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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. "Doctors confirm trans swimmer Lia Thomas DOES have an unfair advantage even after taking testosterone suppressants Mayo Clinic doctor Michael Joyner said testosterone is the '800lb gorilla' which gives biological men an advantage " https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10868453/Mayo-Clinic-doctor-confirms-trans-swimmer-Lia-Thomas-given-unfair-advantage.html I wonder if Lia's trophies and records will be rescinded? About time this nonsense came to an abrupt end.
  2. I am hoping something got lost in translation. There is no way on earth a government can tell a private consumer goods company what price it can charge for its discretionary products. If Pepsi want to charge a million baht per can, well up to them and good luck.
  3. Right, so why would Putin not take advantage of having his poodle in power and use that opportunity to invade Ukraine? CNN has been on the wrong side of pretty much every major story for the last 6 years. There is a reason why the much anticipated CNN+ went bust after a few weeks. Not many people want to actually pay for fake news.
  4. You know this is a false statement. It has literally been in the news this week as the trial of Clinton's lawyer Sussman has been running. Where he admitted under oath that Hillary was responsible for the false claims that Trump colluded with Putin/Russia to have unfair advantage in the 2016 election. " Hillary Clinton Did It Her 2016 campaign manager says she approved a plan to plant a false Russia claim with a reporter. https://www.wsj.com/articles/hillary-clinton-did-it-robby-mook-michael-sussmann-donald-trump-russia-collusion-alfa-bank-11653084709 Please let us stick to facts as best we can. Trump was not ever Putin's poodle, that was a false claim. Do you have any idea how difficult this will have been to actually link the origin of the Trump Russia collusion hoax to Hilary and get it sworn on oath in Federal court? Lucky that we are all well informed now. It was not a "conspiracy theory" it is fact.
  5. I thought bent cops usually got assigned to an inactive post where they presumably still draw a salary and can keep a supervisory eye on their victims.
  6. When did Trump want to ban weapons? He might want some restrictions of the more extreme weapons but nowhere did I see he is using the school shooting as an excuse to fulfil political aims. I trust Trump and Trump's judgement totally.
  7. Next time we are in power we will use the counting machine that Don jr and Mike Lindell invented. After all, counting machines are 100% trustworthy and no forensic audit or open source software is permitted. Anyone that questions Mike and Dons counting machine is guilty of perpetrating a big lie and will lose access to social media, have their bank accounts cancelled and probably lose their job and face public humiliation. Does that sound fair?
  8. Are you claiming that a pistol is now a "weapon of war"? Joe Biden just admitted that he wants to ban 9mm pistols too. As I suspected this whole highly coordinated outrage over so called war weaponry was just an excuse to get a foot in the door. He said there is no reason to own a 9mm pistol, I posted a link to his exact quote above. No wonder conservatives dont trust anything the democrats say.
  9. And Trump is trying to ban the common folk from having weapons to protect themselves and their families while being protected by a gang of armed to the teeth agents? No, no he is not. Trump, as always, is consistent and not a hypocrite.
  10. In my opinion black people generally have a better sense of rhythm. Always enjoy watching those youtube videos of Africans with like 1 rusty string left on their junk guitars and sounding absolutely fantastic. Stuff like this, the lad's dying of aids(RIP) hasn't got a pot to pee in but his music has such joy and heart. 10/10
  11. The husband of US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been arrested on suspicion of drink-driving in California. Paul Pelosi was held after his Porsche was involved in a collision with another vehicle in Napa County on Saturday night. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-61631499
  12. The left's position - We only want to ban "weapons of war" and "assault" weapons The right's position - If we give in to your demands for banning semi automatic rifles it will be a foot in the door, and you will then come after handguns and leave us defenceless to protect our familes. enter Joe Biden. "Biden goes on anti-gun tirade, suggests there’s ‘no rational basis’ for 9mm pistols Biden said. “A 9mm bullet blows the lung out of the body. “So the idea of these high-caliber weapons is, uh, there’s simply no rational basis for it in terms of thinking about self-protection, hunting,” the president went on." https://nypost.com/2022/05/30/biden-goes-on-anti-gun-tirade-suggests-theres-no-rational-basis-for-9mm-pistols/ Well, at least we know their real aims now.
  13. SInce news the police dawdled around for an hour while a school shooter ran amok, since the left had their idiotic defund the police movement, since the woke prosecutors in the usual places let violent criminals go unpunished and back on the streets, since the southern border is effectively open, it will be no surprise if gun sales skyrocket and the NRA membership follows. Everything they did to make America more dangerous and divided works to make the NRA more powerful.
  14. So Trump goes to the NRA convention where apparently guns are banned, but Biden goes with a platoon of armed to the gills secret service agents, armed drones and choppers on standby and generally enough artillery to overtake a small country to deliver his message that guns are bad. And you say this shows Trump(who I must point out, is not currently POTUS) is the hypocrite?? Genuinely confused by the illogical argument being floated.
