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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. I often wear watches valued at well over a million Baht.... but if I have bought them outside Thailand I mail the boxes and papers back here and wear the watch through Customs with my G-Shock I wore going out in my bag.
  2. According to the Hotels Act of 2004 affirmed by more recent court judgements against AirBNB Hosts: Renting rooms out daily and weekly is illegal. Operating a hotel business without a license is illegal.
  3. Interestingly, he is one of the officials being accused of attempting to cover up the problem. https://www.aljazeera.com/program/101-east/2022/4/21/thailands-fearless-cop
  4. They need to bang this guy up and have him deported and blacklisted. Don't let him pay his way out of trouble.
  5. No lights on the truck + no headlight on the bike = death.
  6. Let's hope not. Sihanoukville and Macau are polar opposites, the only thing they have in common is Chinese gambling. I have visited both and like neither, as the Chinese have almost completely destroyed Sihanoukville. My first (of several) visit was in 2004, and it was a beautiful beach resort, now, it is a concrete monstrosity with absolutely none of the charm that drew early tourists to visit there.
  7. A lot of victim blaming on this thread. Some posters taking the lead from the hard of thinking Thai PM by blaming women for being sexually assaulted.
  8. You cannot say in the Thai media that someone has definitely committed a crime or someone is guilty of a crime until proven in a Thai court and found to be so by a Thai judge, thus they have to say the events are alleged even if we can clearly see from video footage what happened. Thai defamation laws probably have a lot to do with it too.
  9. Budget air travel is one of the culprits. Allows lower-class oiks to travel further abroad for their holidays than Magaluf or Tenerife. As budget travel ramps up again more of these types wash-up here. Of course Thailand in general and Pattaya in particular tends to attract a certain type of low self-esteem loser that wants to lift weights, do muay Thai and hassle other expats and visitors to make up for his inadequacies, and prove himself a tough-guy (not saying folk that do these activities are all like that, but a lot I have met certainly are). Let's hope they catch this guy, lock him up in a Thai jail for a couple of years and deport, never to be seen again.
  10. Along with your Filipino friends I now know why my ex's kids had such bad English.
  11. Funny, they never bother to mention why diplomatic relations were suspended. ????
  12. Would that not be considered a bit too sensitive at this early stage? ????
  13. Good golly! it's one of those modified agricultural utility vehicles again!
  14. MB did not top up my coolant during a routine service yet charged me for it. You can't trust anyone to do anything properly here. TIT.
  15. They are available here. If you have severe allergies to certain things you really should be carrying one with you at all times especially at food buffets and restaurants.
  16. Their economic policies contribute to the current economic climate. Just as the Yingluck administration was blamed for the suicide of farmers due to the rice pledging scheme, this government should be held accountable for their policies that have caused extreme economic hardships for a number of people. Hope that clarifies.
  17. Dry chemical powder or CO2 would do the job. Also clean agent extinguishers are good for this type of stuff. As per the article they seem to have used water and dry chem, so perhaps they used water to cool the bonnet so they could open it, who knows? At our factories and offices we have the correct types of extinguishers depending on the likely class of fire in that respective area, and all our personnel get basic fire training to Thai Dept. of Labour requirements every year. I very much doubt any of them would have a clue what extinguisher to use in the event of a real fire, so we try to make it easier for them and we have designated responders that should know.
  18. Another idiot that shouldn't be allowed to transport passengers.
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