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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. Did Brian explain if his fall was accidental or a suicide attempt?
  2. Yeah.. professionals (lmao) toe the line that the owner prescribes, who the last thing he wants is to fall foul of the gooberment
  3. ATK tests are garbage. Do another one or two.. The results may surprise you.
  4. You must circulate in different social circles????
  5. Ok....we get it. He needs a lengthy stay at hospital and then recuperate at home.????
  6. Idiot hitman abandoned his bike????? Unless it was stolen.
  7. I would try to make sure that she's a student, and actually attends lessons. Try to visit her at her digs. Also, go thru every page on her FB...there are always gonna be incriminating stuff there Looks a bit feral to me.
  8. 'He will need to complete the remainder of his sentence at home...' ????????????????
  9. He will be deposed again if he tries any funny biz
  10. ..and I know Saudis who converted to Christianity. There are always be renegades. Btw...those immigrant Thais are free to come and go...and I bet most of them plan to retire here
  11. I will break free from the usual reasons,as to why he is back. My take.. The worst thing you can do to a thai is to separate him/her forever from his country. They cannot function abroad. Thaksin suffered for 17 yrs in the wilderness. Worse than death (for a Thai) Now...regarding his return. Obviously a deal has been made Part of the deal is his abstention from politics.
  12. Idiocracy The same students will be your doctors, engineers etc ????
  13. I don't think you can get even weak ones w/o a prescription
  14. Land prices never depreciate in Thailand. Even in the middle of a depression. The only time you will find it cheaper is when banks auction foreclosed properties.
  15. First number is the price of gold per baht. ...(the weight measure, not the currency) Second, per gram
  16. It costs a fortune here compared to the US
  17. Culprit will face no repercussions. He will deny that he did it,...then after the evidence is shown, he will claim it was a fake gun which he dumped in the river. Come to think of it, it might have been a fake one anyway. Slap in the wrist, 3 baht fine, etc..
  18. Beats having to have a ghastly 'jaab' any day of the week ...and a little secret here. The women Im talkin about have zero interest in sex They just need a guy around, and they got the moolah. Enjoy your reformed and POOR prostitutes ????
  19. Not if you shack up with an older rich woman. Granted, this is not feasible for old guys. Age constraints etc
  20. Zero. I wouldn't even pay a normal girl let alone a prostitute
  21. For sex? Spank the monkey, occasionally.????
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