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Fat is a type of crazy

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Everything posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. Don't worry Trump has the support of Walz's distant cousins.
  2. Probably same as what happened for the covid requirements etc. Airline tells you to make sure you meet requirements of country you are going to - in this case they'll probably email before hand for a while to let people know there is a further requirement - if you don't comply your problem I think.
  3. Consider that big pollsters learn from their mistakes. If you can show they did get it wrong election after election then fair enough but to compare it to one election they got wrong - if they did - isn't something that is really useful information in my opinion.
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 59 seconds  
  5. A thai girlfriend. One of many? Hope you told her to nicky woop. Which means nick off. Or go away.
  6. She's going to do normal things like let the Federal Reserve set interest rates high enough to bring inflation down without killing the economy. This approach has been slow but successful thus far. Trump and his associates were talking about taking control over interest rate policy but apparently backing off now. That would be a disaster. What is Trump gonna do about inflation that inspires you so much - think tariffs will help inflation.
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 10/100 My Time 134 seconds  
  8. Most serious pollsters - left or right - are going to want to get it right - despite the possible implications for there preferred candidate. If they don't get it right they'll adjust their methodologies as they want credibility. The media interpretation of the polls is a different story - they can can pick the bits of the polls that suit their agenda - be it promoting a candidate or for the sake of entertainment. Fox News and other right wing media entertainment are worst at doing this in my opinion.
  9. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 99 seconds  
  10. Thought he meant each way on different occasions due to separate flights rather than simply there and back. But if not no worries.
  11. Been said a million times but the best system is capitalism where effort is rewarded with some government intervention - or socialism - where say one business gets too powerful and crushes real competition, or where they are best placed to provide services that can't simply work by capitalist principles e.g., defence, health, etc. Republicans and Democrats can differ about where the right line is and that's fine. My problem isn't that either side does not have merit to their point of view but that Trump is a silly duffer and shouldn't be part of the debate.
  12. I didn't mean you. I meant the drama queen is Sparktrader - Bignok - Uttrahit - Dolf - SusanLea - Maeseriang.
  13. True that. Assumed he was flying into one and out of the other.
  14. The free bus can be a good option if you have time. No drama in this post if you didn't post 7 times with a whole lot of nothing.
  15. Sounds like you like the Australian part socialist health care system. Obamacare was an improvement to the US system wasn't it. See there is common ground.
  16. Posts like this are interesting because one side of politics sees this sort of comment and says that probably 99 per cent of left leaning voters do not think any of the things are correct - but there are of course examples of a few on the outskirts - the young, extreme, or bewildered getting it wrong or making a wrong comment. Whereas the other side will look at the odd errant comment or protest and say - that's what liberals or left leaning voters are - full stop. I think the second group cannot quite think clearly or broadly or see context if they draw such a conclusion but you will have the opposite opinion I suppose.
  17. Who are these commies and what do they do that makes them communists in your opinion.
  18. The premise of your argument is that Kamala is lying which is an opinion too. My opinion for what it's worth is that both sides - for different but similar reasons - have been happy with the cheap labour over a long period of time, but I think there is clearly a much stronger groundswell of opinion now, that something has to be done. Biden was slow to be fair. But them Trump stopped legislation that would've helped as has been said many times. I think if Kamala gets in and wants a second term she'll need to do something concrete and significant. The left of the party is pro immigration in a way that I think is too idealistic but I think she has got the message that being more moderate is the best path to keeping power.
  19. So if a bit more equality is something you'd like between rich and poor - then letting the Trump tax cuts that hugely benefited the wealthy expire would be a good thing - so there is more money to spend on helping lower income earners get a start, government in a better position to make health care and medicine more affordable, put a bit more balance in workplaces so workers can fight for fair but not over the top benefits and pay rises, more infrastructure building that helps business and the people etc etc, and then they'll be a bit more balance. Democrats would like much of this but the Republicans often have the power to stop it. Not sure what Harris policies make the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
  20. Why is that hilarious. Stock market tanked when covid got bad. Rich have most shares. Government handouts went to all and sundry - a lot went to criminals and scams but that's another story. I wouldn't think you would like handouts to the poor and middle as a way of balancing equity - as that is a form of socialism. Yes inflation is a factor affecting the poor and middle and it is up to you whether you believe the effects of covid, supply issues post covid, and ukraine war played the most significant factor or not. But if you worked hard and invested in the last 4 years you should've done ok which is surely what Republicans want.
  21. Ha Ha So funny You seemed keen on your polls a few weeks ago. Keep in mind each election cycle they learn new things e.g. how to counter the possible bias of people being embarrassed to admit they could vote for Trump
  22. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 68 seconds  
  23. Get it all out of your system now. Cool.
  24. Lame article. Two brothers don't get along. Older brother gives no specifics about why is brother is bad but older brother donated to Trump. Older brother no angel - found guilty of shoplifting in 2001 and given 6 months probation - likely irrelevant but interesting.
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