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Everything posted by ikke1959

  1. simple minds and no sense of norms at all
  2. But the government doesn't start working before mid September.... How can they do it so quickly??
  3. Sex is selling... Big boobs barbershop... Happy endings not included.........There was no other decent name to invent?
  4. and the economy will be slowed down as 6 weeks nothing is done
  5. Tomorrow 60 new locations are going on... Don't worry
  6. Now there is a lot of work to do for Thailand.... Human Rights?? freedom of expression and opinion, writing and speech is not possible from jail No same sex marriage yet as it seems there is a refusal to sign the law. Terrible circumstances in prisons etc Education ??is pre WOII and means indoctrination of old fashion ideas, anti corruption/?? How on earth will they cancel that?? The Red Bull case as an example, and many many more even the Government with Thaksin and cronies as latest hits. Climate change? with outdated cars blacksmoke cars, no effort to use less motorcycles, burning fields and airpollution?? transport ?? the same old trucks, blacksmoke, no infrastructure as the motorways are outdated and no new are being built...Enviroment?? all rice fields are being sold to built houses on, deforestation and illegal building in the parks... We all know Thailand want a lot but will never do anything
  7. there is no footage and they have to make one now and that takes time as Thaksin is too busy with his government
  8. the friend of his niece... but the law is for everyone... no exceptions .... Or just abandon all laws, because family of.... friend of.... relative of.... neighbour of... there must be no exceptions... even worse they should be punished more as an example for that bad behavior and the shame they bring on the so called "higher" ranked, friend or family
  9. Corruption without borders... while these culprits get done everything a lot of demonstrators against the Government are being bail refused, while their offence is much less than what these corrupt officials have done in the past years and how much money they got for it....Same shame shame
  10. Tax reforms to attrack more...... but not for expats retirees and long stayers.. They have to pay tax and even more than they have to do in their own country,,,,, Smart stupid moves
  11. Will not work as almost nobody in Thailand fills in a tax form..The Government has no clue who is doing what, for which salary, and how many savings and living where.. Solve these problems first and than start with new tax plans.. There are no tax plans yet only the few Thais fill in their tax form and most of them and especially the rich and superrich are having a lot of extra reductions already or paid their real tax off with an envelope.
  12. All politicians makes promises and all don't keep them.. Is that a lie worth to dissolve or take legal actions?? The world would be in problems then, as everybody does it
  13. stop with it as it will only bring problems when there are elections
  14. I am not sure... start building dikes as we did in the Netherlands, and make some buffer areas... but do nothing will only give the same every year...too easy to say that nature wins,
  15. I am from the Netherlands so I know about water.. start with building dikes..
  16. The good water management of Thailand.. It is because of China, we couldn't do anything about ...But for years nothing really nothing is done to solve yearly flooding in this country.. No cleaning waterways, no dam level management, but only sell land to built houses, businesses and no further infrastructure whatso ever
  17. Is there any water management in Thailand?? Every year the same problems sometimes in different areas and most in the same provinces. After the rainy season the problems are solved and so no actions anymore for next time
  18. Interest rate are international issues.. Thailand can do as they want but if they manipulate too much it will have a negtive impact on the economy and exchange rate of the THB
  19. The modern slavery of Thailand
  20. the 10k digital wallet will not be implemented this year or next year... Same as Same Sex Marriage, that would be this year but still not signed, published and than wait 4 months again... But if he has 4 months time to sign and he refuse so the PM can sign but nobody knows when.. Digital Wallet is the same.. promise promise but nothing will be real.. Another example for the tax deduction for wine.. nothing happened yet
  21. Both institutions are the speaktube of the one so they are untouchable
  22. Years ago the Dutch King at that time still the crown prince offered help to prevent this, but his help was denied by Thailand as they had good engineers to solve the problem.. But as usual in Thailand nobody will do anything untill it is too late, as we all see. in school last minute meetings, sportsdays, and other activities as an example and many more in daily life .. nothing seems to be planned... Indonesia is already several years building a new capital.
  23. I would not call this horror but evidence of lack of supervision and sexual education...
  24. They even can't organize the Asean Martial Art indoor Games as we could read last week... So now they want to invite the youth of the world??? First make your country ready for the 21st century than start with inviting the world
  25. I am wondering why in some visa requirements are to invest a lot of money in Thailand. Now Chinese do it and now action is needed... Thailand make up your mind what you want... Investors?? don't complain.. free visa for investors? this is a result... Maybe put someone in charge who has really some knowledge
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