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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. Can they sow them back on? There will probably be a high % of kids that were persuaded they would be happier by having it chopped off, realizing they were just going through an immature phaze and wanting their body back. The promotion of life changing surgical proceedures for kids should be classed as child abuse of the very worst kind, esp if done in schools.
  2. Makes sense. He can't play guitar to save his life, and looks like a wrong'un
  3. Drove slowly past Samthong resort yesterday, looks closed. Coffee shop or reception downstairs by the road had all lights off and no signs whatsoever, certainly no signage showing it is opening a cannabis dispensary.
  4. I remember this story. The "far right" and their conspiracy theory that gangs of men from one ideology were systematically abusing young white girls and police were doing nothing. That was a renowned conspiracy theory, yet now - as per the OP - it has been confirmed as factual. No hope getting justice for these abused children, and no hope getting accountability from police and left wing media that ran constant misinformation articles denying the abuse, covered this up and falsely called concerned citizens and parents of these kids "conspiracy theorists". How sad.
  5. Got exactly the same problem, now this website is 100% un-useable on my mobile phone. All fine until opening a thread then 3 seconds after that this full page spam comes and the whole page is blocked with no option to close the spam advert and return to the page. I am guessing this is not being done intentionally? Still working fine as usual on my pc.
  6. Not the first time a parent with a junkie kid made an emotional yet factually wrong outburst on drugs.
  7. This is terrifying. I will never use marijuana again after reading how the drug directly caused this poor guy to cut his thingie off. To sleep every night I will eat a couple of diazepams on script, and to start the day in a good positive frame of mind I'll have a pint of Famous Grouse and then probably finish 1 or 2 bottles a day. You have to keep healthy.
  8. The J6 protest was bad insurrection. Threatening supreme court judges is good insurrection. Do I have that right?
  9. Can't help but wonder if Biden and his supporters feel embarrassed after mocking Trump for walking carefully down a slippery ramp? How many times has Biden actually fallen over now, and this latest wiping out on a bike!? You couldn't make this stuff up. And if you are trying to portray a narrative saying Biden is mentally OK and no cognitive problems his inability to walk and bicycle does not help the argument at all. "Biden poked fun at Trump last September, months after the former president was filmed gingerly walking down a ramp following his commencement address at the U.S. Military Academy. Trump critics, including the Lincoln Project, later used the footage in social media posts and ads questioning his fitness. "Look at how he steps and look how I step," Biden said at the time. "Watch how I run up ramps and he stumbles down ramps." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-comment-mocking-trump-walking-president-stumbles-air-force-one
  10. sorry to hear this, very fond memories of KSK. But when I lived opposite in 2009 ish it looked like it was having problems already, lot of empty shops and generally very run down.
  11. It's a hearing. Yet the accused(who has been harassed, investigated for years by all agencies, falsely accused of all sorts of bs, and not allowed to rule as President without the constant scream that he'll be in prison tomorrow) is not allowed a defense. As such it is an embarrassing farce designed to please people who harbor irrational hatred of Donald J. Trump. No surprise the viewing figures have gone the same way as CNN. Edit to add, Im not surprised they didn't allow Jim Jordan there, he would have highlighted the absurd farce this latest witch hunt is in 2 minutes,and made Schiff, Pelosi and co a laughing stock just like he did with them in the impeachment fiascos.
  12. They were just joking around, right? Acting like patriots whatever next! I mean they didn't go out and get actual jobs surely? They didn't start paying tax and contribute positively to society?
  13. I am in Samui now. I did not see a single cannabis dispensary. The place I used to buy it before the 9th june still sells, but it is expensive and busy and quality very low at the moment. Staff there told me it is still illegal in Samui and nothing changed at all, brown envelopes as per usual. Police are enforcing the 0.2% rule for buds they tell me. Now using someone I found on Line app and very happy with his service. Am I missing something?
  14. You grossly mischaracterize Trump's issues with NATO. His main bugbear was other nations not paying their fair share. He also excoriated Germany for relying on Russian gas which undermined any attempts to have leverage over Russia, for which they openly laughed and mocked him. Of course, as usual, he was later proven 100% correct and they are no longer laughing at him. "At a ceremony at NATO's gleaming new headquarters, Trump reissued his longstanding call for members to pay their fair share, lecturing the expressionless leaders about spending more as they stood listening in awkward silence." https://www.france24.com/en/20170525-trump-calls-nato-leaders-pay-fair-share Trump has a history of bold talk? He has a history of clearing up problems that seemed insurmountable such as Obama's ISIS crisis, North Korea's nuclear programme, fentanyl and the southern border, operation Warpspeed, the Abraham accords etc etc. Success after success.
