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Everything posted by grain

  1. My missus got 500bt yesterday.
  2. My understanding is you only need to notify if you change your registered address.
  3. My AC is on, probably about 18 hours every day, last bill was 2500Bt, next one may be 3000-3500 but I don't care, I'm comfortable and that's all that matters. An extra 1K or 2K a month isn't going to break me.
  4. Depends what sort of wedding you intend having. If you're going to the amphur and doing the marriage registration only then forget about sin sot. If you plan on having a big wedding party in the village then face is tied in with the sin sot. You could say you are not paying sin sot, but you will be paying for the wedding party, then for the sake of face you can put up a stack of bills to show, are we talking THB here? if so maybe 100K THB up for show BUT you get it back at the end. I did this 25 years ago when I married a Lao gal in rural Udorn Thani. She'd been married before, had a couple of kids. I talked with some Thai friends and they advised me that she no longer qualified for sin sot. But for the sake of her and her family's face I put up about 50K Bt for show. And I got it all back after. Also at the village wedding everyone came forward and tied money around our wrists, it's like wedding gifts and to repay me for what I spent on the wedding party. My wife's mum collected all the money off our wrists and thought she was going to keep it, but I told her to get knotted, it's mine. ????
  5. Such sad news. Joe was such a mine of information about Thailand regulations, he's going to be sorely missed on this forum. RIP Ubon Joe, you are irreplaceable.
  6. Same here, a GP told me to take it, and I did for some years, 81mg a day, then a few years ago a cardiologist told me to stop, he said medical opinion had changed.
  7. Yep, same story for us too. previous bills around 1200Bt, last one paid a couple days ago was 2500 Bt. But the AC is going full bore about 18 hours every day.
  8. I live in a village, I'm the only farang in the village too, I keep to myself. Haven't made any friends and haven't made any enemies either. The locals aren't interested in me and I'm not interested in them. But I'm a loner by nature and happy enough just being with my wife. Other guys would no doubt have to find some friends locally. Up to you as they say.
  9. Very few older single farang men in Isarn cities and even less in the rural parts. Pretty well all the guys are either married or in relationships. There's more for single farang men, both young and old, in or close to the hubs, like Pattaya, BKK, Chiang Mai, Phuket and so on. Guys like me who live in the NE boonies are in long relationships and we're only here because that's where our wives/partners are from.
  10. Police should only use lethal weapons when they’re fired upon, Adhoc spokesman Soeung Sen Karuna told RFA. But if the other party doesn’t have a weapon, it’s illegal to shoot at them, he said. “There should be a good reason,” he said. “Police can’t just use lethal weapons. None of this bothers Australian police who shoot people dead pretty well every time they are called to a domestic disturbance. Once upon a time they used tasers, but they don't do that now, live rounds and shots to vital parts of the body. Some old drunk guy 50 meters away holding a bread & butter knife and he gets gunned down.
  11. I know this thread is about Pattaya, but just as a comparison I live out in rural Korat, it's now the 16th, I haven't seen a single soul throwing water or seen anyone with a water gun or water bowl, and apart from my showers not a drop of water has landed on me, yet the locals are going at it hammers & tongs in the local temples. The temples are playing loud Thai pop music, all the locals who want to celebrate Songkran head to the temples and get stuck into it from morning to sunset, nothing at all is happening on the streets. It's gone quiet today, so I guess that's it, 3 days, 13th, 14th, 15th. It's over now. Those who love to celebrate the festival did so and had their fun, those who have no interest were left alone. Beats me why Thailand doesn't do this across the entire country, hold the festival in designated areas like temples, municipal parks, and other special designated areas only.
  12. Seen this dog trouble my whole life. If a neighbor's dog is ruining your life, there's only one solution, shut up, smile, and deal with it yourself, slyly and silently.
  13. Yes, I think she should try again after Songkran and see if she can do that.
  14. Well the only way to inform oneself is to talk directly with the land office, which she did. She couldn't take it any further without paying the fee. After paying the fee her application moved forward, and they told her it'll take place in 3 months. IMHO the mongrel should have made that clear before taking the fee.
  15. I tried numerous Linux distros late last year. Mint was the one I felt most comfortable with, and there were a few advantages over Windows, but the programs/apps that come with Linux were disappointing. Using all your favorite Win software on Linux isn't easy. In the end I eagerly returned to Windows. Warts and all it's the best OS for me.
  16. Tirak wants to build a wall to divide her land from the adjoining block. She's owned the land for 20 something years and has all the documents pertaining to ownership. The issue is she's not absolutely certain exactly where the boundary line is between her block and the neighbor's block. She knows approximately where it is but she's concerned if she gets the wall built and it's over on the neighbor's land a bit then there'll be problems. So today she went to the pak thong chai (Korat) amphur and applied to have someone come out and mark exactly where the boundary of her land is. She paid almost 5000 Bt fee, then after she paid the fee the mongrels informed her that someone will come and inspect the land in 3 months time. Trouble is we already have a builder lined up and have the blocks and posts ready to build the wall. We thought it would take a few days to get this decided not 3 damn months. So has anyone dealt with this issue before and if so what's the solution other than sitting around for 3 months?
  17. In your eagerness to jump in and say something nasty you completely miss the point. I wouldn't be in a low-life dump like that in the first place, therefore I wouldn't have a clue what was happening inside and wouldn't be in any position to do anything about it.
  18. Farang really should steer clear of these sorts of places, most of those rural karaoke bars are nothing more than shanty brothels with the roughest types of clientele, as was the case here with Burmese laborers dragging a girl into the toilet to pack rape her. You'd think the Swede's Thai GF would know better than to take everyone there for a birthday party.
  19. grain

    Isaan Woman

    Reading some of these posts I must be super lucky. Been with my Isaan woman for 10 years, she's probably the nicest, kindest, most honest woman I've ever met. She's now 55 but in great shape, still slim, with a great figure, she looks after herself and her looks. I have no complaints at all and wouldn't consider leaving her for a second. I've lived in Thailand for a very long time and know that a woman with her character is hard to find here.
  20. I remember about 40 years ago, Ao Ton Sai beach at Koh Phi Phi was voted number 1 in the world, it doesn't even make this or any list any longer.
  21. Thanks, I'll stay with the wifi, actually no complaints about the speed. Previously I used a DTAC sim in my phone that gave 30mbps speed, and I hot spot my laptop and smart TV to my phone's wifi. Now with 3BB I have faster wifi, everything is faster, so no problems. I was just wondering why I paid for 1gb and was getting 50-60-70 mbps. But reading what everyone has posted here, I see now it's OK.
  22. My smart TV is a TCL, I checked last night and yes, 100mbps is the given speed.
  23. These are photos of what 3BB installed, the small black box that's plugged into the TV, and right outside, perhaps 2-3 meters away is the router.
  24. It happens often at that waterfall, many have fallen there over the years. Perhaps it's time to rig up some sort of lookout spot with railings that will prevent people from slipping over.
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