  15. "A federal report to Congress, conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, came to similar conclusions in 2017. In one test, volunteers were given either marijuana, alcohol or both and then used a driving simulator. The researchers found that the stoned drivers were actually more cautious, exhibiting “reduced mean speeds, increased time driving below the speed limit and increased following distance during a car following task”, although they did find it more difficult to maintain position within a lane." https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/apr/26/driving-while-high-cannabis-study-safety
  16. This is a no-brainer. When hitting the bong just have a large plastic bag in hand to exhale into. Bingo, no laws broken. July 9th can't come fast enough.
  17. If wanting low inflation, self sufficiency in energy, a strong border without open and unchecked flows of drugs and criminals, support for law and order, judging people on their actions not the color of their skin and a stable and peaceful world without starting new wars or getting involved with other sovereign nations business is all "far right" then sign me up for it. I was an Obama voter the 1st time but after he proved to be divisive by seemingly making everything about color, and the rise of ISIS and seeming hopelessness to deal with the rising radical islam I started to the Republicans. It is my feeling that the deep division in society which I think kicked off in earnest under Obama which has led to the increase in incidents like the school shooting. That it gets an OTT hysterical reaction every time from the democrats and media fuels the fire and more attention seeking losers have the idea to do a school shooting. A vicious cycle for sure.
  18. learn something every day ???? any idea why?
  19. I thought you were joking, but sadly not. It's even worse than you said. How can this be a fair trial? Totally shocking. TURLEY: "The problem for Durham is the jury and the judge. I mean, he is facing a jury that has three Clinton donors, an AOC donor, and a woman whose daughter is on the same sports team with Sussmann’s daughter. I mean, with the exception of randomly selecting people out of the DNC headquarters, you could not come up with a worse jury." https://grabien.com/story.php?id=379857
  20. The 2 fresh milk brands I see in every shop are DutchMill and Meiji. The DutchMill is a thicker milk and tastes much better, but the tops never seem to close properly after you open the bottle which is annoying. The dark blue label on each brand is the fattiest/tastiest milk.
  21. Nice move by Trump to read the victims names out with a gong after each name. Very respectful and appropriate. A much better response than trying to make political gain on the back of the tragedy and other divisive behavior we have seen.
  22. right, just a bit of harmless fun by Hillary. Nobody got hurt, it's not as though this disinformation campaign led to the failed impeachment of a sitting President...oh wait a minute I had expected a more apologetic tone on here after the story broke that the origin of the Russia collusion hoax was Trump's opponent in the 2016 election. "The Russia-Trump collusion narrative of 2016 and beyond was a dirty trick for the ages, and now we know it came from the top—candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. That was the testimony Friday by 2016 Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook in federal court, and while this news is hardly a surprise, it’s still bracing to find her fingerprints on the political weapon." https://www.wsj.com/articles/hillary-clinton-did-it-robby-mook-michael-sussmann-donald-trump-russia-collusion-alfa-bank-11653084709 I imagine Trump will now be able to sue Hillary, now that testimony under oath by her underlings is a matter of public record. And Jake Sullivan ought to be looking for a new job. Having a zero credibility liar as National Security advisor is highly questionable. "Inside the courtroom, prosecutors showed the jury Clinton's tweet about the Trump-Alfa article from Slate, and Mook read aloud portions of the campaign's news release about the story. The release was from Jake Sullivan, who is currently President Joe Biden's national security adviser. "We can only assume that federal authorities will now explore this direct connection between Trump and Russia as part of their existing probe into Russia's meddling in our elections," Sullivan said in the release on October 31, 2016, one week before Election Day." https://edition.cnn.com/2022/05/20/politics/hillary-clinton-robby-mook-fbi/index.html ouch!
  23. "Why this has received so little press coverage is a mystery." After crying wolf a hundred thousand times and further destroying their credibility each time, there comes a limit where even the most hateful anti Trump media outlets throws in the towel. No idea what exact crime this latest witch hunt is claiming to have found, and care even less. Trump has been the victim of harassment and false defamatory smears for years now, it is very boring. Not long ago he was looking at some horrific charges. Such as negligent homicide charges, one count for each covid victim, don't hear much of that one lately thanks to many times more dying of covid on Biden's watch. Treason for having colluded with Putin to cheat in the 2016 election. Real crimes. Now from what I see - as above in this thread - he is accused of (are you sitting down?) having gone bankrupt decades ago, had some agents sleeping at his hotel when he was playing a round of golf, some unspecified dispute with contractors working for him. You get the gist I'm sure. It's over. He is the most investigated man in history and they couldn't find anything worthy of charges.
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