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Mr Meeseeks

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Everything posted by Mr Meeseeks

  1. I suspect the cameras on M7 are really obvious and stick out on the left hand side of the road, two sets inbound and outbound from BKK. Can anyone confirm? Those gantries with the LED signs appear not to have cameras.
  2. Just did a service at MB on the A-Class. 12k all up include top-up of all fluids (windscreen washer fluid 290thb) and that included oil change and air filter replacement.
  3. It is likely that he was going to fast and far to close to the bike in front. Unfortunately that is the way they drive here.
  4. You are again not able to understand what intrinsic value of BTC is based on. Bitcoin does not require to trust a third party to send money between parties as the centralised systems you mentioned do. Thus there is no risk, it is more secure, cannot be hacked, is verifiable etc. Everything those centralised networks are not.
  5. I made quarter of a million dollars from a $4000 investment in a meme coin. ????
  6. I'm a permanent resident, why would I do anything on a tourist visa? I pay personal income tax at 35% on all my income.
  7. The photo in the OP is what Thais think gives Western tourists confidence. They could not be more out of touch if they tried.
  8. Very telling that the article fails to mention why diplomatic ties between Thailand and Saudi ended in the first place. Ignore the elephant in the room, how typically Thai.
  9. Then you'll also need a work permit to have a bank account in Thailand, which won't work. The KYC for crypto exchanges falls under the same rules as stocks and derivatives trading, no work permit necessary so long as the person investing indicates that they understand the risks.
  10. The value of Bitcoin derives (in part) from the following: 1. A trust-less system of value transfer - no need for third parties who could turn out to be bad actors, add additional costs or interfere with the transfer process. 2. Fast transaction times between people thousands of miles apart. 3. An immutable distributed ledger, which cannot be hacked as it is distributed and you can even validate your own transactions if you run a node. 4. The consensus algorithm, which means attacks on the network are disincentivized because of cost and all transactions are checked and verified. 5. The ledger cannot be tampered with or altered see #4. 6. It is outwith governmental control, giving economic sovereignty to the individual. 7. It is hard money, because supply is limited and intrinsic value is derived through proof of work (computational power expended). 8. It allows you to be your own bank. 9. You can easily check all transactions from a web browser. 10. It's pseudonymous, much like an IP address. 11. It'd democratic - any changes to the network have to be agreed among all parties. Anything I missed?
  11. 1. You don't need a work permit to trade crypto. If that were the case local exchanges would require you to prove you have one when registering. 2. Yes, based on any profits made, actualised back into THB. 3. See point #1
  12. Patent nonsense. Supply is limited to 21 million. You Euro is not backed by anything tangible except government promises and debt. It's soft money and will continuously devalue until the inevitable crash as history has repeatedly proven.
  13. Michael Saylor personally bought 17,732 bitcoin at an average purchase price of $9,882. Bitcoin is currently at $36,000 as of typing this post. 250%+ up is not dangerously close to being in the red. ????
  14. That's the second photo you have posted without context. What are you trying to insinuate? That because the victim had a bag of Kamagra and a bottle of vodka on the table he deserved to be attacked and killed?
  15. Thaksin has ruffled some feathers with his accusations I see.
  16. Being from the UK and lived in Thailand most of my life, I've never owned a V8, however I have driven a few in Australia including a FPV Super Pursuit ute that my mate owned. That was pretty quick.
  17. I am the very model of a modern Major-General I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights Historical From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical
  18. This place tends to attract more than its fair share. Wonder why?
  19. Policeman on a big bike killing a young woman then fleeing the scene. Despicable and out of control.
  20. The road accident rates and resultant injuries, disabilities and fatalities would disagree with you there.
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