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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. You are allowed to grow whatever fancy plant you want with any level of THC. You are not allowed to annoy your neighnors or the public with smoke. Just like you are not legally allowed to burn your plastic rubbish in your garden. No idea why the word "extract" has so many in a tailspin. Growing weed, drying the flowers, and using them however you want is totally legal. Just dont annoy your neighbors with smoke or you will get 1)a warning from police 2) if you continue you could get a 2,000B fine.
  2. All sorts of mayhem breaking out today, see Musks twitter for info not sure how to properly link it.
  3. A weekend in Mayor Lightfoots Chicago Ill bet they rush to OHare and try to get back to the peaceful and harmonious sea life. She said violent crime is on a downward trajectory, a complete lie.
  4. Nothing to stop you voluntarily paying more than owed. Maybe they could give such people a free t-shirt with a slogan on it saying "I overpayed. I'm virtuous" or similar so you get the respect due from poorer visitors.
  5. Good decision. I wonder if undocumented Rohingyas were allowed to vote in Thai elections whether Prayuth would throw open both arms to the them urging them to storm the Thai islands and shower them with cash, smartphones,healthcare and other goodies and perhaps free transport to Thai provinces of their choosing? An interesting thought.
  6. My understanding of this is its illegal because it breaks the law concerning nuisance for neighbors/air pollution ie same as burning plastic or bonfires, and we all know how well thats enforced. I say this because 1st offense reported you get a written warning, 2nd offense a 2,000b fine. Also as noted 100% of the cannabis cases in court and prison were for THC levels in the product way above 0.2%. Best to forget about this "extract" wordplay for now. Cannabis will be 100% legal on the 9th. Enjoy the 1st day, I will be.
  7. Pompeo's weight loss is the seventh wonder of the world, he makes Adele look frumpy. Hope he did it by choice and effort and not through sickness. It's a disgrace how Assange has been treated by both countries, although he sounds like such a horrible person abusing his cat and throwing his brown deliveries around his room and shouting at maids etc. Wonder if its true or propaganda?
  8. Sure I went to London about 15 yrs ago and was stunned to pay 5 pounds a pint in some wood panneled pub on Kings road. Up 3 more pounds since sounds reasonable.
  9. Very good to see. The British PM is able to be criticized. Great to see the gruesome twosome booed also. A fantastic day all round.
  10. Certainly a concern that the President is spreading false facts about this Jan 6th protest. Not helpful at all, and not an environment where justice can be fairly meted out. " President Joe Biden falsely claimed that January 6 rioters at the U.S. Capitol “killed two police officers” while giving the commencement address at his alma mater Saturday. Biden and several top Democrats have repeated the debunked claim previously, but the president’s latest assertion of it came at the University of Delaware, where Biden graduated in 1965. No police officers died during the riots, and one who died the following day was found to have died of natural causes." https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-falsely-claims-jan-6-rioters-killed-two-police-officers-in-speech-at-alma-mater I'm guessing if the Jan 6th protest was as violent as the demicrats falsely claim there would be no need for such divisive lying. Although there were some protests in 2020 where deaths did occurr.
  11. Thailand still no1 all things considered, but if forced to relocate to another Asian country it would be Malaysia due to the favourable vis and land ownership laws for retirees. Likely somewhere near Johor Bharu so could easily nip over to Singers.
  12. I don't understand why his mugshot hasn't been released? I hope everyone is treated equally under US law ????
  13. Have to agree. After Harry and Meghan's antics I would favor the dissolution of the monarchy after the Queen passes. Prince Charles is ruined due to the almost certainly misleading allegations that a member of the RF was concerned about Archie's possible skin color, what with one parent being the whitest black person ever and the other a virtual albino. Ditto for Wills and Kate. I would favor all land and houses they own to be used for homing homeless native people who have been dicriminated against. With retired service members given priority. Some good can come from the sad end to a British Institution. Thanks Harry and Megs.
  14. They will get a much longer sentence for drug possession than homicide. How crackers is that? RIP to the deceased.
  15. Well she plans to appeal, don't suppose this will ever end with both parties having sufficient funds to drag this sorry saga out for eternity. What could possibly end the whole thing is if Heard gets charged for perjury for any of the several lies she told throughout the hearings?
  16. From your 1,000 page report. This little gem from page 955. "While this Volume did not find evidence of collusion between President Trump and the Russians, it does detail a stunning accounting of the FBl's sloppy work and poor judgment. In 2016, the Democratic Party, using a series of arm's length transactions, hired a foreign citizen to seek out dirt on a political opponent, provided by foreign sources. This Volume confirms that Christopher Steele used information gained from sources in Russia-some with direct ties to the Russian Government. That unverified, uncorroborated, foreign information was then actively circulated with the press to disparage a U.S. political candidate." So they did NOT find evidence of Trump and Russia having colluded. Is that perhaps because the (what looked like serious) evidence was concocted by Hillary and her team as we heard in court recently?
  17. Can't think of any other reason to make people notify police they are growing something legal. I think we will not be using this app, because do not trust the local police to use the data collected responsibly.
