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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. I fully agree..... everything was fake... but of course maybe Thaksin will run in the next elections and than he can't have been convicted and in jail...
  2. When are they working as this goes back to 2008?? 16 years already.... skip all these long term cases and start fresh.... Living in the past will not do anything good
  3. Start woth modernizing the country .. Stop with all the conservatisch laws, open the doors , welcome people and businesses, stop with chasing foreigners, educate your people and stop corruption which can easily detected by the Revenue Department... But you need balls for it instead of staying with the dinosaurs of the army based Government.. It all will do more good than gambling, That will not save the economy but will bring it further down as many people are already addicted to gambling..
  4. Good that unions step in... And it is not true that it will have a negative impact.. The high ranked personnel and owners could get some less profit, but greed is everything. Don't forget if people have more to spend they buy more and who will benefit of that??? Indeed the companies that now cry fool. Maybe people who are against more minimum wage should at least live 2 months with the current day wages to see if they can manage
  5. Have you any idea how many bestiality moment are here in Thailand done by the local youth? I know in my neighbourhood several cases with dogs and cows.. and they are heterosexuals.. Please don't mix all non hterosexuals with perverts
  6. you are not well informed I think. the samesex is much more than the will. suppose you are unable to give permission for a surgery or so, than only family is permitted to do. Same sex partners are no family so they can't give permission. Same for arrange the funeral/cremation. Samesex partners have no legal means to claim the body and arrange things, only the family. Happily if the samesex relationships are legally recognized all these problems are over... In Japan there was a similar case that a partner was not allowed to visit the one in the hospital as only relatives were allowed. That happens in Thailand too. Samesex partners are not being recognized.
  7. in no other country i ever travelled to i needed to show my boarding pass when i entered the country.. Thailand the hub silly rules
  8. Approval in April and than the same the Gay Marriage Bill??? another year before the Senate has approved it and was published in the Gazette?? Or this can be done quicker??
  9. Nothing new yet, although they pretend Thailand will have a samesex marriage.. The question however is when??? The Senate has to approve first and we all don't know when they will do it.. The mandate of the current sanators ends in May and probably they don't look it anymore, In May new senators are being elected and than it will take again several months before they start working.. Suppose they approve it too than it need to be signed by the King and published, but that can also take 120 days... So nothing will probably change before the 1st of January or maybe later.. And we hope that the current Government will be in power that time, because if there are being new elections probably the law has to be done again.. No I am very sorry but nothing has changed yet for the LGBTI group. Delasying all the time as the shout we want it, but in reality we do everything we can to hold it back
  10. don't need to be shocked it is normal in Thailand.. If the Revenue Department was doing there job they could see that a lot of people have a too less income for all the assets they have. and they could start an investigation.. But as usual .... they don't like to work too or are being paid for not to see
  11. Ridiculous amount of money... Where is it based on?? Suppose it was a "normal"person He would have been fined with 30-50k... of course he needed to be fined, but let's be fair nobody likes to kill someone and maybe the doctor did not watch too for the traffic as everybody knows it is very dangerous in Thailand with all non educated drivers. The government should be responsible for it as they don't educate properly and don't maintain the roads and signs..
  12. in fact everything can be solved. Tourists are tourists and most tourist come for a few weeks. they are no problem. the problems occur with the long term visas.. many kinds of visa, but why not get rid of them. just make a long stay visa that you can apply for a. if you retire from 58 up and with an income or an amount of money in a bankaccoumt just as it is now, but with proof where you are living from. b. same as a for marriage visa. same as now, but with proof of the money where you are living from. c. for work with an job contract and all the paperwork needed for a workpermit. now the Russians come on a long term visa for example but nobody knows where they are living from. of course they need money and will work as they have to eat too. With so many jobs that Thais don't like to do., the difficulty to open your own business it is no wonder that people who want to work can work. No need for Thais to feel offended, as the most only go for big money
  13. yes sure... the article is made for having a good feeling... Bangkok on of the most polluted cities in the world, Suvarnabhumi not the best aiport as we could read a few weeks back, Thai airways overpriced and not the quality you can expect.. Emirates, Qatar, Singapore Airlines are much better..
  14. Shameful... The prices surely can afford a daily salary of 600 THB.. at least.. Touristic areas and famous hotels and who have to work for it to keep the stars?/ the cleaners, gardeners, etc.. their work makes it that the hotels can be overpriced. So now time to give a bit back to these people.. Tourists are flocking in as we have to believe
  15. Are there Thais who can sing?? and they don't cover or copy??
  16. It is very easy.. Israel is already in war for thousands of years.. They had to rob Palestine after they left Egypt in the time of Mozes and have never stopped. After the 2nd World War always Israel was the agressor by not accepting the mandates about Western Jordanian part and built illegal houses there. They are backup by the Western countries, as the Jews needed a own state after the war, but without any decent transforming the Palestine country they think they can all they want. Anyway it is a shame what they are doing and I am happy the UN at least accewpted the latest motion against Israel, but Israel will go on and commit war crimes.; Hamas I see more as defenders of the rights of the original people, but are being blamed and named in the media as Terrorists...
  17. In a few months we will read that many Chinese are working illegal here and will be deported..
  18. But in 30 seconds how can they apply the strictly check of the incoming foreigners as the immigration is told to do so now??
  19. So nothing achieved in 7 months....is still a lot of wasted time.. He can promote Thailand in the rest of the world but Thailand need changes first
  20. LOnger queues at the airport.. while in the meantime people are ordered to make it more convenient. Left doesn't know what right is doing again
  21. netizens.. they don;t care about anything unless it is done by foreigners.. parking at red white blocks stoppping in the middle of the road or zebracrossings, parking where it is not allowed or claimin parkin space in fron of their stalles.... Double standards all over Thailand
  22. Good stand up and talk even the current parties don't like it....
  23. Thais are no criminals, but foreigners as you state it
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