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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Maybe the industry should lower the wages, so that people are unable anymore to buy things...m They will going bankrupt and that will be much better because of their greed... The bosses and CEO's will have big wages and bonusses, while the people hardly can make ends meet, Do they think it will motivate these people to work better? They have already long days and it seems they are the modern slaves, just enough to eat, but nothing more and the businesses cry fool if they think they the have to invest in workforce. The government should make a monthly wage for everybody of at least 12,5k a mont for a 6 day workweek of max 9 hours a day. If people earn more they can spend more and that will be good for the business, but that seems Thai don't understand
  2. It seems a lot of money, but it is nothing.... 10k in a month extra with all rising prices, coming holidays, and more to pay for. In fact the people get 30 THB a day in a year more.... Of course they want to buy lottery ticket, in the hope to win more..And it is an handout that can only be spend at certain articles, in a certain area.... and the costs will throw back the Thai economy much more than they will ever expected... Even now with the too strong THB, Thailand will become more expensive which cost tourist, and new contracts in the business sector... Several have left already and there will be more going
  3. There is no human actions to blame only the lack of investment of the Government. Every year the same problems, but the Government is doin nothing about it. Many years ago teh Netherlands offered help but it was refused as Thailand claimed they enough experts to solve the water problems. And in the 20 years I live in Thailand not 1 dike was built or rivers were maintained or any investment to prevent it. No just the opposite.. Building house and buildings everywhere so the water can't go anywhere anymore. And after this rainy season again nothing will be done and next year the same problem or worse as the climate change can bring more water
  4. She will be finished quickly... "Good afternoon everybody.. we had a partly hand out, we have our father back in the country and I have managed to hold the raise of the VAT , and unfortunately there were floodings this year although we promised there would not be any... Thank you for your attention"..... What else has she managed?
  5. What a wisdom......I tell him a secret... Covid will never go away anymore, and probably a new virus will come up, as we have seen since the Middle Ages with the pest, 100 years ago with the Spanish Flue, and the measles... and many more I did not study to be a doctor but I just use my normal brains
  6. No Thais don't learn anything. In my neighbourhood a young boy died because he crashed into a big truck. The family and his brother deeply in mourning as was not wearing a helmet and speeding. A few weeks later his younger brother drove in the middle of the road no helmet with a speed of at least 90 km an hour.. laughing and having fun... He did not learn from the death of his brother too..And so there are many more examples...
  7. Result of never changing anything.. No improvements are made, nothing ever changes in Thailand as it has to preserve their culture
  8. To hide the private parts they had the fun of put smiley on it, with almost the same effect as none
  9. What a difference with a raid some time ago when nothing was found and nobody tested positive
  10. Oh the car had only a handbrake..... no normal brakes??? no gear 1 to go forward?? or is it the high leveled education of the RTP?
