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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. It seems the Swiss man is a jerk.. I agree it is not good to hit a woman,but to blow up the story like this and everybody has an opinion about, but we all don't know what is behind it... and we can see that 500 people are demonstrating for a free access to the beach... so probably there is much more that is not written here, but that is known by the locals...That is the only thing that I write we don't know what is/has happened before he hit the woman..And if someone dare to say he is well informed , he can only claim what he has read on the internet, but he doesn't know what is really going on
  2. As i wrote many times we don't know the history of it.. Who knows what happened in the weeks before....I can tell you that I am living near a ricefield and already for many years they throw bombs to scare birds 250 a day... Last year I went to them as I was sick of it and told them to stop it in front of my door. Since than they don't do it anymore but they don't speak with me too. But I think I was very patient for 5 years.. Maybe here is the same. We only see what happened when she was hit, but we don't know what happened before smart one
  3. O yes.... believe everything you read..... https://www.historytoday.com/archive/feature/fake-news-and-end-world Here is another item that you can believe
  4. Ok deport him ...Phuket get rid of all foreigners...That is the best for the island and its inhabitants
  5. Ok blow it up as in Phuket...Good for Tourism, the new soft power of Thailand
  6. You are so well informed i suppose you are his neighbour??? Or do you base your opinion on what is written??
  7. That is not what I said.. In another comment I wrote I don't agree with what he did, but they claim she is a doctor but is not finished yet. And besides that does it make any difference if she studying for doctor or was a cleaning woman?? For me the same you don't hit. and assault is a big word...
  8. Maybe they can start to do something about the loss of a lot young people in traffic accidents... These will never give birth instead of importing foreigners, who as we can see in Phuket not really wanted here.
  9. If you want to commit suicide go to Bangkok and walk or ride a bike.... The traffic rules don't exist anywhere in Thailand, so danger is at every corner of the street or zebracrossing. Red lights are ignored and than they want me to ride a bike?? Even on the pavements it is dangerous as motorcycles drive on it or are blocked by restaurant tables, foodstalles or markets.. And of course it nice to have the dirty air in your lungs.Maybe first solve a lot of these problems before spending a lot of money for something that doesn't work
  10. It will not be easy as the offenders section 112 will excluded although they are political offenders..THat is why there are committees and study groups and delays all the time...Thailand the hub of delays and outdated laws
  11. She is not an official doctor yet... she has not finished her study
  12. I am really wondering what is going on in Phuket. I can't imagine that a foreigner hitting a Thai woman can make such big problem. There must be something else beneath it. According to my Thai partner, are the people Phuket bored with foreigners, as many hotels and houses are built at the seaside and everybody claims private beaches. Sellers are not allowed anymore on the beach and several other rules.. I believe that is surely a thing that is true. But to blame one person for it is a bit too much. I don't agree he has hit the woman but if I read today Aseannews I see a lot of topics and also several days already, while in Korat in Terminal 21 was a shooting and almost nobody cares about that. So why is hitting a woman so far worse than a shooting with several people wounded?? That keeps me asking What is going on in Phuket??
  13. We don't know what really happened.. Maybe this was a drop.... What about people sitting there and leave a lot of waste everytime? or make a lot of noise? or just continue doing what they want? And indeed sometimes some one is the victim, but there is more as nobody attacks someone out of nothing. The incident is being blown up just as the horn blowing incident.
  14. Don't say that, in past years there were several braws in hospitals .....
  15. I don't hate Thais at all if think so, but there are things that could be improved to make the whole society better.. Sometimes you have to have stand a bit on a distance to see things better
  16. And she is not even graduated as an doctor... Stress already?? How would it be as she is working with patients in crowded hospitals or disasters??
  17. So Thai people are angels don't make mistakes??? I have a happynlife but I am wondering how Thai life would be if no foreigners came to the country anymore... Maybe a bit less foreignphobic would give you a better life too
  18. You don't know what happened before... It could be the drop and the bucket understand?? I can't imagine that for sitting on the stairs somebody is kicked, but we don't know what happened it week before days before or how many times there were problems already. But Thai people only tell the story as it suits them
  19. They can't handle the tourists that come in now according to the latest numbers 6 million in 8 weeks. How will they ever be able to manage 150 million in a year?.. Thailand hub of dreams, unrealistic ideas and hub of talking with no actions
  20. Typical Thai.. The singers were not so good and the audience complained... a fight broke out and he went home to get a gun to shoot the complainers...Probably all result of too much noise all the time that makes people oversensitive, too much alcohol and too long parties. Temples first of all should be a place to meditate and rest/peace, but in Thailand these temples are used as an entertainment venue with many activities, as movies, dancings, parties, just name it with a lot of noise. Rip to the victims, but probably Noppadon will face no charge as he a member of the volunteer defence corps... Justice in Thailand has we have seen many times doesn't exist. It will be a misunderstanding
  21. The justice system is weak??? No there is no justice system.. it is a system that is corrupt, and only for the poor and the unwanted. Elite, and people with money can do as they want even as the treatment of prisoners or suspects by the police...Examples more over.. Thaksin case, look how they treat hungerstrikers, the prisoners in the Covidperiod, and in normal cells which overcrowded etc etc...With the corrupt judges and the influence on sentences of Government and others by them there is no justice.
  22. I have always questions, as the story is never complete and or investigated... Probably more than a woman sitting on the stairs and being kicked.. And of course as a foreigner never touch a Thai.. these people are holy and never do the same with foreigners...
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