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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. yes sure... the article is made for having a good feeling... Bangkok on of the most polluted cities in the world, Suvarnabhumi not the best aiport as we could read a few weeks back, Thai airways overpriced and not the quality you can expect.. Emirates, Qatar, Singapore Airlines are much better..
  2. Shameful... The prices surely can afford a daily salary of 600 THB.. at least.. Touristic areas and famous hotels and who have to work for it to keep the stars?/ the cleaners, gardeners, etc.. their work makes it that the hotels can be overpriced. So now time to give a bit back to these people.. Tourists are flocking in as we have to believe
  3. Are there Thais who can sing?? and they don't cover or copy??
  4. It is very easy.. Israel is already in war for thousands of years.. They had to rob Palestine after they left Egypt in the time of Mozes and have never stopped. After the 2nd World War always Israel was the agressor by not accepting the mandates about Western Jordanian part and built illegal houses there. They are backup by the Western countries, as the Jews needed a own state after the war, but without any decent transforming the Palestine country they think they can all they want. Anyway it is a shame what they are doing and I am happy the UN at least accewpted the latest motion against Israel, but Israel will go on and commit war crimes.; Hamas I see more as defenders of the rights of the original people, but are being blamed and named in the media as Terrorists...
  5. In a few months we will read that many Chinese are working illegal here and will be deported..
  6. But in 30 seconds how can they apply the strictly check of the incoming foreigners as the immigration is told to do so now??
  7. So nothing achieved in 7 months....is still a lot of wasted time.. He can promote Thailand in the rest of the world but Thailand need changes first
  8. LOnger queues at the airport.. while in the meantime people are ordered to make it more convenient. Left doesn't know what right is doing again
  9. netizens.. they don;t care about anything unless it is done by foreigners.. parking at red white blocks stoppping in the middle of the road or zebracrossings, parking where it is not allowed or claimin parkin space in fron of their stalles.... Double standards all over Thailand
  10. Good stand up and talk even the current parties don't like it....
  11. Thais are no criminals, but foreigners as you state it
  12. Good news, as the Government already said some time ago that in coming debate the opposition was not allowed to ask questions for national security... The Senators can do it ...problem solved
  13. Laws for the common people not for the ones in charge
  14. No problem.. in a few years he will be received as a hero just like they did with Thaksin.... Just a good example that is now be done again... New Government new possibilties for those in exile.. Section 112 violations are much worse to be punished
  15. Thai work only for Thai people, as foreigners we have to live with that.. I don't never any advice or do anything anymore for the Thai society.. Tooo dangerous for being caught for "illegal" work without a workpermit...Thai people don't have a clue what they are missing on other experiences, help, contact.. but alas in a closed conservative society I can live with it
  16. Says someone with no brains otherwise he could discuss properly.. Thais in Dubai, South Korea, Japan , Finland and many other countries are doing much better
  17. I wish they did the same for the Thai people.. Than it is justified because everybody has to follow the laws.. But now it are only the foreigners are being checked.. How many Thais are driving drunk, with no helmets or drivers licenses or under influence of drugs or smoke e cigarettes.. It surely seems that the Thais are superior and can do as they please, while others have to follow the laws.. More Catholic than than the pope?
  18. What is Thailand going to do there?? a seminar about democracy, as Thailand is not a democracy at all>. A big input they will not have and accpting things they won't do as Thailand has its own democracy as Mr Prayuth once said and can not compared with others.. In the past years we know now what democracy he meant
  19. good move, however as he is the hidden PM there will be nothing done, except maybe for the students that the are trying to undermine the national security..
  20. To ridiculous to comment on.... 200 guns licenses.. Is there no central point that they can check if you have already ??
  21. Yes they can... If you retire in my country you always can do volunteer work.. but if you work you are not retired... So retiring and a few hours a week you can work and even more hours as volunteer without a workpermit.. You are accepted than as one of us with the same rights and duties no double standards
  22. Thai democracy at its finest.. election winners being dissolved for reasons that are not important. never was the national security in danger by amending a law. Only when the military stages a coup in fact is big more problem for the national security
  23. I know and understand you.. I am sorry that you think I blame Thais, that is not the meaning. i just wanted to try to find an explanation of what differences we have
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