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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Ok please tell me what restaurant sells real red wine for < 100 baht per glass, I'd like to stock up on whatever that wine is then. You will start a price war in the industry! You might be able and buy a <deleted>ty bottle for that wholesale not but certainly not to sell it for that.
  2. Is a big difference between that and what really is going on there today, same for phangan, the road isn't gonna get wider so it will soon become one big sht hole without water and with traffic jams + even more toxic mist from the burning of garbage which slowly kills 1/3rd of the population. For this and owning a small house, you have to shell out 7-10M baht on top lol. Cheaper to buy a boat.
  3. Retire with? No. Make a business or living with, sure can, I use half of that to make 2K usd monthly since 7+ years. Just some years ago, you could have bought 10 bitcoin with it too. A fool needs tons of money.
  4. You mean headache making fruit juice with alcohol in it hehe
  5. I think Thailand can be defined as cheap when you are stuck at around the minimum western wage situation but able to also earn or live from that wage or pension here instead. Same reason why it is a good place to bootstrap some online startup.
  6. Prices are just one thing only too, which are good in Spain already but it is also service and quality. Plus the fact, at least for Europeans, no visa need at all, healthcare options, mortgage options, ownership options + work options as you please + all other countries cheap and nearby for visits compared to here doing domestic trips or only having cambodia/vietnam/laos/malaysia for comparable distance / costs. Last but not least, if then needing to pay tax somewhere as gates slowly close globally, it is better there too. Schooling for those with children free too. Quite a lot of pro's actually. I mean if you wanted to have a lot of western comfort groceries and cook at home, this is also a better deal than here already. Life is not only about eating out, anyone knows this gets boring when doing it constantly. I also think that these 40-50 baht Thai dishes are cute but not real food for constant and daily. You might as well compare that to doing only bread with eggs and ham etc in Europe, then costs are equal too. Aside from the fact that these dishes are most times already in the 60-100 baht area nowadays. You are lucky to find 25 grams of meat in that with 1 egg. That's why they eat all the time.
  7. Wether it is easy or difficult, requires a little or a lot paperwork, entirely depends on the individual situation. If someone has a company already for 2 years or longer, and within that company enough is made to qualify, it is essentially done already. However in reality most people do not have a setup with 1 singular qualifying income stream, that also runs 2 years that way already, knowing that is now the new easy Thai visa way. In that last case an agent can be useful, to tweak around or allowing the option to 'forget a paper'.
  8. So what is the OP trying to say? That it is some miracle to wake up by 6AM as a result of sleeping before 10PM? Confused... but guess it is something to really discuss; the fact that you can decide when you sleep, how long and what the outcome is of the time you then wake up assuming a healthy 7-8 hour sleep...
  9. Agent, transfer fees, stamp duty alone are already the same as the rental yield if for a year. You have to be really stupid to buy a condo for the duration of less than the 180 days a year lol. What is this nonsense.... What will happen is that the condo market will eventually plunge and then when prices are at actual realistic rates again, which is a long way to go from here, people will be willing to buy again, regardless of tax. That's the normal cycle of things, history repeats itself. It also makes the middle class smaller and smaller.
  10. Has nothing to do with P4P girls but has everything to do with the remaining few that are still obedient and living the traditional thai scheme game rather than having become more free etc. Go to any university and at least 50% will have a tattoo. Even many 'traditional' girls will have a small one that can be hidden with clothes. But hey, ignorance is a bliss.
  11. Oh wait, so suddenly the thing that conspiracy thinkers said is actually the case, now slowly turns to be the case? Which means an actually cooling of the planet rather than a warming of it? Or does this finally confirms that climate always changes and that it in reality has very very little to do with our human input. The continent of africa is also breaking up, eventually forming a new ocean, but can take another 500K years.
  12. Like saying anything that they do not like about them is automatically that right lol. Similar to how the racist card is always thrown at white people when stating certain things to certain people.
  13. Seems they somehow work hard to get a protected status here with all the news lately.. Always on maximum speaker volume if something happens to them but not the other way around of course. Rarely the full story. This stuff is not gonna work in Thailand. Anyway hope the guy will be ok and the guy hitting gets his punishment anyway.
  14. Sounds like a lot of BS to me, my girlfriend and parents have over 100 rai of land as well a paid off house, truck, and they work without other debts so she was essentially neither poor or rich, and she had a student loan without any issues. However the part where it really is that bad, is the interest rate part on it together with the pay back terms. Would obviously be cheaper to take out a loan back home, if possible, compared to that.
  15. Not telling of course.. sorry.
  16. True the issue of fewer people is everywhere, even on islands where all housing is booked, restaurants and bars look scarily empty most of the time. Does still have the difference of pricing and offers tho.
  17. Since they did the scam inflation prices I simply moved to other areas in Bangkok. Same for entertainment, I started going to the Thai venues where they apparently can still offer you a gogo with the same alcohol for a fraction of the price, so clearly it is not 'inflation'. I only still like to visit the irish pub in cowboy for a cider once a in a while but that's about it.
  18. Rates are already the same again as I said when this topic was started... Will only improve more over time. If you can't live of the bottom range of rates you should not live here to begin with.
  19. And once again the true nature comes out, now they are getting desperate... Not seeing they will only damage their economy more because they simply depend on foreigners to do business here, to make it even better, they need way more of us. Thais are not productive at all, neither do they bring the money on top of the fact they are in debt + not make enough children. It seems they steer this country to a direction with even more power by very few while they might get richer from it the overall country will suffer from it. But wait, they actually do that everywhere same as the Food program already does a test project with Iris scan ID's for food stamps and more for illegal immigrants. You can be sure the dinosaurs here would love to do stuff like that with Thais. They will soon all get this UBI from the BIS anyway. Winter is coming.
  20. As I said it is very very rare, I guess that actually quite a few of these people are on a forum like this, as it's a old forum. I think 1/20 is even very optimistic. I met 1 person who still is together (20 years now) but they also knew each other since late 20s. Also it seems they only stay together because they know they both old.
  21. Sounds to me that it then is better to get the sex on a freelance basis for overall success and happiness as well sustainability.
  22. Has zero to do with the girl having lived abroad, has everything to do with to which extent she embraces western culture. The few that do that are always very easy to deal with or to date and be in a relationship with. One doesn't need to go abroad to do this, the world already visits here. They say this usually happens when they were with foreigners from a young age. You can even see this on the islands where locals all speak English and the ones that do well, start living like 50% westerners themselves, even have western friends etc. I'm pretty sure all this has a lot to do with the low average IQ levels around too. Those can't adapt easily. Like the language is just 1 item, it's the same with farming; zero innovation or production increase in decades. There is a general disinterest in anything other than food, sleeping, entertainment on demand.
  23. Overrated big time obviously. Be real, if you come across 1/20 that still is together after 15 years it is a miracle.
  24. Funny to read this, I have been digging into Panama as a starting point after flying to Brazil as of the visa's for Thais. I am planning to flag my sailboat either with Panama or Marshall Islands so far. However for living itself I was more looking into other places, well, i will just drift around coastal cruising mainly. Considering to do that 6 months a year, or all year except for hurricane season, and spend those months in Thailand. Solves the tax issues too and nature is far greater over there. Cost wise I do not really see a significant difference either. The cost of a second hand boat is also peanuts (40-50K) it earns itself back + retains value faster than a condo here. It would be a write off regardless compared to hotel and flight costs saved. Thailand does not really have anything to offer aside of weed and cheap easy girl access.
  25. Welcome to Thailand where you can be released 3 times for 3 murders within 10-20 years while being jailed for life doing drugs.
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