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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. It is too easy to blame the Scottish man for this... we don't know the whole story and I think I would not send money anymore if I knew that my money is not used for the kids or a better life, but only for addiction of gambling, drugs, alcohol or whatever
  2. You don't know what is going on...and the Scottish father have sent money. I have a similar family in my neighbourhood. The wife is addicted to gambling and although many helped her out to pay her debts, she is still continuing. Her grown up son is working and gives his money to his mother and her husband does the same, but still they can't pay anything anymore. Maybe this Scottish man left because he saw it was hopeless
  3. As we are talking about outdated laws.... Snooker gambling?? In fact everything you can see as a gambling game..Enter the 21st century please and try to live normal lives instead of seeing everywhere problems
  4. RTP and the truth are two things that are not matching... RTP should be reformed totally and investigated as corruption and bribes are normal. So in this case too... follow the money
  5. Sadly enough I think the man left because of the woman as he sent to her from Scotland. Probably more than we read in this story, but that is Thailand, never have the complete investigated story
  6. The biggest joke ever....so seriously ill, but never when he lived in Dubai... Monday he will be cured and only need a check up once in a few months
  7. And how about policemen and in the army and Government, teachers?? I see that they are vaping too... How can you crackdown on something that is used by those who must give an example or enforce this law?
  8. Than it is easy... Replace the current one with the 2007 constitution and bring the coupmakers to court, instead of spending a lot of time and money to amendment one that is written by the coupmakers
  9. British people are known for the use of alcohol... Maybe they should have checked him before letting him on the plane. If other drugs are used, I think it is not wise to fly, who ever it is. Anyway the reason for this behavior is not known, but it is not normal. Make a blacklist of these people
  10. My neighbour was a teacher and was elected as an MP. However in her house there was whole pile of newspapers and boxes in front of the windows. When she got flowers she lay them on top and after 6 months they were still laying there... I don't say all Thais are dirty or smelling people...I just want to say that it is not a case alone...And I have been in many Thai houses
  11. and all the protestors now that so called violated the section 112 law?? They are not convicted by the military junta courts?? Free them too
  12. Typical Thai... the man sends money but the wife spend it on....?????? Besides that keep the rubbish, don't take care of the children and help seems to be impossible.. She can work,clean her house and than probably she will have enough money. But I think debts from gambling are the main issue. Illegal gambling cost a lot of people serious a lot of money as they are addicted. In my neighbourhood there is a same situation and helping is impossible even with a total monthly income for her of almost 30k a month..Sadly for the boys to have a life like this and surely a issue for the Government, but they are too busy with what we have to wear and horns
  13. Old and very old cars out of the city, Busses and taxis should be electric ones replace the old ones and please not a crackdown but a very high fine for blacksmoke cars all over the country. Today it was announced that burning rubbish and leaves was forbidden, but in the morning when we walk around there are every day surely 3/4 spots were people are burning. What is the purpose of talking but no enforcements??Problems never be really solved but return everytime and get worse and worse
  14. No need to.. just make a total new constitution that can not be thrown away with a new coup. With a law that forbid coups in it. All problems solved at once.
  15. Thai Government at its best... No information no preparing and no data, but talking waste time and nothing really happened. Result they have shown that they want to do something about it but not yet... same the gaymarriage, sound and airpollution, and name it..They want to be a tourist hotspot, but no efforts can be made as nobody want a real change
  16. A miracle.... as expected..... Shame of Thailand now they show how corrupt the Thai justice system is. Ordinary people are being punished, those with money and/or high ranked can do as they want
  17. Good news... Let them dissolve the house and new elections and see what will happen now... They will loose a lot and the winner is MFP
  18. Empty promises for not to loose face. If they really want it they could have done it already and even years ago, but with the same Government dinosaurs and endless committees and meetings it will take at least 1 year more
  19. As usual in Thailand, very small things are being blown up out of propotion. In fact nothing really happened as blowing a horn.. The consequences however are much worse as we could see already with a clash earlier this week. Why not keep it small, reprimand the hornblower and leave it. But now a fugutive is getting parole for much more and the hornblower is even being denied bail... There are much bigger issues to dela with and solve the problems than this case. Spend your time and energy to those things instead of wasting time for a small incident.
  20. Probably it will take another few years, as the in 2018 the Government claimed to be the first country in SE Asia to have the same sex marriage, with nothing happened after. In 2020 Mr Prayuth told the LGHBTI+ community in June as a gift to make the relationships legal. Committees were formed, information meetings with several groups etc etc, but nothing happened anymore. Now with the latest elections MFP said they could do it in 100 days when they were in office, but the dinosaurs prevented it an Pheu Thai support the bill but again 3 bills were approved and another committee to make 1 bill out of the proposed. How difficult canm that be with all information of previous committees .. Now they need another month again and than the bill will be presented. Believe me amendments should be made again and than end of the year maybe another reading. If approved a third reading is needed and approval of the king which also can take 4 months... Another year to wait in the meantime. How difficult can it be. In the current marriage law, change man and woman in a person and with exception of adoption and children as these subjects need special arrangements, approve the bill and finished. That is equality
  21. According to the WHO Bangkok is most polluted city in SE Asia
  22. According to WHO the airquality of Bangkok is 15 times more than being accepted... They advise to stay indoors, wear masks outside ... Why did the Governemnt the last years nothing about it?? blacksmoke cars still driving around, almost no electric cars and charge points, no push for private solar panels, etc etc..but overcrowded roads, with outdated cars, burning leaves and garbage by farmers and households and temples, and nobody cares..More imporatnt issues than blowing a horn
  23. you can do, but it is not recognized in Thailand and therefor not legal here in case a partner dies or permissions in times of sickness/accidents..Only family can claim the body or give permissions for a surgery or whatever
  24. Again it shows the big need there is for same sex couples to get a legal relationship. But the Thai Government promise it every time but will delay again and again too.. In the countries that have the samesex marriage the economy got a boost, but Thailand is too busy with an outdated law, instead of its people
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