  15. Evidence suggests otherwise. As most of us are aware, Putin did not invade the Ukraine under Trump, which is strange as you would expect Putin to use his "puppet" to further Russia's interests? Putin invaded the Ukraine under Biden's watch, and shortly after Biden let the world know his woke military was a joke after they catastrophically botched the Afghan withdrawal. Trump "‘I say, “Vladimir, if you do it, we’re hitting Moscow.” I said, “We’re gonna hit Moscow.” And he sort of believed me, like 5%, 10%. That’s all you need.’ https://metro.co.uk/2022/03/05/donald-trump-putin-didnt-invade-ukraine-with-threat-hed-hit-moscow-16220863/
  16. With no underlying health issues whatsoever? Without mixing with tobacco? Without any other drugs present in the system? You claim pot killed someone, the onus is on you to clearly prove that - or likely, on closer inspection it turns out same as the bkk overdose yesterday ie fiction.
  17. You do realize the US having cordial and respectful relationships with NK and Russia was a huge success for Trump. It was his art of the deal in practise, keeping everyone safer. Are you suggesting that NK resuming its frequent missile testing and the US now being in a "proxy" war with nuclear power Russia is a GOOD thing? That Biden did well?
  18. Harris is one giant cringe. Words fail to describe how useless she is. But you shouldn't worry about the Black vote. I believe it is acknowleged Biden has 100% of the Black vote. He even said if Black voters don't know it is correct to vote for Biden they are not real Blacks. Joe Biden "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black." https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/22/politics/biden-charlamagne-tha-god-you-aint-black/index.html From polls i saw this week it is the Latin vote Biden needs, he is not popular with people from communist and socialist nations. Funny that....
  19. I wonder if Biden is considering a national unity govt after all his failures? War with Russia, economic meltdown with eye popping inflation, southern border disaster, Afghan debacle, NK firing rockets again, buddying up with the Saudis, violent crime out of control, popularity rating in the gutter, a press too afraid or unable to challenge Biden through bias and because they "fortified" the 2020 and don't want egg on their faces. Epic failures across the board. If he gets rid of the useless Yellen and Mayorkas for starters and replace them with the adults that did such competent jobs under Trump it would be a unifying move, and good for everyone. Worth considering I think in such an emergency Biden has given us.
  20. At this stage it is CRITICAL the media trot out some feelgood story, some mum with an epileptic kid? A few tears as she tells how her son had 20 fits a day, each one damaging his brain further. Enter the weed and big smiles from the kid. A few similar tales of how the herb helped people overcome issues. If they keep up with the Reefer Madness nonsense and far fetched unsupported by evidence stories of overdoses they will cause the govt to issue an emergency law banning it again. Then we are back to extortion and no trust between public and police. Plus the police will know another million to extort. Come on media, this is all down to you now. Some positivity please!
  21. Khaosod now reporting that Bangkok city hall who announced on Tuesday the man died of a cannabis overdose have now retracted the statement.
  22. Hang in there Khun Anutin, don't give in to the agents of disinformation. The hysteria regarding the "overdose" is a prime example of media disinformation. Nowhere did I read about the deceased persons general medical history and other issues he had. Highly misleading. A fair comparison would be with how many people in Bangkok died after having consumed alcohol in the previous 24 hours? More than 1? I note the other story is the police saying there were no reports of traffic accidents caused by the legalization. To give perspective they should have said in the 4 days since legalization how many traffic accidents were caused by alcohol. None? A couple? Dozens? Fatalities? If weed is to be compared to alcohol surely in the 4 days there will be some interesting data allowing fair comparisons.
  23. Why should the UK have to take them? They travelled far crossing many many "safe" countries to get to the English channel. Rwanda wants to take them because the UK government will pay them a pretty penny to do so. "The logical extension of your fallacy is that no country need take refugees." a nonsensical comment if ever I saw one.
  24. An ecomony whereby the resources are allocated by the government is literally communism. A very slippery slope when such interference with market forces starts happening.
  25. If this latest witch hunt somehow manages to finally hobble Trump it is no big deal. We have Ron DeSantis waiting to take over the Republican party. In many ways he is a better candidate than Trump. He has a military background, which was a major downfall for Trump who was endlessly mocked for not having served in the military(did their man Biden even serve? hypocrisy much?) and he is much younger so no problem for a double term following and implementing the MAGA agenda. I'd rather see a raging Trump do one more term to get revenge against all those bad actors and anti American forces. But unlike the Democrats who really have no sensible candidates ready to take over from biden, the Republicans have a few charismatic and capable leaders in waiting.
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