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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. I agree, the non political stability does more harm than other things. Besides that there always issues with visa rules and restrictions and laws as Thailand is not open country but everything is focused on the inside. Thailand is missing the boat as it can not change things and enter the 21st century
  2. Good for tourism, and save face of the government.. They can say we wanted to change but a committee doesn't want it... No changes are possible in Thailand as long as the dinosaurs are in power...
  3. Sad to hear this story, but Thaksin is another one... This is a set up and not real everybody knows that. In your case you had already some signs , but did not recognize them. But Thaksin only got problems when he went to jail. He could party in Cambodia,in Hongkong and Singapore and nobody of his family ever said that there was a small problem, or even he was tired.. I have high bloodpressure too and heart attacks are common in my family, but I am not 6 months in a hospital for that
  4. I have a paramedical background, and I am a certified laser therapist and I know what I am talking about.. Sorry for you who have to find things on the internet
  5. If in the EU and US the old airports can implement new technology why isn't that possible a recently built airport in Thailand?? Suvarnabhumi is not so old as Charles de Gaulle in Paris or Schiphol in Amsterdam or Heathrow in London... If they can do why a problem in Thailand?
  6. What a joke just for the pictures because he had a so called heartproblem and high bloodpressure, but never spoken of a neck problem... But alas now the outside see that he really is sick...
  7. Thailand has no democracy. The army and elite is in charge even behind the scenes and they approve or disapprove who is going to be in the government and what is going to be done or not. The peoples voice is not important as Prayuth said already" Thailand has its own democracy" and those who stand up are being silenced even for nothing as the section 112 can used for everything. Democracy also has a freedom of speech and writing, but in Thailand censure is common in the media, newspapers on the streets and even on your facebook. It is a constitutional monarchy, but not a constitution democracy. Democracy is far away but it is a totalitarian system.
  8. Friends for friends... at least he did not blow a horn
  9. I strongly believe that the current parties in charge and army are behind the witch hunt of MFP just to create unrest. The very small incident of hornblowing is made huge and now they want everybody to wear purple and yellow as a show of support. Maybe they have hired people to make problems at the last brawl too, just to show how bad the opposition is. Examples enough... why petition the EC for MFP again?, Why do courts always verdict in favor of the ruling party? Why can a former fugitive be on parole, while bail for a protestor is denied? The parties that are in power abuse their power to control But in fact they will reach the opposite. The current army and parties in charge are so afraid to loose power that they will do everything to keep it. And there is aways the threat of a coup. Indeed the economy will be damaged, even now as political instability will hold back new investors. Blaming others is always much easier than looking at your own short comings.
  10. I don't have dreams anymore in Thailand.. I have a dream for Thailand... That the people could live in a real democracy instead of being a part of modern slavery for big earners, with a government that support only the army and themselves. With a justice system that is really justice.. The poor can stay and die in jail,and the wealthy rich and famous can buy their way out.. and, a policeforce that is doing their job instead of chasing foreigners for their money. My dream is that Thailand is entering the 21st century, but as most dreams they will always be dreams and never come true...
  11. I don't blame anybody, only we know too less about it to say that her husband or she is wrong.... Question is why did her husband leave her? I wrote in an earlier post already that in my neighbourhood is a similar situation, with the difference that the wife has a Thai husband and her grown up son is working and both give their salary to the woman, while she is working too. Estimate income probably of what we know is 30k a month. But she is gambling addicted and have huge debts allover the place and although she till lives with her mother who also support her. Many times people tried to help her, but she keeps going on gambling. Debts are now as we know far over 120k... Just another example, but she has 1 underaged kid at home that often even visit school. The blame should be by the Government who probably know about these cases, but there is no help or institution were people can go....Believe me If I would do the same if i saw that my money, is used for gambling instead of feeding and educate my kids.
  12. It is too easy to blame the Scottish man for this... we don't know the whole story and I think I would not send money anymore if I knew that my money is not used for the kids or a better life, but only for addiction of gambling, drugs, alcohol or whatever
  13. You don't know what is going on...and the Scottish father have sent money. I have a similar family in my neighbourhood. The wife is addicted to gambling and although many helped her out to pay her debts, she is still continuing. Her grown up son is working and gives his money to his mother and her husband does the same, but still they can't pay anything anymore. Maybe this Scottish man left because he saw it was hopeless
  14. As we are talking about outdated laws.... Snooker gambling?? In fact everything you can see as a gambling game..Enter the 21st century please and try to live normal lives instead of seeing everywhere problems
  15. RTP and the truth are two things that are not matching... RTP should be reformed totally and investigated as corruption and bribes are normal. So in this case too... follow the money
  16. Sadly enough I think the man left because of the woman as he sent to her from Scotland. Probably more than we read in this story, but that is Thailand, never have the complete investigated story
  17. The biggest joke ever....so seriously ill, but never when he lived in Dubai... Monday he will be cured and only need a check up once in a few months
  18. And how about policemen and in the army and Government, teachers?? I see that they are vaping too... How can you crackdown on something that is used by those who must give an example or enforce this law?
  19. Than it is easy... Replace the current one with the 2007 constitution and bring the coupmakers to court, instead of spending a lot of time and money to amendment one that is written by the coupmakers
  20. British people are known for the use of alcohol... Maybe they should have checked him before letting him on the plane. If other drugs are used, I think it is not wise to fly, who ever it is. Anyway the reason for this behavior is not known, but it is not normal. Make a blacklist of these people
  21. My neighbour was a teacher and was elected as an MP. However in her house there was whole pile of newspapers and boxes in front of the windows. When she got flowers she lay them on top and after 6 months they were still laying there... I don't say all Thais are dirty or smelling people...I just want to say that it is not a case alone...And I have been in many Thai houses
  22. and all the protestors now that so called violated the section 112 law?? They are not convicted by the military junta courts?? Free them too
  23. Typical Thai... the man sends money but the wife spend it on....?????? Besides that keep the rubbish, don't take care of the children and help seems to be impossible.. She can work,clean her house and than probably she will have enough money. But I think debts from gambling are the main issue. Illegal gambling cost a lot of people serious a lot of money as they are addicted. In my neighbourhood there is a same situation and helping is impossible even with a total monthly income for her of almost 30k a month..Sadly for the boys to have a life like this and surely a issue for the Government, but they are too busy with what we have to wear and horns
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