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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. Foreign maffia is not allowed.. All jobs Thai can do are protected , so these practices too
  2. My English is terrible as you don't understand what I wrote.. please correct it and teach me what is wrong... I am never too old to learn. Easy to give comments, but look at your own
  3. waaw what a progression 600 km 3 track railway.. It is about time since the 19th century nothing has been done at the railways anymore. Except the high speed line but that is endless building it seems
  4. Maybe the Government should start to review the outdated labour laws and requirements to get a workpermit. Sometimes people need so much paperwork and certificates and titles that it is almost impossible to get a workpermit. Best example is an English teacher and also for guides. The protection that jobs are forbidden for foreigners for jobs a Thai can do also is ouitdated. We all know that Thai education sometimes lacks the real skills such as English teachers who can conversate with you an have a lower degree than a foreigner needs. Same for guides.. where can you learn French/ or Russian or whatever language here in Thailand as many Thais not even are willing to learn English?
  5. not only for entertainment venues in Pattaya but it should be in fact all over the country and especially also for the temples. The temples with their activities are really producing too much noise, while in fact they should be a shelter for meditation and rest..But with a non enforcement policy and a refusing to change mentality people will gat ear damage and the sounds are only increasing
  6. Cash is untraceable..... But no corruption of course all legal... even the watches of a death friend
  7. I personally think that the Thai Government can't subsidy everything. They should invest in modern transportation and if things are too costly replace them. It seems that the Thai Government is responsible for all extra costs.. subsidy for farmers, petrol, hospitals, transportation etc etc .. but the most Thai people are not paying taxes so how on earth can everything being paid than?
  8. Is that something like the pot and the kettle?? Many Thais abused their visa for overstaying in S Korea and stayed to work there.. Wondering why there are stricter measures now for Thai??? Thailand is doing the same with other countries too
  9. With many requirements for jobs that only can not do it is no wonder that "illegal" guides show up.. Thailand should do something to make things easy as it should be in the 21st century instead of staying behind in the pre WO II era
  10. As expected.. The dinosaurs will never do anything for this community, except words and promises. And than they want to invite the World Gay Pride...No wonder they miss the boat all the time
  11. Yeah more room revenues but because of more tourists or because the raised the room rates?? Hotels are getting very expensive and that will surely cost Western tourists.. Now they are being welcomed, as for the past years the Chinese were the only important group, now they don't come anymore the focus is again on the Westerns.. but for how long?? Why not focus on Russians and Kazakhs now?? Or as last year Indians and Arabians..Thailand should follow a education in Tourism, it will be good instead of doing things without thinking
  12. Raising the minimum wages will not have a big impact.. If people can buy the same or more the businesses will benefit from it, but with no salary increases people can buy less and that will hurt more. The greed however of businesses is unbelievable, all around the world thousands profit must be millions and millions must be billions and still nobody is satisfied..
  13. Same here I don't want any anymore...But I had to take vaccines because 2 members of my family died of Covid and we had be vaccinated to travel.. but after the vaccination we got Covid too, so I don't know was because of the vaccination or were we less ill because of it.... Anyway I said I don't take vaccines anymore
  14. The question still remains is it caused by the vaccine or is a result of surviving by the vaccine? Without the vaccine maybe people with now long covid could have died, but because of the covid they are alive, but have now the problems of long covid. It can take many years before this question can be answered
  15. Result of mismanagement, and greed. Nurses have to work long hours and hospitals are overcrowded. With a payment that ia barely enough to pay the rent it is no wonder that young people don't choose to be a nurse. Better payments, better working hours and less greed of directors of hospitals and doctors could solve a lot ... But this is Thailand. Big reforms should be made in health care.
  16. Rip..probably suicide as the police always say. No further investigations need to be done case closed.... Feel sorry his family
  17. Defamation law should be amended.. It used for all critics.. Suppose in the Western society they should charge everybody who anything they did not like... new courts would have build an many mor judges.. Come on everybody knowhow Miss elections are working
  18. Only big news in Thailand on many other news website around the world there is no mention of anything yet
  19. Again promises, but as Thailand is the first country that want to have the same sex marriage for already at least 10 years, nothing will happen as there too many conservatists in the government. Taiwan and Nepal has already the same sex marriage, so Thailand will not be the first anymore. Promoting committees yes, decisions and actions no
  20. He has a lot issues apparently, while in the hospital nobody could see him and the doctors kept their mouth shut. They have invented a whole list of shortcomings but now he is out of jail the first ex PM from Cambodia is able to visit him, but he is not a group of inspectors that wanted to see him. What a fake story of this family, sure he will have some health issues, but who not at this age? But they are not so severe and many as they want us to believe it..
  21. Oh he was so serious ill... it appears he is recovering already
  22. Section 112 should be in it indeed.. The former Government has abused it to get rid of protestors and even now still being used to minor offences. If section 112 is not able the get amnesty it will damage more than it will do good
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