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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. I can imagine the problems... but as always not everyone agrees with the Israeli PM and his policy... On the other hand I understand the protests for humanity in Gaza too... and now in Libanon... where will it end if everybody keeps their mouth
  2. Lets have more holidays.... The people on daily wages will be happy, with less money....Only the wealthy will have n advantage and people on a monthly payment... And with rising prices, people will surely spend more and go on holiday as the wages are frozen... Thailand the hub of non thinking. Get rid of daily wages and make everybody on monthly payments at least 15k a month and the number of holidays will be halved... much better for the economy
  3. As friend of the army he can do as he wants to get richer and richer instead of doing real things for the Thai people.. Promising yes, but no real actions...But that we know already for a long time
  4. Why was the girl running away from home??? Who put her in the bar?? just a few questions to be answered.. Not always the girls fauly as is being suggested.. loverboys are also active here in Thailand... But the bar owner is responsible for these underage working girls as waitress or whatever... They have to show an id card at least and if doubts, contact the police or parents .....Shame
  5. If the RTP did their job not only to catch the tourists but the locals too, Thailand would be much better
  6. Thaksin and his lawyers don't need to reply as he is untouchable....at least he thinks and lets us be fair.. It was the worst thing to bring him back to the country.....
  7. Thailand... the new Taiwan?
  8. More police officers to fine tourists as they are a real thread for the safety... no helmets, speeding, no driving licenses, alcohol consuming, noise making, driving wrong side of the road, fighting, peeing in the sea... all things Thais will never do
  9. yes sure a very low country called The Netherlands in Eu and I am high educated... and you??
  10. Tourists will line up for a bottle of water of a this brand
  11. And so are the fines if you don't follow traffic rules, or other laws....That is why there are as many traffic deaths in 1 year as here in Thailand in 1 week...The police is doing their job... and no fines are disappearing in the pockets
  12. Hahahah.. you don't anything about my country as you show.... No even for Thais is everything much better than for foreigners here, except it is pricy
  13. Make a decent registry of motorcycle taxis with requirements and give them a sign that they are approved by the Government, instead of a jacket that you can buy everywhere... If people don't meet the requirements or make problems remove them ...But such things need enforcements and that lacks Thailand in all subjects Same for car taxis
  14. It seems that all high ranked people don't have a clue what their assets are and how much money they have... There is time enough to look into their books and count their jewellery and watches and cars I believe.. But they need more time to hide things or so... I know what my assets are and how much money I have in a few hours or even minutes.... but I have nothing to hide
  15. The hub of brake failure and the hub of non maintenance of vehicles and serious check ups...
  16. It is time to make getting workpermits easier than all the paperwork that is required now... That is the main cause of why so many people work without a workpermit.. The processs is long and a lot of paperwork for every workpermit even for the same company...Thailand still can't work with a scanner to put all documents in a computer but need still paper copies of everything everytime... Not 21st century anymore
  17. Paying tax is ok IF you get rights too... but now Thailand want to have tax from our income and assets overseas, and in the meanwhile they give nothing in return except double standards, no voting rights, no social security etc, while all imported goods are on very high tax, like wines and although they promised to lower the tax nothing happened yet since March. It is always a one way ticket in Thailand. I strongly believe after they chased the backpack tourists away and the people who could for one or another reason not apply for a long term visa, but contributed a lot to the Thai economy and families, now they want get rid of expats and retirees... This is not starting this year but already a long time the matter... Thailand doesn't look what is brought in but only how much money they can get out of you. i once was at the immigration office several years ago and an elderly couple was at the desk and their visa could not be extended. The man had not enough money, but he told the immigration officer that he had bought a houseof 5 million, and furniture and a car, and paid it all and he told the officer he could not have 800k on a bank account anymore.... And the officer said it is the rule and the wife started to cry..... I don't know the end of the story as I was finished with my stuff, but it just an example of the shortsighted ideas in Thailand.. Children and grandchildren will come and visit the parents/grandparents and spend money here, good for tourism and economy, but Thailand only sees short term benefits and destroys everything on the long term
  18. Typical RTP actions..... doing nothing unless you pay them
  19. How is it possible that such amounts are coming in Thailand, while small packages are being checked and need to pay import tax.. 94.000 should be have been checked and hold at the border if they are illegal.. But corruption again
  20. The truth always hurts and besides that it is freedom of speech and an opinion.... Nothing wrong with it...except here in Thailand that only thinks that everything is perfect here
  21. Another issue that is only allowed for Thais.... Foreigners are not allowed to fight... Thai people can do as we have seen many times even in hospitals and that is no problem for the netizens... but as foreigners fight on the beach.......
  22. I know but if they maybe they can find the construction... it needs a lot of research and no corruption, both impossible in Thailand
  23. I am wondering why she is rising??? Nothing has been done yet except some pay outs of the 10k
  24. The result of the ancient administration of the lands and assets of Thailand and the people.... Same as Wat Angkor... Thailand claims lands and things that are maybe never been of Thailand, of that are already in Thai hands..
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