  11. All jobs are barred in Thailand as Thais can do everything. That is why it is almost impossible to do anything here. Reason is simple, Thailand doesn't want any ideas from other countries in their land. Thailand is already the hub of everything and no better country than here.... at least that is what they think. But they can't do without it... Outdated laws are holding the country back. Get a long term visa with a workpermit included as in other countries.. Of course without some special occupations as doctors, pharmacists, etc which need a special education. Thailand would become a much better place for retirees and expats too
  12. Totally agree, the only problem is that even if you regulate it in Thailand there is no enforcement either.. It seems that here everybody can do as they want/like as the RTP is too lazy to enforce any regulation, law, or control rules... You know they talk a lot without knowing the consequences.. Vaping illegal and tourists stay away they don't want, but they can and will fine tourists as we have seen already, while police is vaping themselves. Tourists will tell it in their home country and still stay away.. Thai people are being treated as children too many regulations which nobody follows and why it is a mess all over the country,
  13. I know it, I have a long term visa, but my statement is that everybody could make some money because of the border runs, but some one in the Government wanted to look important and stopped this, with a result that the people now earning less.. The Government officials have no brains only for their own pockets. And they try to pretend that the tourists, foreigners stay away, but they have no idea how much damage they have done to the country already years ago... and it continues
  14. Many Thais and officials, police officers, teachers are vaping. If you want to discourage it make it more expensive, tabacco and e cigarettes.... double the prices and a lot of people will stop or use less.. See what in the Netherlands a package of cigarettes cost 11,10 ( about 400THB) euro, and tobacco 50 gram 24,62 euro ( about 960 THB)...It discourage smoking really. And stop the free selling on markets of e cigarettes, or allow them as many tourists use them too... Only being outrage and doing nothing is not solving any problem
  15. I never go to attraction which have a dual price like this.. Why should I pay 300 THB while Thai people only pay 40 THB?? I pay tax already and that is more than enough... This kind of policy is killing the tourism, but ah Thailand is killing everything by themselves... Now they talk about higher VAT which will cost more than it benefits.. The imported wines are soo expensive that foreigners drink less wines and so less tax for the Government. And you can see that the wine shelves in stores are offering less and less, and many many more examples.. Look at the tourist industry. Of course there need to be rules, but 20 years ago everybody was happy. Many foreigners had a shop or restaurant with their wife, but as someone wanted to be famous and enforcement the rules many foreigners left with more poverty for the families they supported. Same with the backpackers.. Many came here and taught for a few months in school and spend their earnings in the holidays here and weekends, but as workpermits are so difficult to get and Kurusapha asked so many extra paperwork, many stopped and now almost no foreigners anymore and the backpackers left to other countries were it is easier to get a job. Andf still Thailand believes it is the best country for a holiday....
  16. The Industry and business don't want to raise the daily wages to 400 THB while products for the people are being raised by 8%.... And than complaining that the Thai economy is not doing well..How can people buy things with no money?? My proposal still stands.. a minimum monthly wage of 13k for a 6 day work week for max 9 hour a day.. even if there are 6 holidays in a month... These holidays are being paid as well..that will be an average of 13k:24 days work= 541THB a day.. See how soon all the waste of extra holidays are gone, and see that people are able to spend more, which will increase the profits of the business and industry... But the industry and businesses are so greedy that they rather going bankrupt than invest
  17. I am very happy with the same sex marriage and also with the idea of the mass wedding.. However the organization of this event is terrible as no information is available yet.. Unknown yet if it will take place the 22nd or the 23rd of January. A judge has to decide. How difficult can it be as the law states that this law would start 120 days after publishing in the Royal Gazette... They can't count?? Besides that they expect more than 1000 couples, but no information about the day schedule, food, drinks, or other activities.... and that less than 2 months to go. Even asking for information is no answers... How can you arrange your paperworks and parties if nothing is released.. And all who have comments on the same sex partnerships.. look at heterosexual partners.. They divorce too and kids grow up with 1 parent, or being abused or whatever.. Don't blame a group of people who just want to be treated as normal civilians.. Nothing more or less, just because people are brainwashed that same sex relations are not normal it exists already for centuries... so please people get a life and leave the people live the life they want.. respect please
  18. Money lending only for Thais......and the rates are very high 1% a month or even more....many examples in my area
  19. I post a opinion, you only only post comments on posts..
  20. for doing your work and fine people is no budget needed .... you should know that
  21. If the RTP did their job they would have a lot of money ..... you have never seen how many vehicles are overloaded, no helmet wearings, speeding, bad lights and more and more but the RTP is too lazy .......Sorry that always have negative comments on my posts as you don't contribute anything at all only on other posts to take them down..
  22. Nice all these prohibition of fire arms....and how about illegal fire arms available all over Thailand ?? what if the people buy them on the markets ?? It is not that that there was shot for fun it seems
  23. It was a girl? a woman? a man? an alien? Stupid comment
  24. Indeed, but in a normal country people watch if it is free to pass....They got a drivers education...as in Thailand everybody thinks they are alone on the road and other people have to watch out.. Or never had teh experience that people on motorcycles just turn on the road without looking?
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