog Day "I'm a god, not The God, just a god".
  17. Thanks circa02. I am guessing it would be a waste of time as you say. Also, my experience on the phone with SCB wasn't promising. I wish I had a choice (I guess strictly speaking I do) but my (prospective) employer strongly prefers employees to use SCB and pays to SCB 5 days earlier than other banks. I have heard KBank is easier to deal with but until I am contracted and through my probationary period I will try to "hear and obey" with the company.
  18. I have read several times while googling this that SCB only requires a passport and a deposit in Thai Currency. But I have not seen any mention of what visa might be required. I called SCB and was told to come into the branch. (I called SCB branch at Central Chitlom because I have seen mentioned that branches in tourist areas are more likely to open an account for foreigners). The person was apparently trying to be helpful but wasn't sure of the answer. She said things I didn't understand as well about SCB getting verification from my prospective employer. So I wasn't sure what she was telling me. I am on an SETV. I have a job offer and my prospective employer is applying for a non B visa for me. Thay have asked me to open an account at SCB for deposit of my salary. Should I just wait until I get the non-B visa? thanks.
  19. I am 68 years old, but I have the appearance of a 67 year old.
  20. I think casinos would/will be disastrous for Thailand. I have been told by several Thai acquaintances that a lot of Thai people don't make even the simplest financial plan and have poor foresight with respect to financial matters. My experience with Thai people, although limited, bears this out. I think this would mean financial ruin for some Thais. Same is true in the west I guess, for most the casino is just occasional diversion, tempered by financial reality, but some end up losing the house.
  21. Right when her correct response should have been, "Well, go to Big C".
  22. Yes but it was confusing "picked up a 20 kg explosive device and threw it into a tank after it was placed against the front door of the premises." Threw it into a tank after it was placed against the front door; what was written made it sound like "the tank" was placed against the front door. Pronouns are meant to refer to the immediately preceding noun in most cases. Water tanks aren't easy to move. As a piece of writing the story is not completely useless, it can always be used as a bad example.
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