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Everything posted by ChaiyaTH

  1. Easily, sponsor deals for even just a 1M subscriber channel pay easily 20K USD per deal, of 1 minute. The original YT ad revenue is actually just a side income for many. Same so many girls are self obsessed now, even they only seem to have 5-10K followers, they still make money with it. Specially in economies like the one here.
  2. Millions of no-life Thais, who watch youtube and other social media like 8 hours per day. Yeah that will generate ad income sure. Knowing that, to then still produce, is like being a digital drug dealer or pimp. I never did business in social media for this reason.
  3. My password actually has near double the 18 characters too lol, silly AI news all the time, it can barely do anything like this today.
  4. Lol, the supplier excuse. They just wanted or needed more money, 455 for a cheeseburger is a lot of money lol, I think you can get it in a 5 star hotel for that money. The last time I paid near 500, I was sitting in mahanakhon tower.
  5. Hehe yeah, 40B per kg is peanuts. I do it myself at home pure out of convenience and being lazy to drive twice to a shop + wait a day.
  6. Bought a new Samsung machine 50/50 with landlord, staying at least 2-3 years and costed me 2700 baht. I usually can run a laundry, hang it out and have it dry by wind within a few hours only, a lot better than all the laundry shops, having to drive there, wait a day for the cheap price etc. Also it smells better as I buy some decent detergent, my clothes stay better for longer. As well super useful with all the towels and bed sheets. But if not having that, in most places I still know multiple 40B per KG places. Bangkok however is tricky, and I do not like drying machines in those new places too. Better to air dry it if you ask me. I usually leave Bangkok within days, as I fly with hand luggage usually + run out of clean clothes lol.
  7. She has like 80M USD net worth, that will get you a visa anywhere lol.
  8. Define 'a lot of money'
  9. The room itself doesn't exactly look nice too. Maybe you can do more than complain of the garbage alone, fix his room up, paint etc. Assuming it's a single mom story, he is a boy, he never had any example for sure.
  10. The reason we in Europe went to afghanistan was also because of the USA, does that mean we are not responsible of our own actions while spending time there? One must really be the bottom loser type, to not understand this.
  11. What is your point even? Obviously all taliban would be released anyway, as they are now running the country again. Just pathetic once again, to blame Trump, Biden is a old moron who behaves like a child when it comes to owning mistakes, just as much, if not more.
  12. Yes but it is also confusing if you are not a long timer or frequent visitor as you do actually pass by a total of 3 booths, it can give you the idea that was the end of it, while you then still have to go back again to the middle for the 4th booth. Sometimes there are such big groups hanging in front of that 4th booth, it seems there is nothing to see there, until the driver starts yelling we need to hurry up and get back to the minivan, and before you know you follow the herd without having gotten a stamp. I guess our driver was good as he actually checked the stamps of each passenger before we would leave, some were send back too to finish the process. Just did this 2 months ago so that is very recent and similar timeline.
  13. I just checked on the Dutch news and what I actually said one week ago, really happened to her too, it also happened to her travel buddy, strangely enough the news article was only about her, she did not understand this. So what turns out to be the case: they forgot to stamp / enter her back in on the border from Malaysia and Thailand. This happens a lot since those visa run companies go to a place where there you can basically just walk out and in Thailand. There is one booth to check out Thailand, then barely 50 meters further check-in and out malaysia, and then on the way back in the middle, a check in place for the thai side. This often goes wrong when 30-50 runners arrive at the same time. Specially as a first timer. At those border areas, one can theoretically just walk back into Thailand, after checking out Malaysia, illegally. You could then also theoretically get out of Thailand again, without stamps, and check into Malaysia legally.
  14. A similar case happened to another Dutch man who also received assistance from the embassy too. Both of them did not receive any yellow or red cards, however. It is unclear if Thai Immigration will review the incidents or comment on them.
  15. Lack of governing is sad, as specially in these months, it would be nice to have a limited reasonable priced area(s) with sunbeds and sun protection. Could be done by handing out X licenses per beach with a limit of X chairs. Then as soon illegal ones show up again, the licensed one ring the phone in minutes, its competition. But then again, TIT, the licenses would be sold to one owner with 3 companies lol. So I guess it should be a lottery for 5-10 year term licenses, extensions possible for those who comply with all rules, paid taxes and had no serious complaints.
  16. They play this one so evil, first of all buying the vote and then second knowing most are remote province people. There is nothing much to buy within a 4KM radius often I guess. Same it is useless for those registered in the province, even they work and live in for example Bangkok since 20 years, like my parents in law. Anyway, how is it not illegal, to offer this in exchange for votes?
  17. It is about attention and as of all the fake richness, donations are now added to it. Who cares, live your own life.
  18. Nah, just gonna be a good talk and some money for this.
  19. I have a Spanish friend who becomes like this when he is too drunk, let alone on drugs. We always worry lol, the worst is, he honestly does not remember a thing.
  20. Its always half informed wannabes doing this lol, same those flags on facebook profile pics.
  21. No need for it but if you plan to go on marriage / marriage visa, you actually only need 2 employees for a work permit of which the wife can be one already too. Other than that maybe 2 parttime people like a cleaner or accountant, or family member. This also can have some benefits for your wife to earn money on paper, getting mortgage or car etc. For you at the same time it doesn't have to hurt to have a minimal income via that company aside of still keeping the rest 'offshore'.
  22. I consider myself that well informed, that I certainly not eat US their BS stories anymore, neither the ones from EU or Russia. Gold and silver will do for now. Some people think they are well informed, while in reality I would say they are not, as they still worked their entire life not understanding the real big picture.
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