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  1. "If inflation has cooled because people don't have jobs or money that will be bad." It's always the case that some people don't have jobs or money. It's the level of people who don't have jobs or money that counts.
  2. And that Harris' policy was/is to keep letting millions of new low and no skilled "workers", that are often illiterate in their native tongue, and almost always illiterate in English, and that will likely never assimilate, and many of whom will be on some form of public assistance for life, and that will: -Put downward pressure on wages, which is great for the rich.
  3. I'm sure you wouldn't make such assertions as "the inflation numbers are totally fake" without having some link to a credible source to back them up. Please share them with the rest of us.
  4. This is comical coming from you who have posted no data or links at all to your assertions that I have challenged.
  5. One link was in my quote and the other was a click away. Actually, I don't regurgitate what I read. I digest it. Whereas you, when it comes to ingesting information, are clearly anorexic.
  6. Funny, when the polls were favoring Trump I don't recall any Trump supporters having problems with them. Hmmm...what has changed?
  7. In my quote there's a link to the Stl Louis Fed databasse and a reference to the Atlanta Fed's database that was linked to above Whereas all you offer is empty assertions and evasions.
  8. Clearly, you didn't read what I just posted. Wages have risen most for those in the lowest 25 percent of workers, well outpacing inflation., If you're going to make assertions about the effects of immigrants on workers' wages and how well immigrants integrate into the economy, accompany those assertions with links to credible sources. Otherwise they're just empty. As for inflation, clearly you're at a loss since you have no answer for why Biden is responsible for inflation since it affected most of the world's economies.
  9. You'll be please to learn that those who would have been hit the hardest were those who did the best as far as wage increases go during the Biden administration "Similarly, workers in the bottom 25 percent of America’s income distribution have seen much stronger wage growth than higher earners, according to the Atlanta Fed’s data. And this trend is also reflected in data on wages in America’s leisure and hospitality industry, the nation’s lowest-paid sector. Even using the Labor Department’s data (which likely underestimates wage growth due to the compositional issues mentioned above), pay for hospitality workers has far outpaced inflation during Biden’s time in office." https://www.vox.com/politics/356775/trump-biden-debate-truth-about-biden-record
  10. If you didn't allege it, then what's your point? So you agree that the Biden Administration isn't responsible? If so, I guess we agree.
  11. Now that's the case. But cumulatively. What most people don't know is that most of the world calculates inflation differently from the US. Basically, they don't take housing prices into account. They way the US calculates housing costs is to use a proxy. Basically, it's an estimate of what it would cost to rent a house were it to be put on the rental market. It considerably inflates the level of inflation compared to the EU. Here's what the EU CPI using Harmonized Inflation Index looks like since from January 1, 2021 though May 2024 (the last month for which data was available) https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CP0000EZ19M086NEST Here's what US CPI would look like if it were calculated using the Harmonized Index https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CP0000USM086NEST Virtually the same level of CPI inflation in both the EU and the USA
  12. I'm not going to read every post here but all the ones I've read seem to ignore that fact that this is about PREMIUM EVs. Not all EVs. Which is why BMW is featured in the article. The article also notes that the sales of Premium ICE vehicles has also fallen. Can most Thais afford to buy Premium vehicles whether EVs or ICE. This doesn't seem like a very important story.
  13. Is this why the Biden administration imposed increased taxes on those elites in order to make health insurance affordable to those out of work or in low paying jobs? Biden Signs Expansive Health, Climate and Tax Law President Biden on Tuesday signed a long-awaited bill meant to reduce health costs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and raise taxes on corporations and wealthy investors, capping more than a year of on-again, off-again negotiations and cementing his early economic legacy. https://archive.ph/D8vFe
  14. Your comment about inflation is utterly irrelevant to your allegation that the Biden administration was responsible for high inflation in the USA. You continue to ignore the fact that high inflation affected most of the world's economy. The one big exception is China. And that's because their economy is mostly in worse shape thanks to the expansion of state control of the economy.
  15. Now they do. What are the cumulative totals since the end of the pandemic? And what is their level of unemployment? What about cumulative GDP growth?
