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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. This cabinet doesn't ant the bill to pass.. Delaying over and over again.... Approved in 2018 now 4 years later still nothing only delaying.. Shows how the Government is keeping the country from making progress.
  2. Government act stupid every more and more it seems... Delaying and hold the country back instead of going forward. The same sex bill also was stalled for vetting by the cabinet with a result of 3/4 months delay again..
  3. No problem... open up the country more and more less restrictions....As they wrote yesterday.. we have it under control
  4. What is the need for an insurance than for travellers into Thailand?? Mild or a symptonic is not covered...
  5. Controlable with more than 10.000 cases, but uncontrolable with 2.000 cases?? A few cases lockdowns and schools shut and curfews, 10.000 and more, schoolclusters in several provinces and we relax restrictions .... nothing to worry.... I will never understand
  6. Yesterday a few people were demonstrating at the roundabout against drinking alcohol to prevent covid infections... So stupid they better could spend their time for no alcohol while driving or wearing helmets as prevention of the many deaths in traffic.. Covid is nothing compared with the daily accidents
  7. An entrance fee for a country is a bit strange so to say..an the money will not be used as they say it is..... Besides there is already tax in the tickets included... If you want tourists welcome them as guests and not as walking wallets.. I know 300 THB is not so much, but count everything... expensive taxis, double pricing, and many more things because tourists are not Thai... That is bad for tourism
  8. And in the end they will end up very lonely, and if the money is gone there is nothing left either... Indeed they had their fun ... and for the ones who cheat their partner they play with fire because if the partner finds out ...........Yes I know it sounds oldfashioned, but who want to live another way it is up to them.. for me no problem.
  9. Sad that you have to go to the red lights for sex.. Not want a real relationship?? Nobody wants you?? Is sex the only thing that is important in life?? Just a few questions
  10. SWhen the cases were low the schools closed.. Now the cases are rising again and the schools are opening.. Thai logic I suppose... A Thai doctor said yesterday that the cases will go up more and more in the coming weeks. On the news is that there are new clusters in several schools all over the country... Yes I understand that kids have to go to school but to open the schools now??? They should have done it earlier if now the cases are rising... and the vaccination of 5-11 years?? If they are normal healthy kids I don't see the need of it to vaccinate them yet
  11. But the Thailand Pass is a success again..... although many countries declare Thailand as a no go zone....Now with this article ........Itwill not make anything better
  12. In Thailand it is the law if someone find it is the law.... This is an example .......so easy to understand....But the real law is nowhere enforced or known
  13. If one family can get away with it probably another one too....and another one and another one....Justice is not blind it sees the money and will judge conform
  14. nd how do they know it is not the first time or so you don't wear a mask??? Would be better to enforce the rule on wearing a helmet.. That would save more lives than no mask
  15. To get rid of this man is impossible .... unless everyone who is in favor for him is fired....
  16. Uncontrolable numbers, just as the Covid cases...What is true?? that is the question all the time..
  17. As I wrote yesterday... they are too young... first get some brains and be aware of dangers on the road, than get an education and than ride a motorcycle with limited speed. minors and young teenagers should not be allowed
  18. If nobody gives you a compliment than d it yourself.....He is good at it
  19. ironically meaning.... In Thailand everything is under control according to the Government but as you write by yourself.. The truth here is different
  20. minimize incenses will help a lot especially if you see how many vehicles are driving around with a lot of black smoke, an industry that pollutes a lot, and to far behind in the alternative energie sources......
  21. It will probably not infect Thailand, as with Omicron as the whole world have tens of thousand cases a day, Thailand only a few.... So don't worry be happy
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