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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Strange that as the government oppose e cigarettes , the people agree with it, but I see many smoking e cigarettes... Besides that normal cigarettes are no problem, as so, why should e cigarettes be??
  2. Apparently they expected a long lockdown to keep so much pork in the fridge...the scams never end
  3. the people who leave will be member of other parties, so that the chance they are elected again again is growing bigger and so the current MP's will be back after the next elections.. and nothing chance only the names of the party
  4. Thais can make loud music, foreigners not. But 3am is indeed no time to have a party with a lot of noise.. But we don't know how often in the neighbourhood there was noise at night so it could be a revenge..
  5. https://www.diagnosticcentres.in/healthcare-article/all-you-need-to-know-about-the-deltacron-variant https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10309153/Risk-DUAL-infection-Omicron-Delta-create-new-super-mutant-variant.html
  6. If it is true that there is a problem apparently as British scientists said it could be a deadly strain...
  7. I can't save 1.4 million baht in 2 years.. I even don't in 5 years time.. I have to live too and pay my bills
  8. I am happy I don't need to eat this.... Come on guys.... there is much better food in Thailand available... Give the kids a decent meal.....No one to find to sponsor??
  9. But not in Thailand were the numbers are the less than 10.000 a day.
  10. Delivery guys..... they should be banned from the road. They are always tailgating, speeding, pass at places that they can't oversee and watching their phones... It is a wonder that there are no more accidents.. and in the dry season it is sand, in the rainy season it is the rain and if there is no rain , sand, oil or whatever it are the "others" or brake failures...
  11. they can grill and complain, but nothing will happen...with a backup of 250 friend senators it is impossible to get changes... Even with new elections it is uncertain ..
  12. Several countries are very careful with vaccinate kids... Reason is that they are not very sick if there are no underlying diseases and the question remains what the effects will be on the long term for them. As long as nature can provide immunity no vaccine is necessary. Even for adults it is questionable to get a 4 or 5th booster because of a chance of damaging the natural immune system which could be irreverse able
  13. Can they write it down not to nominate or support Prayuth?? In the land of tricks is this a tricky one.. promises are not valid here
  14. That I am not a Thai national, does not mean that I am not worried for the country and its people... I have the best in mind for Thailand, and I feel sorry that a lot of Thais are not aware what kind of people do more harm than good for them.. I live here a long time already and it feels as my country and so I feel free to say "we"
  15. Amazing THailand, while all over the world the cases spike to 20 or 30 thousand a day Thailand manage to keep them under the 8.000.....
  16. Don't misunderstand me, I agree with you mostly... Of course I am teaching here now almost 20 years and in the school I am in now they have internet in all rooms and big screens and teaching has developped with it...But it doesn't make a difference as I taught in the middle of nowhere too without anything than blackboard and chalk and the backside of used papers.. The biggest problem is that students need to do the job by learning and remember, and there is a big hole.. probably because they don't need to remember because the teacher is helping them all the time, because if they fail the teacher is a bad teacher and no fail policy... But the basic things have nothing to do with the technology. In my P6 classes kids are still counting on their fingers... just to say...and all the money the Government is spending on education will disappear in pockets by several institutions. In my opinion the first thing that has to be done is abolish the all ways pass law, and give students ( just like O-net) state made tests... Teachers in the school should be go to another school for surveillance so that they can not help their students... If the students don't pass they stay in the same grade and if it happens that many students not pass for the same subject, maybe you have to chance the teacher.. It sounds strict, but much better than pumping a lot of money in bottomless well...I know from my own experience that Thai teachers are teaching the kids of parents who can afford it in special classes and they even give them more attention in the regular class.. those kids are a bit better than the other kids, but I think it is the job of the teacher to teach all kids and if kids can't follow the lessons, you have to give them more attention and not the ones who have special class and pay you...So cut the budget and reform the whole system.....but I am only a foreigner
  17. How can we get rid of this man???? He is doing more damage to the country than anything else. He is against everything and want to keep the 19th century rules
  18. My question than for you is, how did you get your education?? was there internet, TV and other technology in your class?? I understand that nowadays it is easier to use that kind of equipment, but for basic skills it is not a must. When I was in primary school we did not even had a TV at home or in the class, and in secondary school we had no technology too, but I can perfectly read , write and do math, know about geography and history.. just to say...
  19. it is not about international schools, but the normal Thai schools where the biggest problems are and the most kids go... International schools are for the wealthier Thais and expats, so please don't mix things up. Math , Thai and English, reading and writing can perfectly done by blackboard and chalk. Many of us who got taught in our youth did not have a computer or Tv in the classroom, but they are able to calculate, read, and write ...
  20. In my amphur they want a certified copy of my pasport and officially translated and legalized by the Ministry....But I don't want to make so much costs now for in fact nothing.. Okay no pink card, but I have my driverslicense and if I need prrof of residence I go to immigration. Living 17 years in the same place, everybody knows me, have tax number, car and insurance, social security but no pink card
  21. And I am happy to hear that your neighbours daughter is motivated and willing to learn... A lot of students won't take the chance.. My neighbours kids have never asked me anything, although I offered them free assistance
  22. Good of your neigbours daughter to ask you.... I am only wondering if it is the non native English speaker.. Have you ever talked with a Thai English teacher??? They don't understand us and we don't understand them too...
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