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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. Prince Charles is way out of line. Does he not realize(or care at all) that the British public are sick to death of economic migrants coming across the channel from a safe country for various reasons but none to do with ensuring safety from persecution as per conventional refugee status. If he wants to end the monarchy in one fell swoop, just keep talking. Any people genuinely fleeing from persecution and in fear of their lives, who end up crossing the channel in a dingy, will be eternally grateful for a new safe life in Rwanda. I wonder whether the culture in Rwanda would be more appropriate for them also, don't most of these channel crossers not come from North Africa and the Middle east? Anyway seems like a great plan, well done generous UK taxpayers for keeping the refugees safe.
  2. This is a logical step for Putin. I am thinking of when Putin said NATO moving its nukes up near the Russian border - against some treaty or other - was provocative and unacceptable(part of his 3 core demands to negotiate a solution before the Ukraine invasion) to which the liberals scoffed and said there is "no reason" for the Ukraine invasion other than that Putin is a madman. Now they will be forced to suck that up if/when Russia manages to station some cruise missiles in Central America pointing north. Biden and his woke military will have to say Gee this isn't so great and eat more crow. Quite a clever move by Putin all round actually. footnotes supporting evidence to back up my opinion above regarding nukes and provocativeness "Mr. Putin sought “guarantees” that Ukraine would never join NATO, and he wanted NATO allies to pull all troops and nuclear weapons from former Soviet republics and nations that once belonged to the Warsaw Pact. He said in December that his demands must be addressed “right away, right now.” https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/26/us/politics/russia-demands-us-ukraine.html
  3. A sincere thanks to Anutin and the Bhumjai party. They have one new dedicated keyboard warrior fan. I will not forget them delivering on the kratom and weed promises.
  4. Because it just doesn't fit the narrative they are trying to present. Not to even mention the sheer irrelevance of the jan 6th protest when leftists are RIGHT NOW threatening to kill supreme court judges and massing in front of their private residences to intimidate. Although I suppose the jan 6th showtrial/kangaroo court is a good distraction from record inflation, baby food shortage, sky high gas prices, the Afghan debacle, the open border chaos ...
  5. It would be interesting if you made a thread showing your process from germination to harvest. I'm feeling a bit miffed we moved from our 12 rai plot in the sticks to a condo in the city, not the best timing! Will try a balcony grow anyway, hopefully the 4 hours of direct afternoon/evening sun will be sufficient if not ideal conditions. Ordered some AK47 autos for the task.
  6. from a meeting Miller had with Trump on JAN 3rd. "Trump wanted troops to protect his supporters at Jan. 6 rally. According to Miller's testimony, Trump asked during that meeting whether the District of Columbia's mayor had requested National Guard troops for Jan. 6, the day Congress was to ratify Joe Biden's presidential election victory. Trump told Miller to "fill" the request, the former defense secretary testified. Miller said Trump told him: "Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights." https://www.reuters.com/world/us/congresswoman-says-trump-administration-botched-capitol-riot-preparations-2021-05-12/
  7. some reports now that the guys released will also be getting their ganga back!!! Police have 16 tons to return to busted dealers. I like this more and more
  8. Yes I am well aware. I am also very well aware of people that have lived here in Thailand for 10 or 20 years and married to a local lass and can speak enough Thai to order a beer(still needing hand signals and motions mind), wai-ing the Burmese cleaners and have zero understanding of the culture, history and politics. I found it very disturbing that the same people that were vax mandate zealots to the point of wanting to punch a non vaxed person in the face or send them off to space to another plant, overnight became experts on the Ukraine. How is that even possible? Apart from reading their daily news website and bristling with knowledge and righteousness. So yes, it is dangerous having such propaganda used to create a uniform hatred of something - in this case Russia, which as we know started in about 2016 and hasn't let up since. They don't call it a hivemind for nothing. If the group-think was along the lines of NATO shouldn't have behaved provocatively, and negotiations must be done by adults, none of this would have started. The art of the deal, and a peaceful world died the death in 2020, and we went back to the schoolyard bully with zero self awareness.
  9. To be fair we need more dealers. I expected facebook marketplace would be full of people selling buds. Only found one in my area and quality looks low. These 3,000 experienced dealers will be very welcome right about now
  10. The danger of propaganda. I doubt these 2 know the first thing about the Ukraine, it's history, Zelenskyy, his Panama paper scandal, the political and human rights environment in the Ukraine. Just no idea at all, and got all worked up about narratives in the news and media. I must admit, heading off to fight the good fight in the Ukraine against big bad Russia is the mother of all virtue signals. I'll bet they got sooo many likes on their facebook page. Wonderful. They deserve their sentence for stupidity alone.
  11. How it started. Chuck Schumer “I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price!” https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/03/john-roberts-denounces-chuck-schumer-whirlwind-brett-kavanaugh.html How it's going. "US man charged with attempted murder of Justice Brett Kavanaugh" https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-61735321 Quite why Schumer is still a free man after this (what appears to me to be an act of) insurrection or sedition is beyond me. Are American politicians allowed to threaten and incite violence againt Supreme court judges? Does Schumer still have his Twitter account. Was his threat worse than the plump guy saying for his supporters to protest "peacefully and patriotically"? These are sad times for democracy when double standards are so very blatant now.