  18. Hopefully Durham has better luck with Danchenko's trial in October. It is not being held in DC so the jury will probably not be made up of Clinton donors and other connected people. There is a real chance for justice in the next trial. If guilty Durham can work his way up the chain to Lynch and ultimately Clinton herself. Will be interesting watching this play out.
  19. I am wondering if Depp can now sue all the media that smeared him as a wife beater? Certainly these sort of false allegations caused him material losses of income due to him being basically unemployable.
  20. Half correct. The Trump Russia collusion investigation opened a couple of months before this episode, but also involved Mrs Clinton. "But on July 28, 2016, then-CIA Director John Brennan briefed then-President Obama purported proposal from one of Hillary Clinton's campaign foreign policy advisers "to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security service." ""They are investigating an alleged Russian connection with Trump, and just weeks before the investigation began, the President and the Vice President, the FBI leadership and Strzok had been put on notice by the CIA of the fact that Hillary was going to implement a false flag operation that specifically focused on Trump and Russia," https://www.foxnews.com/politics/despite-acquittal-durham-trial-of-sussmann-added-to-evidence-clinton-campaign-plotted-to-tie-trump-to-russia
  21. Can you blame conservatives for not trusting the system? The jury was stacked with Clinton donors, one was a donor for AOC, one has a daughter in the same sport's team as one of Sussman's kids, and on and on and on. No credibility in this jury, and to be fair they didn't even pretend to be a fair jury. " During jury selection, one juror admitted he was a Clinton donor and could only promise to “strive for impartiality as best I can.” Prosecutors objected to his being seated, but Judge Christopher Cooper overruled them. In another exchange, a former bartender and donor to far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) was told by a Sussmann defense lawyer that neither Clinton nor Trump were on trial and then asked if she could be impartial. She responded, “Yes, knowing that” — which might suggest she would not be impartial if the campaigns were part of the trial. https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/3492664-tale-of-two-trials-how-sussmann-is-receiving-every-consideration-denied-to-flynn/ "The problem for Durham is the jury and the judge. He's facing a jury that has three Clinton donors, an AOC donor and a woman whose daughter is on the same sports team as Sussmann's daughter. With the exception of randomly selecting people out of the DNC headquarters, you could not come up with a worse jury." https://www.foxnews.com/media/sussmann-trial-jury-clinton-aoc-donor-sussmann-turley So now you got Sussman acquitted, but his sworn testimony about the origins of the Trump Russia collusion hoax is pure gold. We all now know where the whole thing came from. And thank goodness nobody is calling those that called this right for years "conspiracy theorists" This is the best outcome we could have hoped for in a deeply corrupt system. I am happy with the way this played out (considering it was not a fair trial as per the above). I wonder if Trump ever comes to trial for something and the jury is stacked with Trump donors and Q'anon believers if they would find that fair?)
  22. In court testimony we learned that Clinton's team gave the fake evidence of Trump's collusion with Alfa bank/Russia/Putin to a media outlet that would not check the veracity of the claims before publishing due to the media outlet being pure propaganda for the democrat party. This is Slate. So Slate rushes to publish a complete lie to benefit the Clinton campaign. This is the very essence of disinformation. I am wondering why mediabiasfactcheck did not list this famous instance of disinformation with nefarious intent on the Slate ratings page? In fact they rate this propaganda outlet as having a HIGH factual rating and completely ignore the worst disinformation story I can remember. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/slate/
  23. Not surprised. He was falsely accused of a major crime for years. The coverage was both 24/7 and hysterical in nature. My question to those that falsely berated Trump for being Putin's poodle/asset is when did you know it was all lies, that Trump did NOT collude with Putin to advantage himself in the 2016 election? We know the WSJ now admit they were "not surprised" to learn Hillary was the origin of the false claims which leaves me stunned due to the narrative being pushed by the MSM. "The Russia-Trump collusion narrative of 2016 and beyond was a dirty trick for the ages, and now we know it came from the top—candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. That was the testimony Friday by 2016 Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook in federal court, and while this news is HARDLY A SURPRISE, it’s still bracing to find her fingerprints on the political weapon." https://www.wsj.com/articles/hillary-clinton-did-it-robby-mook-michael-sussmann-donald-trump-russia-collusion-alfa-bank-11653084709 sorry to use this WSJ article again, but it looks like the only media outlet that admits that while they called people who were correct about this "conspiracy theorists" that they knew otherwise all along. When did the prominent AN posters realize this?
  24. I don't trust these "environmental index" things. More like they are politicized entities. Just look at the stock index ESG500 dropping Tesla(which almost single handedly got electric cars on the road and popular, something I am led to believe is important in saving the world) yet ExxonMobil a giant and dirty fossil fuel producer, refiner and seller of gasoline, is all rainbows and unicorn giggles for the environment. I suspect Trump would be laughing if he knew almost 2 years after his governing hiatus started that he would still be front and centre of every discussion in the USA, yet the guy who is supposed to be President never gets a mention. hmmmm
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