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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. This could be an opportunity for the UK to have a proper Conservative party again led by Britains most renowned Conservative. Mogg. Wish I could vote.
  2. Yes of course Thailand should buy cheap Russian oil and gas. The war between NATO/Biden/Ukraine and Russia has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Thailand or its people. Getting involved in skirmishes that have nothing to do with you is a great way to end up with egg on your face.
  3. More like 48m baht an hour. Freewheelers, backpackers and Asian youth will be heading here en masse, and it's not for the temples and herbal spas.
  4. No biggie. Supposedly the marvellous Carrie decides govt policy anyway. She hasn't resigned, has she?
  5. Now that Sunak bottled it and fled, is it possible his windfall tax on North Sea energy producers will be scrapped? It makes the UK look like a banana republic and totally uninvestable for serious players. The UK either has rule of law allowing companies to plan ahead, or it just dreams up taxes on a whim. Which is it to be?
  6. Still can't take these guys seriously after their hairbrained scheme to run boat propellers in the river to stop flooding during Yingluck's Great Flood. Incredible.
  7. If the censorship banning criticism of Biden ever ends, and the American left learn about the real Joe Biden he will be toast. I wonder how The Guardian says "On the political flip-side, House intelligence committee chair Adam Schiff said the laptop was a “smear” from Russian intelligence, and 50 former intelligence officials said it was probably Russian disinformation. Now, however, almost no one disputes its authenticity." https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/feb/27/hunter-biden-joe-biden-president-business-dealings The last sentence. "Now, however, almost no one disputes its authenticity". Errr.. when did this happen??? There is so much to discus about our President once we are allowed to speak.
  8. I would celebrate Boris's downfall much more if there was a sensible replacement at hand. The fear of Dianne Abbot being chancellor,Lammy being anywhere or Corbyn arming his way back in is palpable. Personally I'd like to see that mr.Brexit Nigel Farage be PM. He knows how to get stuff done.
  9. Holy smokes, thats about as long as that young American lady got for murdering her mother in a Bali 5 star hotel and stuffing the body in a suitcase and leaving it in a taxi trunk. Violent matricide vs a couple of spliffs in your bag. Equivalent in seriousness?? I think not. Grow up Indonesia.
  10. It MUST say "don't say gay" in the bill. Otherwise all these numerous media articles stating this in the headline are very nasty examples of disinformation. A distortion of reality to prompt an exaggerated response to suit political goals. How many of the people having extreme emotional reactions in response to the stories, even realize they have been misinformed about the intent and content of the bill. DeSantis is one cool guy. It is not easy staying calm while being accused of all kinds of nonsense by misinformed folk.
  11. It is an exact record of her private text messages. Not surprised you try and shoot the messenger. Your star (hearsay) witness being proven to have called this latest witch-hunt "bs" is totally damning. It shows the ridiculousness of the claims when the stars don't even believe in it privately.
  12. Mostly agree with you here. Clearly what she said in private on her texts were her honest feelings on the matter - which as she said, it's "bs". But when she is dragged out in front of a camera at the partisan farce that is the Jan 6th committee she must perform to make her masters happy - as in she can't get out there in front of Adam and Liz and say their show is bs, can she?. No idea what you mean by false equivalence. She has no reason to lie in private.
  13. That's good to know. I find it alarming that on her personal texts released by Daily Caller, she refers to the Jan 6th committee as "bs". "“I had to accept service because the U.S. Marshalls came to my apartment last Wednesday, but I haven’t made contact with the Committee. I’m just on a tight timeline and just trying to figure out what my options are to deal with this bs,” Hutchinson added. https://dailycaller.com/2022/07/03/obtained-text-message-cassidy-hutchinson-called-january-6-committee-bs-before-testifying/ Now why would this expert on repeating hearsay and gossip be calling this committee "bs"? In my opinion she called it that, because that is exactly what it is. I suspect this will end very badly for Ms Hutchinson although I can't remember any prominent leftists making up garbage about Trump, like Adam Schiff ever being charged with perjury?
