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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. Thanks for the info. I think I pretty much know how to do the e-visa now. I still haven't bought my ticket yet. I am debating whether to go in Dec or wait till next year when things are a bit more streamlined. They are talking about adding the ability to use PDF files on the Thai Pass (and presumably e-visa) websites but who knows when that will happen. The BC vaccination certificate with QR code can be obtained online from the BC health gateway. You can access all your heath records through there, not just the vax cert. There is also an app for your phone to access it that way.
  2. Cool story. If you blocked me then why are you replying to a post you supposedly can't see?
  3. So what happened? Did you go to the consulate? Some of us here are waiting for more info from you.
  4. I love my MPOW bluetooth headphones with noise cancelling. They are quite inexpensive as well. Battery lasts for many many hours. The ones I have also came with a cable and airline adapter and are way better than the headphones they give you on the plane. There are lots of other inexpensive bluetooth headphones on Amazon with good reviews. Don't listen to anyone telling you how great the Bose/Sony ones are. You are paying 5x more than you need to for similar quality. Yes, including the noise cancelling. I have compared my cheap headphones to those super expensive Bose and Sony headphones in the store and the noise cancelling on mine works just as well.
  5. The shill OP used a bunch of ALL CAPS so it must be good! ftfy
  6. You didn't include enough ALL CAPs in your infomercial to convince me.
  7. I don't know why so many people keep recommending this like it will work for everyone or even most people. If I were to fly Emirates it would cost me double. Woohoo look at me, I got free insurance by flying Emirates and it only cost me an extra $1500 on the plane ticket. What a deal!
  8. You are incorrect. It says right there at the bottom of that image you posted. "ATK self-test on Day 6-7".
  9. Because it automatically populated a separate form with that info. Welcome to the 21st century. This has been possible and reliable for a long time now. Have you tried to deposit a check in a bank machine lately? A lot of them can automatically read the $ value on the check. Even a poorly scribbled handwritten one.
  10. They didn't separate out the questions for each visa type so a lot of them are not going to be relevant. I would just put whatever you want in there. For #8 I would maybe attach a note saying "I am a US citizen and do not have a residence permit". For #9, if I have not travelled anywhere in the last 12 months I would just attach an image of the most recent entry/exit stamps and maybe a note saying those were the most recent. For #10, I would upload an image of my drivers licence and/or maybe a power bill or something. I read somewhere else of people doing things like that and getting approved.
  11. Why not? They are only looking for a few key words and phrases. When I uploaded my passport to their e-visa website it automatically extracted my passport # and DOB from the image.
  12. I think you should make total and totalled ALL CAPS and repeat them a few more times. That way people will take you even more seriously.
  13. I know someone who was in a accident and while he was in the hospital the tilac emptied out his apartment.
  14. I explained #9 below the list. Someone said they just took another scan of their passport and wrote underneath, I hereby certify I am a full time resident of [insert country] and then signed it. I think including a scan/photo of your drivers license would be even better. I think that as long as you provide what the consulate instructions say and notes saying "I am going as a tourist so I don't have a Thai sponsor", and other common sense notes like that for the rest of it you will be ok. I have not been anywhere in the last 12 months so I would probably just include a note saying that and maybe a scan/photo of the most recent entry/exit stamp in my passport.
  15. Phuket is different because it's a sandbox. People should not confuse flying directly into Phuket vs flying in to Bkk.
  16. So you are trying to go through a brand new process that they said will likely take several days to go through, for a flight that leaves a few days later, and you are surprised it was stressful?
  17. There are fish farms all over the place so the markets are always well stocked with fresh fish, which is very health and easy to cook. Most tourists probably won't be interested in cooking fish in their room but there are lots of barbecue places around which can grill up a fish for you. Either theirs or yours.
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