  16. For employment to rise to 3.5% it had to get down there in the first place. And, historically, unemployment levels below 5 percent has always been considered to be excellent. Thanks for the G20 factoid. There are some huge problem with that. The G20 is composed of economically fully developed nations and developing nations. Well managed economically developing nations typically have a much higher growth rate than fully developed nations. FYI, that goes for the Trump years, too. If you take them out the picture looks quite different. Also, your numbers are apparently for the first quarter of 2024. They take no account of total growth since the end of the pandemic. https://web-archive.oecd.org/temp/2024-06-12/677570-g20-gdp-growth-first-quarter-2024-oecd.htm
  17. Pavlovian triggers for right wingers in denial of the fact that allegations concerning these points have all been shot down.
  18. What don't you understand about the fact that just because all the alleged evidence produced by the House Subcommittee assigned to the investigation ended up coming with nothing. Don't you understand that absence of evidence is actually proof of guilt?
  19. You've fixated on the wrong word, Actually it was but but but... most of the world's economies. How was Biden responsible for inflation in most of the rest of the world?
  20. Is inflation the only index of how an economy is doing? What about employment levels? How about GDP growth. And while the UK may have a lower inflation rate now, that's only recently the case.
  21. One huge fact you're overlooking. High inflation was widespread following covid in most of the world's economies. How was Biden, or for that matter, Harris responsible for that? The fact is that the US economy recovered a lot faster than other major world economies.
  22. What I liked most about your post was the wealth of evidence linked to credible sources that you provided. Because if you had just provided unbacked assertions that would just be pointless and...oh wait a minute Anyway, FYI, the extraordinary power of greenhouse gasses has been known since the 19th century thanks to the work of Eunice Foote and especially John Tindall, the great Irish physicist. "It was 150 years ago that John Tyndall, external, one of history's truly great physicists, published a scientific paper with the far-from-snappy title On the Absorption and Radiation of Heat by Gases and Vapours, and on the Physical Connexion of Radiation, Absorption, and Conduction. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-15093234 Part of his experimentation included the construction of the first ratio spectrophotometer, which he used to measure the absorptive powers of gases such as water vapor, "carbonic acid" (now known as carbon dioxide), ozone, and hydrocarbons. Among his most important discoveries were the vast differences in the abilities of "perfectly colorless and invisible gases and vapors" to absorb and transmit radiant heat. He noted that oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen are almost transparent to radiant heat while other gases are quite opaque. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/Tyndall And the fact is that most algorithm, created in the 1970's by scientists, that have been proven to be astonishingly accurate. https://phys.org/news/2019-12-climate-theyre-remarkably-good.html#:~:text=After years of hearing critics,indistinguishable from what actually occurred." That even goes for research of scientists working for Exxon In “Assessing ExxonMobil’s Global Warming Projections,” researchers from Harvard and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research show for the first time the accuracy of previously unreported forecasts created by company scientists from 1977 through 2003. The Harvard team discovered that Exxon researchers created a series of remarkably reliable models and analyses projecting global warming from carbon dioxide emissions over the coming decades. Specifically, Exxon projected that fossil fuel emissions would lead to 0.20 degrees Celsius of global warming per decade, with a margin of error of 0.04 degrees — a trend that has been proven largely accurate. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/01/harvard-led-analysis-finds-exxonmobil-internal-research-accurately-predicted-climate-change/#:~:text=Specifically%2C Exxon projected that fossil,has been proven largely accurate. Not surprisingly EXXON suppressed it. The problem with the explanation that CO2 levels are only the result of natural processes and not the cause is that there was a sharp spike in CO2 levels starting in the 1970s. This was accompanied by a sharp spike in temperatures which is continuing. That spike was generated by human activity.
  23. Really? Is he responsible for the high inflation that afflicted most of the world also? Reasonable people would understand to look elsewhere. Obviously supply chain disruption was a huge Factor.
  24. More bad polling news for Trump Donald Trump at Risk of Losing Florida, Poll Suggests The USA Today/Suffolk University/WSVN-TV survey conducted between August 7 and August 11 reveals that Florida may not be an easy win for Trump. The former president leads his opponent by only 5 points with 47 percent to Vice President Kamala Harris's 42 percent, in the poll. His current lead is smaller than all polls have shown since July 10 and is also within the survey's margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percent. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-risk-losing-florida-presidential-election-kamala-harris-1938497
  25. Truly a bizarre reply. You clearly don't understand the business model of news sites work. You're right that conservatives calling out lefties, lying or otherwise, means little to lefties., Ya think that's who Fox and other conservative web sites care about - people who ignore them? They make their money by reports that draw in their target audience. Whose eyes do you think a conservative website is trying to attract? Do I really need to explain that to you?
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