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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Which Chinese manufactured vehicles have proved to be anything other than at least equal in reliability and good build quality than any other comparable cars? What sensible person would condemn them without anything empirical to back up his denigration?
  2. The electrical cables are the ones out of reach at the right of the photo that he is not dealing with!
  3. EVs have nothing but electronics, doesn't the "EV" part give you a clue?!
  4. Wouldn't you ensure that it was charged before you set out? How many hundreds of miles is your journey home, anyway? I'm sure that if you were really serious about it you'd check the locations of charging stations with the dealer before you paid the deposit for the car. There are hundreds of stations throughout Thailand.
  5. Garbage, no agency has told the populace anywhere that they are 100% protected, nor that they cannot contract or transmit Covid.
  6. Perhaps it's unfortunate for him that the people who "come within his vicinity are breathing out infection" over him?
  7. "...but….all MAGA hat wearers are idiots". ”Those saying that (not you, of course) would then have confirmed that they are the idiots, then!
  8. So what? What would you suggest that the SRT does with it bearing in mind it's a commercial enterprise and, obviously, has to remain so?
  9. A B20,000 maximum fine is a pretty serious consequence here.
  10. Have you ever let your mask slip from it's proper position? Ever?
  11. Couple of things, in your OP you do not "specifically limit this to malls". Even if you had stated that (you didn't) you can't "specifically limit" something and then "extend it to all other enclosed public spaces". Make up your mind which one it is, specifically!
  12. Agreed but they're hardly (medically) necessary walking along Sukhumvit, either, with a couple of meters between most vaccinated people.
  13. 1) In general, morons do not wear MAGA hats. 2) How is not wearing a mask in the presence of vaccinated people "endangering their health" anymore than wearing a mask? 3) Jail or deportation is not a necessary penalty, there are already substantial fines in place for offenders. 4) Maybe those demanding prison and deportation for that those who don't wear their masks "properly" should be jailed and deported also because I can guarantee that they, at some stage, have done exactly the same thing!
  14. Absolutely. Perhaps he also demands that they wear helmets, also!
  15. Anyone know what he means by "test drive parts BMW and Mercedes"!
  16. No. It means what I said. Owning property does not give permission to live in Thailand. That's not what you said but thanks for clarifying what you meant to say. This is what you actually said... "...just because you own it, doesn't mean you always be allowed to live in it". No mention in that comment of "permission to live in Thailand".
  17. What does that mean? You're not suggesting that the government is likely to ban foreigners from living in Thailand are you?
  18. News-blip says they tested positive, The link actually says that two of the family tested negative.
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