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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. It was abolished, it comes again, there is new investigation needed, it will be done, it will be dismissed again, ...and so it goes on and on..and all fake reasons to milk the money from tourists.. And I am wondering if Thais, living abroad must pay too, or are as usual Thais exempted from this scam?? The tourists are paying a lot of tax already without they know.. example the wines are extreem expensive, same as imported beer, and everything else that comes from outside Thailand..Entrance fees for foreigners are also much more than for Thais and in hotels they pay tourism tax already. Why not raise the tourism tax for hotels with 1 % or so? Hotels will a bit more expensive, but the revenue is much higher and people don't get the idea to get scammed.. However the hotel prices are already very high compared to European places, but a tourist on holiday will pay it ..All problems solved and the extra income of the tourism tax can be used for all plans they have to fill their pockets
  2. Everything that Thais do are not overthought... Just do something and than think and than it was a misunderstanding, or someone else made mistakes... A project as the Digital Wallet should be set up decently and that can take a year, surely as Thailand is not the hub in digital programs and it should be tested for months... Now they make people happy and than delay it time after time and change applications, payments etc etc.... It is still a stupid program to give everybody 10k but that is not my concern but I am sure many people who really need it, will not get anything due to the low education of not being able to read and write or non understanding of the Thai news about as every day there are changes
  3. Good deed, as in Thailand you can be convicted for every post on social media, or every word you speak... Defamation about police, hotels and other subjects we can read many times here.... The Thai freedom of speech, writing and thinking and words is far away
  4. Still propaganda ... to show that Pheu Thai is good and are ones that will win the next elections..... Nothing more...
  5. I have drivers license and I know that if Thais get even a deadly accident there is a fund that will pay out... A few months back my neighbour died in a crash, no helmet, no driverslicense but got a compensation... As long as these things exist there is for Thai people no need to get a driverslicense..
  6. And who cares ?? Today stopped by the police.. checked the sticker on the window for tax and than drive on... who cares about a driverslicense digital, plastic or none??
  7. Pitsanulok of course Pheu Thai now... promise of the digital wallet and an old red shirt province... Surely not a sign that everything is going to be Pheu Thai now.. That is only a propaganda
  8. How is it possible drugs in a cannabis club.... Alcohol in bars, cigarettes in tobacco shops... The world is at its end...Sounds more that there were no bribes given to the police
  9. Of course constructions are not the hub of Thailand...
  10. What is it with Thai people? always complaining how expensive things are.. There is no need to buy anything if the price is too high. It is just economics.. When there isa lot the price is cheap , when it is scarce things will be expensive.. All over the world the same....
  11. So is that a problem?? The domestic tourism is doing the same here in Thailand
  12. Sounds like a cigar from their own box. With many victims of flooding and storms, which are mostly the vulnerable, they can get instead of real help their 10k handout already. It will save the Government money as real and more help will cist much more... Why do the Thai people accept this ??
  13. There is no charter in Thailand , only section 1 and 2.. When there is a coup the whole charter is being thrown away and be rewriting by the junta and changes will be impossible.. Just to keep the power. Why not write a complete new one like the US have with rights and duties for everyone that can stand for ages...
  14. google and see how Gay Marriage has boosted the economy in the countries who have it https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2019/6/26/the-economic-impact-of-same-sex-marriage https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/02/economy/same-sex-weddings-3-billion-trnd/index.html
  15. they live by the day in Thailand.. never a view for the problems coming and when they occur, they will see how and what they can do....Nothing can be planned here..Not only for the flooding but many other examples too.. Look at Digital wallet.. They still don't know how to do it.. cash, partly now and next year, on the cellphone... And they claim they are the hub of almost everything
  16. Complaining complaining, but no investments, idea's or promotions.. It is easy to find cheap good hotels, but mid price hotels sometimes are too expensive for what they offer and you better are off to stay in a cheaper hotel. Holiday season in the Europe is over, the Thai Baht is again too expensive, the Western countries are discouraging travel with planes, Airtickest on long destinations are expensive and with all the scam in Thailand for taxi fares, police fines, and tourist attractions, and the bad air quality it is no wonder that tourist are looking further than coming to Thailand.. There is a lot of work to do and surely not start with more taxes as all imported goods are already very high taxed, see in the supermarkets the prices of imported articles and wines and beers for example..
  17. She is a ventriloquist.... and we all know who is holding her
  18. They are so very wrong.. It will be a burden for many years to pay back the loans and will cost investments.. They should push the same sex marriage bill to be signed asap as in all countries all over the world the economy has a lot of benefit of it. Many gays in Thailand are waiting to get marrried, which will stimulate the local businesses, as for dinners, shows, music, flowers, gifts, clothes, and many more... but it is still not signed and published for an unknown reason.. And after it is signed there is still a 4 month waiting so nothing that can boost the economy can be done before June next year... And that is much cheaper than give everyone 10k
  19. was there not something with a donkey and a stone?
  20. Big C with Big noise.. I never go there anymore as the music too loud and on every corner a blaster announcing prices of the articles nearby.. Silly situations ... just as people can't read how much a T shirt cost, or underwear or a bottle of coke or whatever.. They chase people away instead of creating a quiet atmosphere were people stay longer to relax and buy morem as many studies have proved. Here in Thailand the louder the music and the more noise the less people will buy ...Complaining doesn't help Thais know what is best
  21. Another crackdown for a few days and than back to normal
  22. In Thailand they can't use computers many examples... policecomputers of different areas are not connected, bank offices are not connected , even the living place and the blue family book are not connected... and AI that will take a few decades before Thailand knows what it is
  23. Understandable. Thailand is manipulating the THB and with an more expensive THB they will get more money as things are being more expensive.. So at he end of the ear everything looks well but in fact it is all made up. The Government will shout look how much percent the economy increased by this government, but in fact it is manipulation and not the reality
  24. They just realize this??? It is normal to see what they are doing and the impact of things when it is too late.. and than they want to turn it back which will never be able.. Tourism they have broken down several years ago already and look how they struggle to get it resolved now.. Now the tax is again a problem that they first do and when the expats and retirees are gone they realize they had made a mistake but they can't correct it anymore and so there are many many other things they do by not proper investigation and thinking of consequences... I know several sold their house already and left the country and more will follow as i hear in the expat community last week... Myself I am considering too what to do
  25. People don't marry for love they marry for the dowry.. Time to end this medieval practice..And most people don't even marry for real, but only ceremonial. If they had a legal marriage things would become much different
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