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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. what a rubbish.... with so much drugs their lives are probably more than average and I can't imagine that she did not know what was is the bags
  2. The greed of Thailand.... 300THB entrance fee at airports, and when in the country you have to pay extra for attractions as tourist, imported foods and drinks are have already extreme high taxes( although they promised that wines and alcohol would be cheaper) and there is of course the double pricing.. Thailand will become more and more attractive for visitors.....
  3. Thai unjustice system at the top.... it takes 20 years to start a case for the massacre the defendants flee .. a new amnesty bill will be accepted and they can come back and live happily ever after.... But when a common Thai does a minor offence he/she is jailed immediately and gets a long jail term examples enough such as the so called section 112 violators
  4. Yeah environmental concerns for bread baskets eaten by fish and other animals... better can go to the river in your blacksmoke car and with motorcycles and leave the trash everywhere, as most nowhere bins can be found...Talking without thinking
  5. The pictures says it all.. too many cars in a overloaded city, many out of date and cause a lot of pollution. Start with driving new EV taxies, busses and forbid parts of the centre forbidden for old cars as in many European cities already is...But talking and doing nothing will never solve this problem
  6. I would not like to be Mr Right for her... I Think Mr Right is searching for women with less public showing
  7. For MFP there was no dismissal.. all parties wanted them to bleed it seems.. Why now an exception for this one?? Bring it to the CC and dissolve the Pheu Thai
  8. Do they have a clue what is going on in Thailand?? overloaded school vans and busses, kids without helmets and driverslicense and underaged on motorcycles with 3 or more, teachers who don't care at all and policemen who don't enforce any law, maybe just start at the beginning with proper education and the adults doing their job
  9. I am always wondering why the RTP is involved in the offer of sum for damages.. It should be done by court and an official judge... All this mutual trying to solve problems will only good for corruption and keep the culprit out of jail
  10. With improper inspections, and low maintenance, and lack of educated craftsmen, there is nothing else to expect.... Many examples this week already, and put the low or non driving skills as an add and you have multiple chances of unnecessary accidents.. But as long as the Government, and the RTP don't care nothing will change
  11. And Thailand is wondering why they have a certain reputation......
  12. THey found out now?? Everybody with a bit of brains knew what he was doing in Dubai already and that it would be worse when he came back in Thailand.. But his welcome was more a return of moviestar, his acts in hospital were already a sign that he was manipulating and when he toured around the country he seemed to be more important the PM Setthra... And with his daughter pushed as PM he is back in power...and he got even a certificate for no wrongdoing....
  13. In the Thai system you are never sure what will happen..Every day there can be a sudden twist of a law being implemented.. No wonder expats are worried.. Look at the new tax model
  14. The THB will get stronger again... nothing can stop the value.... The floodings could have brought more work and income for the people in Thailand as they had plans to invest to take control measures.. but yearly don't do anything and only compensate the losses is nobody helped or got wealthier..
  15. This smart thinking... Lower occupancy we raise the prices ... result will probably be even more lower occupancy High season we raise the prices every time and we complain why the occupancy is still down...Than we complain that we have so many costs and ask for help of the Government, instead of lower the prices which will make the hotels more accessible for more tourists surely now the THB is soo expensive... You can search on website in foreign currencies and use the exchanges rates to see what the effects are... BTW the High end tourists are not endless
  16. So no meeting no payment.. a signature should not be enough.. besides sleeping during the meeting is same as not attending.... These old dinosaurs should be banned to proceed.. If they don't want to go, fire them. 75 should be the max age
  17. Nowhere a toilet building to be seen on the pic but a lot of bushes... just to say
  18. The investment in tourist industry shows again a lack of toilets.. These boys stand at the edge, but how many will go in the sea even on busy days and lots of people on the beach?? Solve problems by investments instead of making money because you lack to dosomething
  19. Money will solve all problems in Thailand that is easier than making the roads safer, so that less young people die, or that people will earn a decent income so they have more kids, or give decent education so that people can get better jobs and earn more... No taxes and taxes and higher fees will solve all the problems. And because there was never any investment because struggle already to make ends meet there is no nest egg as houses or savings for the elderly and the tourism will go down further and further with less income for Thailand as there is no investment for new attractions, or ideas and with the change of the global travel behavior in the years to come and the extreme old laws tourists will find better destinations..
  20. And they still believe that they are the hub best country in the world and don't need to update their laws...Thailand is at least 50 years behind the rest of the world
  21. What is "their " religion??? Thailand is not even a real Buddhistic country but a mix of several other religions hanged under Buddhism.. and in other real Buddhist countries there is no law that there is no alcohol sales on holidays
  22. The problems are not solved this way.. They should be enforced a good inspection that is not corrupt, a good working LTD department that knows how ancient some busses are and they should be forbidden to drive anymore, although they look almost new... and many more. That will do the job... Anyway there is much more for student safety to as overloaded vans, crazy busdrivers, and open cars etc.... Make Thailand safer is nice to say but impossible to do
  23. 240 THB... how dare they.. Card games... suppose it were bull running or cock fights that is allowed but a simple game at home you need to as permission.... Police officer we want to play a card game can I get permission?? Police officer : how much money is involved ??? I think 500 THB .. Police officer: That is too less to bribe us.. play it and we will arrest you/
  24. Are immigration offices closed that day too??can't find anywhere on internet.. And the whole alcohol sales ban should eb reviewed for the tourism industry...
  25. yes I have seen and heard it as a few years back it was in front of my on a Wednesday.......and gambling and noise whole night... and that in country that doesn't want gambling... Amazing
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