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Chris Daley

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Everything posted by Chris Daley

  1. Made me smile. Hope the guy was okay.
  2. ''what is the fear of duck watching called'' And that is general knowledge? So we generally all live in rural areas near duck ponds?
  3. Well the airport closes at night. So that would make sense. Imagine a <deleted>hole that turns down tourists arriving at night. Amazing.
  4. Should have gone to Nonthaburi Immigration they will stamp you all day long for an under the table fee.
  5. Last time we were getting busy she asked me what I wanted for me tea tomorrow. I said corn beef hash.
  6. This news makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Knowing that most of the users on here will have to pay taxes like the rest of us. I come here and work hard for my money. Welcome to the real Thailand.
  7. Man sprays water directly at an electrical fire dies. Leaves behind young child, wife and family.
  8. Left over Tom Yam Gai with rice and an omelet.
  9. Sometimes I feel down but than I remember there are actually people living in America. They have no choice. They came second in the lottery of life.
  10. Two times I have been there 90 days between each visit and I came back with a virus. First time I went there on the Friday. Felt tired on Saturday. Went to hospital on the Sunday and was diagnosed with Covid 19. Second time was last Friday. Now I am sitting here with a flu and sore throat. That place is an absolute cesspit. Make sure you wear a mask and wash your hands.
  11. Betrayal at work is expected. With family it happens. With friends it is a shock. But in a long term relationship it can never happen. It reduces the woman to a sex worker. Time for money.
  12. Betrayal by a Self-Serving woman: When a woman prioritizes money over genuine connection, it can be particularly hurtful. The love and intimacy we seek in a relationship often hinge on trust and mutual respect, making it painful when those values are overshadowed by her materialistic motives. How about you? When did you realize that you are an ATM and nothing but a utility? Did you enter into a relationship knowing this or did it take you by surprise? For me it took me by surprise. The girlfriend wore the mask for 2 to 3 years before it started to slip down. I knew a guy at work who said "as soon as she starts to message you and checkinh where you are who you're with, cut her out of your life". Wise words.
  13. I would love to see them enforce the 'bachelors in education'' rule. 98 percent of teachers deported overnight. Now we have a Thai teacher with a degree in glue sniffing and shaving kids heads.
  14. Yeah I know her. She's good. Down the hall and second on the right.
  15. Strength - 100/255 Speed - 250/255 Endurance - 80/255 Defense - 95/255 I rely on my speed a lot. I have very fast hand speed and snappy kicks. I can easily out strike someone punch for punch. A short street fight would be a walk in the park. They would be down in seconds. A boxing match would be much harder for me. I don't have the endurance.
  16. And the boss will say: Teacher no tablet in the classroom. They will cheat. Please use paper.
  17. Stage 1 Honeymoon Phase - She is adorable and you want to buy her things. She seems like a decent person. Stage 2 Financial Dependency Stage - The mask is now off. She demands for things. 'If you don't keep this job, we are finished!!' Stage 3 Abusive Stage - She is now an emotional an psychological bully. Every little thing is an argument. You can't do right for doing wrong. Your entire life is now just to make her happy. I drifted into stage 3 so I said 'okay sure, I'm going'... She quickly went back to stage 2. Nice meals, nice outfits, and a more pleasant personality. How about you? What stage of the relationship are you at with your Thai lady?
  18. Made me smile. Hope the dog is okay.
  19. Cancer will get me first. Good luck escalating heart and cardiovascular disease. Loser.
  20. Do it the Thai way: Run the place into the ground. Get them to fix it using their money. Don't pay back their deposit.
  21. No face no case.
  22. What is ''driving''? You mean FSD and RoboTaxi? I am sorry don't live in the 2000's.
  23. They are brainwashed zombies waiting for the next war. Any careless comments could be seen as thought crimes. They try not to stray too far from the doctrine of Big Brother. One false move or a Facebook like and you doing a ten stretch. That's why they appear guarded. One plus one is three.
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