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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. So the two biggest hurdles look to be 500k baht in a bank account somewhere and proof of employment or portfolio of contracts or projects working on. So looks like retirees and the unemployed will not qualify. The majority of people who would be using this would probably be self-employed. Not sure what they would want to see for that. I don't have anything that could be considered a portfolio or contracts or projects. I just have monthly deposits coming on from an online business. My income income statements would be trivial to forge, so I doubt that would suffice.
  2. I seriously doubt that. Pretty sure the visa fee is non-refundable. Even if they reject the application.
  3. I'm confused. Isn't this just a re-announcement of the already announced 60 day visa waiver and that new 180 day DTV visa? The only thing that appears new about this announcement is that they are adding more countries to the waiver.
  4. But at the same trying to backpeddle on Marijuana.
  5. I suspect there will be some serious hoops to jump through.
  6. Lol, what Republican political consultant is behind this poll? They love their dirty tricks but at least they haven't tried to deny the results of an election yet.....oh wait.
  7. Those rules are meaningless. Just one of those land border exit/entries in your passport and you will often get harassed trying to come back in at an airport on the next run, like I did. It doesn't matter what the rules say. Immigration can and often does do whatever they feel like doing regardless of what the rules say.
  8. The only thing legalization would do is raise prices.
  9. Yes, the convicted sex offender and felon is also a wannabe fascist, but that is not even his worst quality. Just throw it on the pile with all the other stuff, like wanting to have sex with his daughter.
  10. Fentanyl is not Marijuana. Marijuana is not Fentanyl. Anyone who tries to equate the two or claim marijuana is a gateway drug or whatever has no clue what they are talking about. The title of this thread implies that is what OP is trying to do, which is ridiculous.
  11. Please tell me more about your convicted sex offender and felon heroes. I am sure your opinions on those people you so admire are quite a worthwhile read. Also, your understanding of how the justice system works appears to be beyond reproach, so I am sure you have valuable insights on that as well.
  12. Not only are they ignoring it, they are trying to normalize him. I read a story the other day talking about his tax and immigration stance and just laughed. He's a convicted felon and sex offender. Who cares what his positions on taxes and immigrants are. It is such an absurd timeline we live in.
  13. Even though that is supposed to be the rule they seem to be harassing people more and more over it. Happened to me recently too. First time in over 20 years of going to Thailand. Did not make me feel nearly as welcome as I had grown used to.
  14. 2024 tax year, so it already has. The whining will only increase once everyone has to start filing their 2024 tax returns and paying any taxes owed next year. For 2024, the hardcopy filing deadline is 31 March 2025, 8 April for online filing. Those dates seem to change a little from time to time and are announced early in 2025. I suspect there will be tax services for farangs popping all over the place in the coming months. Probably will be a lot of visa agents getting in on the action as well.
  15. It varies by consulate and how busy they are at the time and how short staffed they may be. Mine usually take about 10 days. Last time I think it took about 15 and then I had to email them asking the status and that I was supposed to leave soon. After that I got it the next day. The expiry date is based on the issue date, not the date you first enter Thailand. When you want to stay for 6 months at a time like I do, you want it to get it issued as close to your departure date as possible. Hopefully I can qualify for that new 5 year 180 day thing next time and reduce some of this visa hassle.
  16. Ah yes, low season. That magical time of year when the doomers dust off their Thailand is totally dying this time for sure fever dream threads after a night of drinking too much lao khao. Just like when it was absolutely totally going to happen after covid. The doomer threads on this site are so comically and consistently wrong someone should write a book with all the greatest hits.
  17. You make a compelling argument. Providing absolutely no evidence other than saying the guy who does this for a living is wrong. Totally sold me.
  18. Here we go with another thread of knuckleheads first denying it's for real, then becoming argumentative claiming it's just some rogue office or whatever, then once they finally realize it's for real the inevitable whining starts. 🙃
  19. I did. There are a lot of the usual knuckleheads here claiming that tax professional, who does this for a living, is wrong, and that we should be listening to anonymous internet people on this forum instead. 🤡
  20. Some people here are claiming you only need to do that if it's over 65k baht in reportable income. I would think that even if it's not reportable, you would still want to transfer some into a Thai bank account to make it easy to pay rent and bills and use ATMs without fees. That amount would almost certainly be more than 65k. Somewhere somehow the Thai gov't would want proof that is not reportable income, so there will still be more of a documentation burden somehow someway.
  21. Of course not. That is why he is only being tried for involuntary manslaughter, which is still a ridiculous charge imo. It was the person that gave him the weapon that was 100% to blame, not him.
  22. He was handed a movie set gun on a movie set. He was practicing pointing and shooting the gun. Do I really need to point out the obvious that he pulled the trigger? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
  23. I haven't been following this that closely but from what I have read none of it was his fault. He was simply handed a gun on a movie set that he was told had blanks and it went off during rehersal. The person really responsible has already been prosecuted. What am I missing?
  24. You mean the convicted sex offender, with more felonies than Baskin-Robbins has flavors, who couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it, said something that is not factually correct again?
  25. It's the same story over and over again year after year, the reasons just keep changing. Most of these serial whiners aren't going anywhere. Like when everyone was claiming that Sihanoukville was the new hotness and Pattaya was dead. Of the few who actually made the move they all eventually came back. 🤡 These people will never be happy anywhere are always looking for someone, something, or somewhere to blame for it.
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