  14. I wonder why we have the info the baddie is an "ethnic Dane" so quickly? Photos of the guy too. Incredible. Usually we are given weasel words explaining it is not standard protocol to release a suspects name or image until found guilty blardee blaa... Next time there is an atrocity in northern Europe and the culprits pics are not released immediately I will add 1+1 and get the answer, 2.
  15. Still didn't see anything good for sale in Samui. Is it possible it's still illegal here as they tell me in the one bar I found selling max 1cm tall stale colorless buds with a few seeds for 700B a gram? I found an excellent seller on twitter, he always has a few varieties and I tried 4 from him. All absolutely top notch huge lovely smelling buds, super fast shipping and friendly service. Prices from 330B to 380B. I'm saving a fortune it doesn't take much of this to be satisfied, probably using less than half the amount I previously was when buying the inferior 700B stuff. Considering the quality, I think 380B is a fair price. I have seen some nice looking buds for 200B on a facebook advert will try these next.
  16. Would it be fair and accurate to call this the "don't say straight" bill? I am confused by the framing of this in the media. Is the gay community more fecund than the straight community and so have more kids in school? I doubt that. This is certainly a feather in DeSantis's cap. Keeping young kids safe from predators will earn him a lot of votes from Floridians. I note DJT did not dismis the idea of a Trump/DeSantis ticket in 2024, looks like a winning combo to me.
  17. I am wondering if the more peaceful relations between Thai muslims and others in the south is the sole triumph of the Prayuth era? It certainly has calmed down a lot since the TakBai and Krue Se events under Dr.Thaksin's term.
  18. A totally evil guy, but I must admit the scheme he came up with is pretty clever. Surprised he got nabbed. Well done the RTP for once, I am wondering how they were so motivated in this case?
  19. "It looked like something, I'm sorry to say, like something you would see from a school shooting in the US, people coming out with their hands above their heads," Olsen said. At least in the US there is a chance a good guy with a gun would be on hand to stop this nutter as soon as he started. My understanding is that in Denmark and other European countries good guys are not allowed to carry guns around. I hope the American left are paying attention here, pulling the 2nd ammendment will not stop shootings.
  20. Bought some AK47 auto seeds. I read they are the easiest to grow with less problems from heat/humidity/pests. I have about 4 hours of sunlight on the balcony from 1.30pm till 5.30pm. Will be interesting to see how the plants fare with these suboptimal conditions.
  21. Were Hutchinson's (fiecely disputed by those actually present in the car)hearsay comments unsupported by evidence actually made under oath? I was under the impression the partisan and divisive Jan 6th commission was not strictly classed as a court of law thus the legal concepts of oaths and perjury are not relevant.
  22. Does our Banyin currently reside in prison, or is he out on bail while he weasels around with his lawyers?
  23. I'm guessing if it were "trumpers" engaging in threatening and intimidatory behavior in front of Ms Jackson's home, the response would be somewhat different? Probably that will be what it takes for democrats to start protecting the Supreme Court justices.
  24. Interesting. So what is the lethal dose of ganga in a cake or in a bowl of somtam? Is a lethal dose of ganga even a real thing? If it were, would it fit in a bowl of somtam or cake? Follow on Q, is ganga a "poison" like alcohol or nicotine? From that point you will find the answers to the 1st part about your somtam.
  25. Why does this BBC timeline you direct me to not include the incredibly profound and significant liking and sharing of a Tweet by left wing Labour MP Naz Shah ? ‘Those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths. For the good of diversity.’ supporting evidence for the introduction of facts running counter to the mainstream narrative-(and yes I do realize after howling backlash from the right Shah unliked and deleted her retweet of the vile post, yet it is entirely commensurate with her other racist and anti-semitic rants) https://metro.co.uk/2017/08/23/mp-shares-tweet-saying-abuse-victims-should-shut-their-mouths-for-good-of-diversity-6872181/ A Labour MP has been criticised for sharing a Twitter post telling Rotherham sex abuse victims to ‘shut their mouths for the good of diversity’. Naz Shah, who represents Bradford West, shared and liked a post tweeted out from a parody account of newspaper columnist Owen Jones. It said: ‘Those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths. For the good of diversity.’
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