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Everything posted by redwood1

  1. He might of paid upfront and went nuts when she tried to turn one hour into 5 minuets........Moral of the story......Dont pay upfront......
  2. This is a brilliant plan... If EVERYONE was to receive 10,000 then all the money would have to be paid out properly.....Because if anyone did not receive their 10,000 they would know and could demand their 10,000... Now if only 15 million got the 10,000 this would mean a whole lot of people would not be getting the 10,000... So a person would not be 100% sure if they would get the 10,000 or not.. Now lets say only 10 million people got the 10,000....This would be plenty of people for the news to do endless stories over and loads of interviews with the 10 million who got their 10,000... The renaming 5 million peoples money could be diverted into a few of the right people accounts along with feeding plenty of the pigs at the trough ... And the 5 million who did not get their 10,000 would be none the wiser about not getting their money....
  3. Ok whos been having sex with monkeys and spreading monkey pox?
  4. Its very easy to drop 10,000 baht taking a girl from a GoGo bar..... Yes folks thats 10,000 smakaroos in a single night.... Have people lost their minds or what? 10,000 baht would buy 30 300 baht dinners.....You could eat out every night for a entire month for 10,000.... Or rent a nice condo for a entire month for 10,000 baht.... Man you would have to be stinking loaded to be taking girls from GoGos regularly....
  5. So does ExpatTax have any thing to gain financially by hoodwinking as many expats as possible and getting them working with them with lots of fees involved?.....All for a nonsense tax..? Answer.....Of course ExpatTax has plenty to gain financially......Or they would not bother even making these videos....
  6. The thing about paying crazy expensive prices is that they will put a serious drain on anybody's budget over time unless your very well off indeed... I bet less than 1% of mongers can afford to blow 10, 15, 20 thousand a night over a extended period of time, like in months and years... Also if the Japanese and Koreans keep at it, they WILL be paying the same prices here as they do back home....
  7. Does anyone pay these prices? 2000 baht bloody bar fine and 3000/ 5000 to the girl......This is madness....Crazy money very very very expensive.....For Soi Bukow I would like to grab a guy buy his neck and say....Have you completely lost your mind paying these prices.... Stickman says... One of the better gogo bars I stopped by was Playgirlz, which is on the corner of Soi Buakhao and Soi Boomerang. Playgirlz has been chastised by the owners of other bars for paying high salaries Chatting with girls in the bar, the barfine is 2,000 baht. Now let’s remember that this bar is on Soi Buakhao and not Walking Street, an area once known for cheap Charlies. Will guys in this area pay 2,000 baht for a barfine? I guess some will – but I am just as sure many won’t. The girls’ union has imposed flat-rate pricing with short-time 3,000 baht and long-time 5,000 baht.
  8. Way to go Tony......This proves your 100% innocent...
  9. If the Thais only had one baht for every time the media bla bla bla-ed about the 10,000 in the past year they would all be rich.....
  10. Thaksin has done his time in Jail.....And he has been a sick man too....I think a years break in his trial is well deserved.....He needs to give the pardons a rest for a few months so he can get another one in the next year...
  11. Well at least we dont have to hear the daily stories now about Mr.Smiley and all his worthless projects like the land bridge..... Paetongtarn wont be tying her shoe without Daddy's approval...
  12. redwood1


    Yes the Big Burritos are superb......Especially with their re-fried beans poured on top... It should be a criminal offence for anyone on this forum to not have tried one...
  13. I think "center of vital interest" is a classic Thai definition...Because it can mean what ever the person reading it wants it to mean.....For some one they like it might mean 5000 days and for someone they dont like it might mean 50 days...... Flexible definitions can come in very handy to the right people....
  14. Yep...No telling how many 100s of millions of dollars Thaksin has been moving in and out of Thailand for many a year now....He has shown very clearly were he stands on following any rules that would tax his wealth.... And now that the big dog is in charge again...You can be sure he will not support any tax on income....Especially if it involves his income...
  15. Here is some thing to think about... Does anyone think Thaksin who is just about the biggest Tax cheat in Thailands history will be concerned with strong arming a few baht out of retired expats? Now that would be funny trying to get retirees on small pensions to pay up when a billionaire refuses to pay up.... The only way to save face would be to just forget the whole thing a never mention taxes again...
  16. He said he is too old for politics and his daughter is to young to be PM..... With all his billions you think that would be enough....
  17. Bla Bla Bla the only people in all of Thailand that care the slightest about this ignored non tax that Mr Smilely brought up almost a year ago now and never mentioned it again...Are a few diehards on this forum and a few tax advisors $$$ who would love to help the diehards lighten their $$$ load......lol The other 99.9% of Thais Russians Chinese Indians and farang just dont give a rats-azz ...They never have and never will EVER.... Feel free to debate the vastly complicated international tax law endlessly...After another year goes by people here will still be debating the same old tired stuff....
  18. Paetongtarn has never held any governmental position before and is expected to face numerous challenges, i Hey I dont know jack about making airplanes, so I why not make me president of Boeing? Or How about making a sailor captain of a ship on his first day of work....
  19. Hey I am sure the Thai people will be having a good laugh too.....Every day will be a new comedy...
  20. Hey its a win win for the government........They got millions of peoples personal info who registered for the 10,000.....And if its scrapped they will not have to pay out one baht...
  21. Mr Smiley was a dreadful PM but at least he had some business background...I think Paetongtarn would be hard pressed to get a assistant managers job at 7-11....
  22. Milk had failure written all over it from day #1..........I am surprised it lasted this long...
  23. Only one solution....Ban all EVs....
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