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Everything posted by lopburi3

  1. As there is no 90 day retirement visa suspect you have a single entry non immigrant O visa (if multi entry type they can be used for almost 15 months with entry/exit every 90 days or less). As said above it is normal to present financials and extend such an entry using TM7 for one year (and continue doing every year). No reason to obtain new visa entry very 90 days that way. But in answer there is no limit to the number or time of use for such visa entry/stay. But Consulates have their own policy on issue of such visas so that will determine what/if you can continue to obtain.
  2. Fix Or Repair Daily only applies to owner - few merchants fix anything these days - it is a replace society we live in - and in many cases this is cheaper for customer.
  3. He does not have a passbook - my reply was based on that. If you have a passbook account they will want to see passbook (and may also want account statement).
  4. Could that not be considered in violation of forum rules however?
  5. Just FYI - you can edit out anything after the "html?" when providing links. Someone had to tell me. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/tktt-mop-wringer-pail-mop-bucket-cart-janitor-cleaner-cart-casters-mop-pail-baldi-mop-beroda-serbaa-i3979354011-s15406105063.html?
  6. Free inspections was the sales technique used 45 years ago, and is till being used by others, so good have public figure announce first - suspect inspectors would make more than a few of us uneasy.
  7. Yes as long as you have bank statement of account for the period required. Immigration seems to be trending to bank statements over passbooks since having to use for proof of income last few years and learning how to read them. Easy to read and confirm no missing entries, unlike passbooks. As said above also need letter of account ownership/current balance and SCB no longer has a branch at CW.
  8. lopburi3


    Glasses are rather expensive in Thailand (for no apparent reason) so many of us do indeed order from Zenni. But there are some independent shops that may have lower prices locally than the chains so recommendation is good step. Be aware that complex lens often have to be ordered from Bangkok so mail order from Zenni (China shipment) may be just as fast. Frames seem expensive in most chain stores (perhaps due to name brands).
  9. The issue is date is displayed in Thai year as search result if location is Thailand (which location we want for relevant search results) - there is just no option to turn date display from below when view video/news and such search results: .
  10. Unless you also filed a TM47 while doing the extension of stay (several offices do this) the original entry is still your 90 day mark. Also important for those of Thai nationality to know if they enter on foreign passport they can easily obtain one year extensions of stay as people often ask about that.
  11. That I don't know - try to avoid CW except for yearly extension time. As for Diplomatic believe that would be Embassy workers rather than those here on diplomatic visas and suspect many using counter N would be Thai officials presenting paperwork rather than foreign individuals themselves.
  12. TM7 should always be printed two sided in Bangkok and believe most places - supporting documents single side.
  13. Believe the N is just an alphabetic counter name. J K L M N
  14. Actually don't know where white background is stated as have never had one yet in the several decades of providing in Bangkok. Photo shop could not even provide such for passport when needed (only blue). Have taken my own against light blue walls in home with no issues (but perhaps close enough to white for photo size).
  15. Which part of the post is false? OP made no mention of wanting or having funds for extension of stay in Thailand - post was about conversion to visa entry to obtain extension of stay. We do not even know if poster has visa exempt entry or not as no nationality or location information provided.
  16. Not sure what you are watching as voting ended at about 1830 with no PM elected. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/timeline-will-it-be-pita/
  17. Believe most banks have transfers via ATM - know I used that with Bangkok Bank before getting computer IBanking.
  18. The telling thing is almost all senators.
  19. Realtime count is available here: https://www.thairath.co.th/tv/live
  20. The voting is taking place now with about 280 more members not voting yet. Edit: Suspect that 50 vote shot is projections based on members not called yet stated positions.
  21. Make no difference - candidate still has to have about 376 yes votes to be PM regardless (there seems to be one member absent today so perhaps 375 would be accepted?). Does not look like he will even come close today with all the non votes (about equal to no votes) - but I could be wrong.
  22. Yes that is correct - 90 day is time in Thailand so restarts on each entry - if you travel often you may never have to submit.
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