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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. It should be optional. Lots here are desperately upset their tax money is no longer buying condoms and drag shows for the 3rd world. Maybe they can opt into paying into an unaudited slush fund for nefarious purpose. Meanwhile freedom living folk can stop paying. Everyones a winner!
  2. Having invited millions and millions of people of a hostile violent ideology into peaceful European nations, we now have the fox inside the henhouse. Makes no difference now how the fence is strengthened, we are cooked from within. Lots of cities like London and Paris have already fallen to the invaders, all will eventually succumb, it's basic demographics. No point thinking about Russia or Ukraine. Interestingly enough Russia did not try replacing Russians with "guests on welfare" so they will survive as a nation. As will China. As will Thailand. As will Japan. Well done the 4 nations.
  3. No. According to our emotional friend above it is worth zilch🤣. Another case of liberal "facts" running full steam ahead into the brick wall of reality.
  4. Mkt cap $6.6 BILLION. Have you ever formed a business worth that amount? Thought not. Next....
  5. Did it factually happen? Yes Does it run contrary to democrat narratives? Yes Does reality and truth trump false yet deeply ingrained democrat narratives? Not for everyone, clearly.
  6. Have you just woken up from a 4 year sleep? Your team ran on a "Get Trump" platform without a crime, which led to the biggest travesty of justice reviving expired crimes to persecute political rival. All the while sheilding a deeply corrupt child molester. After cheering this on, the left do not get to lecture anybody on justice or truth.
  7. Under Obama Putin invaded Ukraine Under Trump he did not, there was peace Under Biden Putin invaded Ukraine Can you reconcile fact with what you wrote above? Of course not, it's complete nonsense.
  8. NY attorneys quitting now yet happily watched the bonkers lawfare against Trump? Morals, ethics, logic, all thrown out the window. NY is in real trouble
  9. Certainly possible. Canada, the EU, the UK and China could form an Orwellian totalitarian alliance. After all, they seem in ideological lockstep wanting freedom of speech banned, draconian censorship and more unaccountable elites and leaders. Hopefully the US under Trump will be a shining beacon of freedom and success, so the well informed citizens of the above countries should have a lightbulb moment and slam on the anchors before they slip into full blown communism.
  10. Remind me. What is the max punishment for treason? Fire up ole sparky for these anti democracy traitors
  11. If they are being built by members of a ideology that wants desperately to splatter my kids and I with a vehicle whilst out for a stroll, then yes. I'd say it would bother me.
  12. No. That was democrat policy. Open borders and gender being fluid. A big part of why they lost in such a landslide. You know this.
  13. The entire liberal hivemind is suddenly dogpiling on Musk. How authentic. Wait till they get sicced on the next target. Nothing says genuine outrage than following state paid propaganda networks talking points😅
  14. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear. Hey? Didnt hear that little nugget for a while did we.
  15. Lost all meaning when drone strike champ Obama got one just for winning an election while diverse.
  16. So true. Nothing proves that dems are finished than Taylor Swift getting booed by an entire stadium and Trump getting roof raising cheers. Its over. The party of hatred, hoaxes and undermining Americans have been curb stomped. It's a total culture shift. Not before time IMO. And great to see ex Democrat Gabbard front and center stage. Must be triggering seeing all these ex democrats now playing in major league while the rest are just nobodies.
  17. He needs four, 2 from his 1st term. Ukraine Gaza Abraham accords Taming North Korea's Kim
  18. Smart cookies among us(you know who you are) knew full well Reuters AP Politico etc etc was left wing state propaganda. Must be a shock to others that thought of it as a credible source!
  19. Burisma Biden "proposed a fraud prevention and recovery act" ? Did he now😉. The age of critical thinking appears to have been replaced by narratives.
  20. RIP to the poor victims. I just wish there had been some sort of warning about inviting a group of people that loath everything about the west to come and live on welfare. Sadly everyone was in lockstep, our countries were pale and stale, we wanted to be enriched. Nobody foresaw any potential problems. Either that, or facts and common sense were banned and censored.
  21. Wisdom is knowing when to wind your neck in and listen, moreso after deciding every single hoax is the hill to die on.
  22. No coincidence her (ex) husband Jeremy Bash was one of the 51 lyin spies that helped democrats cheat in the 2020 election by falsely claiming without evidence the laptop was Russian disinfo, which led to useful idiots censoring fact for years in some cases. Not surprised she is totally misinformed about politics.
  23. Sounds like you realize how ridiculous the liberal meltdown is. Hint, when you end up supporting industrial scale govt corruption over transparency and accountability, you are on the wrong side.
  24. Trump will blame Biden's intentionally misleading economic stats used to gaslight the liberal hivemind, on Biden? Really? Good. Conservatives think state misinformation is wrong.
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