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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. It is gonna be unlike anything you have ever seen happen in Thailand before.
  2. That bombing contributed to the Communist cause in particular the Khmer Rouge which grew in popularity as a result of American bombing and the detested US puppet regime under Lon Nol. How can we forget Thailand and the US backing the Khmer Rouge as the legitimate government of Cambodia even after the Vietnamese invasion and the genocide was discovered and the protection that was offered to Saloth Sar aka Pol Pot in Thailand during the 80's. Special allies indeed.
  3. Err, except that time when Thailand was part of the Japanese Empire during WWII and fought on the side of the Axis powers under the fascist Phiibun.
  4. Interesting, thanks for the info. I recall the news about the law being changed but didn't realise it never actually happened. This article and many others state the law, was changed in 2017. https://www.thaienquirer.com/7572/thailands-gun-laws-and-statistics-a-brief-overview/
  5. Expect a lot more of this in the coming months. People are hurting in the pocket and now regretting, and being held accountable for, poor fiscal decisions. A lot of folk will run away back to the provinces, creating even more problems. Amazing no-one is calling out this government for the mess they have created, but that is mostly because of the culture of fear they have instilled in dissenters. Those debts are mounting up and will have to be paid back at some point. A perfect storm is brewing.
  6. I said those rebels still in favour of reconciliation, were there a chance even Washington, Franklin, Adams et al were still in favour of some sort of reconciliation with Mother England I was not referring to the colonists that remained loyal to the British Crown. Do try to keep up.
  7. Elections of course were a process in the 18th Century. for example Britain had general elections in the 1700's under the Hanoverian King George I. Democratic principles were long established at that point and were becoming more popular due to organisations like the Freemasons etc. The US was the product of a revolution, which the majority of those who were rebels actually still wanted reconciliation with mother England. Switch on your reality button and go and study history. Dictators are never a better option than democracy.
  8. With Prayuth's almost complete lack of English language ability, you can just imagine the conversation being similar to getting in the back of a taxi in Bangkok. "You like Thai lady?" "This my friend me" "You go wit me" Etc.
  9. Pattaya is filthy at the moment and full of stray dog populations which are rapidly expanding. Thais simply do not have the ability or will to do what is necessary to combat the problem.
  10. Thankfully farangs that get excited about guns are no longer allowed to own firearms in Thailand.
  11. Drum brakes on the rear and fake plastic 'Brembo' caliper covers on the front. ???? Seriously though, if you are potless and living in workers accommodation as shown in the video, why would you spend three month's wages on alloy wheels? Bad life choices, ain't Thailand full of 'em.
  12. Yup. They don't think about their surroundings at all. Frustrating at times.
  13. And then we have the moaners moaning about folk having a moan on a Saturday morning on an anonymous internet forum. It beggars belief. I am exasperated.
  14. BANGKOK -- Sixty five local and international non-profit organizations issued a joint letter to US President Biden on Thursday to denounce what they called Thailand's Abusive NGO Draft Law. The letter was issued while Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha is in Washington DC to attend ASEAN-US Summit. Part of the letter stated that Thailand’s Draft Act on the Operations of Not-for-Profit Organizations, which the Thai Cabinet approved in principle on January 4, if passed, would "systematically violate the rights to freedom of association and freedom of expression of non-profit groups, so we urge you to call on the Thai government to scrap this draft law when you meet with the Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-o-cha and his delegation at the upcoming US-ASEAN special summit at the White House on May 12-13, 2022." https://www.manushyafoundation.org/post/joint-letter-to-president-biden-denounce-thailand-s-abusive-ngo-draft-law?fbclid=IwAR1SyjJlN0x6WfgP85yELT5BT3DalkwNa5v5WZE_YlKLF22MHxxGU-JLSGs
  15. Eh? He's a criminal trying to make easy money from illegal and potentially harmful activity. Good riddance.
  16. Suchatvee was in the news yesterday saying how he admires Chinese leaders Deng Xiaoping and Xi Jinping. Praising communists while representing the Democrat Party. Funnily enough, he is Chinese-Thai himself.
  17. And anyone that attacks someone else physically deserves to be sent to prison. See how that works?
  18. Nice lid. I ride with a Bell 500 Classic when I am out on my Bonneville or RE Interceptor, and I wear an Arai when I'm on my other bikes. I much prefer riding with an open faced helmet when I am cruising, makes it so much more enjoyable.
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