  12. How many times can these guys cry wolf? This is beyond ridiculous. Jan 6th was a protest. An unarmed woman was shot and killed by authorities. If anyone should be whinging it's the protestors.
  13. More than that, I had it all recorded with audio on camera from several angles. I offered as you said as was so angry seeing it happen. Young lad was terrified of them returning and told me to mind my own business. There it ends.
  14. http://www.buriramtimes.com/pm-stamp-position-buying-police/ https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/30320190 You can answer the question of why somebody would spend a large sum of money to buy a police position. Not because they like the uniform. And I literally cant remember the last time somebody accused me of spreading a conspiracy theory that wasnt later proven factual.
  15. Can you accept that Biden and Hillary both saying Trump is illegitimate, and a 4 year soft insurrection trying to overthrow his Presidency by ridiculous impeachments, media harassment and violence countrywide even going as far as creating autonomous zones like Seattles CHAZ, that for you to now say we must respect elections and democracy is a bit rich. Substantiation for Biden claiming falsely that Trump was an illegitimate President. https://www.insider.com/joe-biden-says-he-agrees-trump-is-illegitimate-president-2019-5 Ditto for Hillary https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/hillary-clinton-trump-is-an-illegitimate-president/2019/09/26/29195d5a-e099-11e9-b199-f638bf2c340f_story.html
  16. Not as per English language they are not. Oils and concentrates would be considered extracts, buds whether fresh or dry not. But 100% agree people will still get busted for weed. Just saw a young tourist stopped by police a few days ago. Searched his pocket found a tiny baggy of weed. He protested saying but its legal now. Police gave him a nasty threat which would change the guys life and nowhere was this a punishment by law or on any law book here, or go together to atm and pay 50k baht, sign a contract in Thai, and go free for now, but cause any trouble or complain about what just happened and the previous threat would come into play. Poor lad was snookered. He paid.
  17. Starting to get very annoying that no official spells out in capital letters exactly what is an extract. Makes a complete mockery of what should be a monumental day for Thailand.
  18. “Cannabis will be as legal as garlic, as legal as basil, as legal as chili,” said Kitty Chopaka, an advocate for cannabis legalisation who runs a shop in Bangkok that sells terpene-infused gummies." https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/as-legal-as-garlic-high-times-in-thailand-as-marijuana-is-decriminalised-20220608-p5ary0.html#:~:text=“Cannabis will be as legal,that sells terpene-infused gummies.
  19. I guess they will do an abrupt 180 and make it illegal again. They will do this as the police are unable to properly extort people, and lots of people paid huge sums of money to be able to cruise around extorting hapless farangs. They will be crying about this loss of revenue. If I see a kilo of premium heads for sale locally Ill just go ahead and buy it. Should keep me amused for a year. Nothing on facebook marketplace yet. On the 1st day kratom was legalized it was crazy on facebook, wonder why this is different?
  20. I see the bumbling fool Biden wipes out AGAIN climbing some stairs.... It is absolutely terrifying he is leading the US into a war with nuclear power Russia and he can't even walk up a flight of stairs! "Hours before President Biden taped a late-night comedy interview with ABC host Jimmy Kimmel, he attempted a pratfall of his own — tripping up the steps of Air Force One as he embarked on another day without a one-on-one interview with a journalist. Biden’s stumble went largely unnoticed, in part because footage was not immediately published by TV outlets such as C-SPAN, which have access to unfiltered pooled feeds." https://nypost.com/2022/06/08/biden-trips-up-air-force-one-stairs-again-ahead-of-jimmy-kimmel-interview/ I take issue with the claim about why this latest wipeout wasn't covered in the news. Nothing to do with limited access as the NYpost claims, IMO it is because all of the bad things about Biden are censored by a brown nose media desperate to portray their boy as being in control.
  21. I'll never understand the obsession the left have with Jan 6th. ... All in all, I couldn't care less about the Jan 6th protest. The committee is illegitimate because there are no proper republicans on it to offer reality and counterargument just RINOs Kinzinger and Cheney. An absolute travesty of justice.
  22. I believe that is referring to new laws that will be invented at an unspecified future date concerning minors buying it and other issues. They may well do a 180 and make it illegal again. But from midnight tonight, as per the law, it is not an illegal narcotic drug. I suspect in the next few days more will become clear.
  23. I see. So the 4,000 prisoners that will be released(because their conviction was for a crime that no longer exists) and countless others still to be sentenced whos charges are all dropped were growing hemp for making rope? I don't buy it. As usual, reporting is dreadful and mixed messaging may be intentional to placate the Thai elite who might be concerned about hopped up kids causing mayhem. Marijuana is either on the list of illegal narcotics or its not. As from midnight tonight its not. As a legal substance there may be recommendations or guidelines but the days of jail and extortions are over. Of course, i may be completely wrong. I will smoke in public without a care and will report here if an arrest happens
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