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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Then what is the meaning behind Liverpool lou ? Found in a loo at Liverpool Station? There are many Liverpools. What is the meaning of "itsari"?!
  2. So did I and same to you even though I'm not a Scouser!
  3. They've been open for several weeks now, they're called restaurants with SHA certification!
  4. Not everyone is the same as you, many expats actually came here for work.
  5. Maybe a few weeks in IDC will be the result. Why IDC? He's not been arrested for Immigration violations, only contravention of Covid regulations, if he get's prison time (unlikely) he'll serve it in a normal prison, not the Immigration Detention Centre
  6. I'm pretty sure that Covid treatment for Thais is covered by the government! Regardless, the taxi driver shouldn't have a problem as (a) he's not likely to be unvaccinated and, (b) the Israeli has tested negative since his arrest!
  7. The Israeli in question, if convicted and sentenced to jail time, will not be going to "immigration prison", he will go to a normal prison as all convicted criminals do.
  8. No, not interested in your neighbours motorbike accident. that's not the discussion. There is no compulsion for foreigners who find themselves infected with Covid to "submit themselves" to any hospital or 10-day enforced quarantine.
  9. What is confusing about my comment? Nothing is "confusing" about it but, apart from the first sentence, it's just plain wrong. Thai prisons are not known as hotbeds of religious violence in general and you've produced nothing to justify your "non-cooperative foreigners" theory
  10. Doesn't matter, he won't be required to finance the search for him, that's not how police forces work. You can't really think that every criminal get's billed for the police's time, surely?
  11. You've stayed in a Thai prison, have you? If he is convicted he wont be going to IDC, he'll go to a prison.
  12. What gem? The fact that most foreigners don't submit to 10 day quarantine in field hospitals? It'd a fact. They don't bother. This one... "Most expats who catch covid do not cooperate with the Thai authorities because they believe they are superior to Thais". I'd bet that you cannot justify that assertion with anything empirical.
  13. Bizarre remark, Thai prisons are not known for violence inside, besides which, maybe it would be the "Arabs and Iranians" who get the hard time!
  14. That's what I said, yes. Do you understand what the word premises means? Yes, I do. Do you understand the meaning of the words "in" and "at"? If I had the inclination, I could drink outside a 7-11 and I would be at the premises, not in the premises, which suggests "inside"!
  15. Again, I never once said "in the shop", I don't know why you keep claiming that. Really? You're HexTree, yes?... "...the foreigner was drinking with friends in the premises of the shop.
  16. I agree, but, those cables are usually phone or internet cables, not power lines and they're sure not connected o the handrails!
  17. Exactly, those are the details! The OP stated "at the shop", you've been posting that he was drinking "in the shop"...he wasn't, so the shop wasn't "serving him alcohol" in the manner that you claimed.
  18. Shops can't 'serve' alcohol either. They can 'sell' it, but if you read the article the foreigner was drinking with friends in the premises of the shop. No the article does not say that he was drinking "in the shop"! Read the article. The video also shows, very clearly, that he was not drinking in the shop.
  19. "...she is 80 and mildly senile...some details might be missing". Tell her to use the traditional method of international transfers, SWIFT. No bank will restrict the amount that can be transferred bank to bank, it makes no sense for posters to suggest that they do. The same thing happened a few days ago with someone claiming, falsely, that cash in excess of B50k cannot be deposited over the counter into Thai bank accounts.
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