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Everything posted by watthong

  1. Case in point - Trump better triple-diapered up on Oct 5th, and with Trump gibberish-prone mouth, Harris wouldn't even need to hone in. My guess is the debate will end abruptly at the latest by the second question, when Trump having recovered his bearing from the shock of finding himself on stage with her, will beat a hasty retreat a la "she's so rude, didn't even say hello," ie his MO when kryptonitized by strong, and God forbid, black, women. Let's hope he won't have an on-stage heart attack, that would be a great embarrassment, albeit a conceivably semi-honorable "discharge" (no, that's not what I mean, guys.)
  2. This Rango *escape from hawk* sequence (starting at 1 min mark) should approximate Trump state of mind between now and THE debate - or November, whatever comes first.
  3. Totally agreed. (Proof that "sometime a great notion" could be scooped up from the bottom of the barrel...)
  4. Or "Look what I found rattling around in the attic..." (usually what kids often do when shown their neighbor's newest toy.)
  5. He can tolerate a Megyn Kelly because of her Ivanka fair maiden image, which can be overshadowed by his fatherly posture - but any older, (intellectually) stronger woman (a la Stahl or Pelosi) is kryptonite to Trump at the current stage. In that regard, Harris is pure black, unalloyed kryptonite.
  6. While Trump having the option to wiggle out from under one of her big toes (no need to use the whole foot). Go Kamala, aka GOP-Zilla 2024 !!!
  7. Grasping, grasping at straws... "Oh, hello Tulsi! How are you girl, where are you now, where've you been?"
  8. If La Kamalah could have made the big bad Barr blink like a misbehaving school girl (remember "You don't know what suggest means? How about infer, hint, insinuate...") having Trump debate with her would mean not David vs Goliath, but more like David vs. Godzilla 2024. Don't we all know that already, (heh, dear MAGA fiends, sorry Freudian slip, I mean, friends?) All this preamble of when/where/how is just a network charade.
  9. One of the 10 commandments for living in Thailand - Let me elaborate on that: Make sure what you eat is freshly made. Considering Thailand is the only place I know in Asia where ready-cooked food are on display in the open all day long, without being heated. Fresh meat sold in Lotus/Big C is also a cause of concern, being spread out in big open vats for all and sundries to poke in sometime with their fingers. Last Friday I cooked some suspicious looking chicken legs brough from Lotus, which desperation coming in near closing hour made me do it, at home I cooked them in some curry paste that has been in the fridge for ages, adding half a carton of coconut milk that has been opened for a few days... Right way after dinner I came down with food poisoning. Turn on YT, watch some yoga moves which when practices produced quick result - I raced to the bathroom and puked. After that I immdiately took 3 carbon charcoal pills and spent the night with bloated, cramped stomach. Next day I had a temperature so continued with the charcoal and drank plenty of electrolyted water. The diarrhea happened throughout. The next day the temperature subsided, so did the stomach cramps. Started eating in tiny portion, white toast and banana, apple (needed to be peeled and cooked.) Then gradually adding oatmeal. However the diarrhea hasn't gone away so I'm drinking black tea (if available, add cinnamon.) Later today I'm going to get some carrots and eat them boiled. That's my recipe in a nutshell, as we speak...
  10. We are looking for houses, either single detached or shop=houses around Bangkok, a bit further off the beaten track. A couple of places on our radar is areas between Tao Poon and Wong Sawang, and further out between Bang Khae and Laksong. I've started looking on renthub.th and propertyrent.hub.th and the pickings are very slim. On facebook the ads also aren't there. Is there any other venues of advertising where I can find more ads? We are going to do random exploration on foot and going into side sois, etc around these areas. But it's better if we have some destination in mind...Any advice/tip/geographical suggestion are much appreciated, thank you in advance. Aiming at 10-15 k monthly.
  11. "It" has already turned up, if you caught my drift...
  12. btw, has anyone seen @susanlea around? Maybe he/she/it needs a welfare check?
  13. I have done enough hair pulling through the years... also I did not receive any form this year, so from now on I just automatically make 2 separate mailings (regular airm mail 57 baht) of the form that I can download from SSA Manila website (thanks @Pib) one to their po box the other to their room 341 street address. Did this in July and going to do same in November, regardless of what I will have received or not from SSA. Probably will register just one among these 4. Final cost: 355x1 + 57x3 baht.
  14. Yawn (- not to be confused with insults.)
  15. Oh here it comes, I spoke too soon...A trickle for starter.
  16. Too abstract, we need some gore-filled visual accompaniment, the usual...
  17. In the meantime, desperation rings on Trump fundraising site: "My fundraising deadline is LESS THAN 24 HOURS AWAY!" "Ben, I've always wanted to meet you...Can we take a picture together?" "Claim your Camo Maga Hat NOW!" \
  18. "Ben, I've always wanted to meet you... Can we take a picture together? For 5,10,20 dollars?"
  19. "Stand with Trump. My fundraising deadline is LESS THAN 24 HOURS AWAY. OFFICIAL CAMO MAGA HAT - CLAIM NOW!"
  20. Oh,no, slumped shoulers again. ..* Trump dancing to the tune of Saturday Night Fever "(Barely) Staying Alive!" *slumped shoulders= when the distance betwen your chin and your chest is getting shorter by the days, if not hours.
  21. Agghhhh, you can't dance with "slumped shoulders," old man! Look at how Travolta does it in "STAYING ALIVE" (so get a clue...)
  22. <medical> I looked up "sour grapes" in the lancet encyclopedia. It showed an image of fading orange tint and slumped shouders, characteristic of gastro-reflux, a sometimes life threatening stomach disorder usually caused by feelings of utter despair combined with humiliating defeat. Treatable at Riker Island facilities. </medical>
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