I am just wondering why a Shinawatra again? Ok Thailand was better when Thaksin was PM , but there should be others who are very capable too. New blood to move forward I think is better, than doing the same over and over again.
THai society should be get een update to 21st century instead of staying in the 19th century. But the old fashoned Government will keep things in place as it is a Thai tradition.
CNN reporters on tourists visa?? If they had tourist visa it shows again the outdated visa system and labour laws of Thailand. If they are journalists they should have got proper visas. In several articles we could read that these reporters were allowed to enter the scene. So why condemn them if they got permission and why are there picture of others with the same content not being prosecuted? Soft power to attrack tourists???
failing enforcement of the laws is a big problem here in Thailand. A lot of problems occur by this lack of enforcement. Unfortunately situations like this happens all around the world. For one or another reason people loose their minds and make innocent victims... Hope there will no copy of it.
and than they publish an article on soft power for attracking tourists... They want one thing and the they ruined it by an other announcement like this... Welcome in thr rip off tourism sector of Thailand, while Thailand is wondering why tourists don't want to visit anymore
Very sad tragedy.. youn kids murdered for nothing by a drugsaddicted policeman. Rip to all the victims.
The news in my country wrote that Thailand is a country which has the most weapons and not counted the illegal owned. Sad that people with mental problems can't get help anywhere. It is so easy to get drugs everywhere, a proof of a failing policeforce. Nevertheless a very sad day for the country
BMW is an expensive car. Name withold. Probably a higher ranked person. Parents should be prosecuted but it will not happen. Victim is a lower rank so financial compensation and all is solved. Thai justice. Shameful. I dont care if parents were in the car. Shameful to let a unexperienced kid drive a car
But high ranked people dont care. So the whole family should be locked up
The polive have to do their job. If you eant your own paking place let people pay for it a 10k a year or so.....see hpw quickly there will be free spaces
The 300THB will not be the problem in fact but that only Foreign tourists are being charged
It shows again that Thailand discriminates non Thai people with this entry fee and they have already accepted the double pricing system. Tourist dont like to be scammed